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1、CYRENAICA CZECHOSLOVAKIA69216A125h deep blue.60.2062A4500h slate, grysh4.752.50AIR POST SEMI-POSTAL OFFICIALa.Perf. 111/21.50.6563A4 1000h blk brn, brnsh8.005.00STAMP20A1 200h ultra4.25.20Nos. 61-63 (3)14.257.70Nos. 1-10,13-16,20 (15)15.403.00#61-63 imperf were not regularly issued.All values of thi

2、s issue exist with variousValues, unused singles, #61, $15; #61a, $55;Type of Air Post Semi-Postal Stamps,private perforations and copies have been#62, $20; #63, $40.1934, Overprinted Crown andused on letters.For surcharge and overprints see Nos.“SERVIZIO DI STATO” in BlackThe 3, 30, 40, 100 and 400

3、h formerly listedB131, Eastern Silesia 31-32.are now known to have been privately1934, Nov. 5Wmk. 140Perf. 14perforated.CBO1 SPAP1 25 l + 2 l copFor overprints see Eastern Silesia Nos. 2, 5,red2,750.7-8, 14, 16, 18, 30.Never hinged4,250.POSTAGE DUE STAMPSCarrier Pigeon with Letter A5Catalogue values

4、 for unused stamps in this section are for Never Hinged items.A2Wmk. 135 Crown in Oval or Circle,Type II Sun behind cathedral. ColorlessSidewaysfoliage in foreground.CzechoslovakiaType III Without sun. Shaded foliage inBreaking Chains toforeground. Type IV No foliage in foreground. Posi-Freedom A6 t

5、ions of buildings changed. Letters redrawn.D11919Imperf. 23A21h dark brown (II).20.20 25A25h blue green (IV).40.20Perf. 121/227A215h red (IV).85.201950, July 1Unwmk.Engr.29A225h dull violet (IV).65.20J1D12m dark brown57.50 110.0030A250h dull violet (II).40.20J2D14m deep green57.50 110.0031A250h dark

6、 blue (IV).40.20J3D18m scarlet57.50 110.0032A260h orange (III)1.25.20J4D110m vermilion57.50 120.0033A275h slate (IV).85.20Wmk. 136Wmk. 136aAgriculture andHussiteJ5D120m orange yel57.50 120.0034A280h olive grn (III).95.20Science A8Priest A7J6D140m deep blue57.50 160.0036A2120h gray black (IV)2.50.35J

7、7D1100m dark gray57.50 225.0038A2300h dark green (III)6.50.65Nos. J1-J7 (7)402.50 955.0039A2500h red brown (IV)8.50.50Two types of 40h:40A2 1000h violet (III)19.00 1.20Type I: 9 leaves by womans hip.a.1000h bluish violet42.501.75Type II: 10 leaves by womans hip.Nos. 23-40 (13)42.45 4.50CZECHOSLOVAKI

8、A1920Perf. 14For overprints see Eastern Silesia Nos. 1, 3- 4, 6, 9-13, 15, 17, 20-21.65A55h dark blue.20.20 a.Perf. 133/4325.00150.00?che-k-sl o-?v? a-k e- 66A510h blue green.20.20Wmk. 341 a.Perf. 133/4225.00110.001919-20Perf. 111/2, 133/4, 133/4x111/2Striped Ovals67A515h red brown.20.2041A21h dk br

9、own (II).20.20LOCATION Central Europe68A620h rose.20.2042A25h blue grn (IV),69A625h lilac brown.20.20GOVT. Republicperf. 131/2.75.2070A630h red violet.20.20a.Perf. 111/225.004.00AREA 49,355 sq. mi.71A640h red brown.60.20Stamps of Austria overprinted “Ces-43A210h yellow grn (IV).40.20POP. 15,395,970

10、(1983 est.)a.T ete b eche pair6.752.00a.Imperf.21.0019.00koslovenska Republika,” lion andb.Perf. 131/21.50.20b.Perf. 113/413.001.25CAPITAL Prague“Cesko Slovensky Stat,” “Provisornic.Type II.25.2044A215h red (IV).40.2072A650h carmine.50.20Ceskoslovenska Vlada” and Arms, anda.Perf. 111/2x103/430.004.5

11、0The Czechoslovakian Republic con-73A660h dark blue.50.20b.Perf. 111/2x133/485.0022.50“Ceskoslovenska Statni Posta” andsists of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia,a.T ete b eche pair6.003.00c.Perf. 133/4x103/4125.0026.00Arms were made privately. A few ofb.Perf. 131/22.00.25Slovakia and Ruthenia (Carpatho-

12、45A220h rose (IV).40.20them were passed through the post buta.Imperf.82.5077.50Ukraine). In March 1939, a GermanPhoto.all have been pronounced unofficial and46A225h dull vio (IV),protectorate was established over74A780h purple.20.20perf. 111/2.65.25unauthorized by the PostmasterBohemia and Moravia,

13、as well as over75A790h black brown.30.20a.Perf. 111/2x103/45.001.10General.Slovakia which had meanwhile declaredb.Perf. 133/4x103/4175.0040.00Typo.During the occupation of part of47A230h red violet (IV).35.20its independence. Ruthenia was incor- a.Imperf.190.00190.0076A8 100h dark green1.00.20Northe

14、rn Hungary by the Czechoslovakporated in the territory of Hungary.b.Perf. 133/4x131/2550.00175.0077A8 200h violet1.50.20forces, stamps of Hungary were over-These territories were returned to thec.30h deep violet.70.2078A8 300h vermilion3.50.20printed “Cesko Slovenska Posta,” “Ces-d.As “c,” perf. 133

15、/4x131/2625.00190.00Czechoslovak Republic in 1945, excepta.Perf. 133/4x131/27.00.35e.As “c,” imperf.190.00140.00koslovenska Statni Posta” and Arms,79A8 400h brown6.00.45for Ruthenia, which was ceded to Rus-50A260h orange (III).30.20and “Slovenska Posta” and Arms.80A8 500h deep green7.00.45sia. Czech

16、oslovakia became a federala.Perf. 133/4x131/215.006.25a.Perf. 133/4x131/2100.005.50These stamps were never officially53A2 120h gray black (IV)3.75.95state on Jan. 2, 1969. On Jan. 1, 199381A8 600h deep violet9.00.45issued though copies have passed theNos. 41-53 (9)7.202.60Czechoslovakia separated into Slovakiaa.Perf. 133/4x131/2275.007.00post.Nos. 65-81 (17)31.304.15and the Czech Republic. See Volume 5Nos. 43a, 45a, 47a and 47e were imperfo- rate by accid



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