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1、1广东省深圳市龙岗区广东省深圳市龙岗区 2017-20182017-2018 学年七年级英语下学期期中测试试题学年七年级英语下学期期中测试试题23456789Units 14 Mid-termMid-term ExaminationExamination . 听力部分(15 分) 1-6 BC AB CA 7-10 ACBC 11. One possible version: Li Ling comes from Xiamen, Fujian. Now she studies at Glen Eira English Language center in Australia. She love

2、s music and often listens to music when she feels tired. She also loves travelling and has been to many places of interest in China. She would like to share her experience in Australia with others!12. How old are you?/What is your age?13. How long will you study in the language center?选择填空(15 分) 14-

3、18 BBCBC 19-23 AABCA 24-28 CCBAC完型填空(15 分)29-33 BABCB 34-38 CACCA阅读理解(30 分) 39-42 ADBA 43-46 DCBA 47-50 DABC 51-54 DCBA 55-58 BCDB语法填空(10 分) 59. Chinese 60. singer 61. took 62. traditional 63. followers64. musicians 65. the 66. the first 67. Besides 68. playing根据汉语提示补全句子(共 5 分)69. is good for 70. ma

4、ke fun of 71. telling jokes 72. led him to 73. wakes her up书面表达(10 分) One possible version: Hello, everyone. Now its my turn to introduce my pen pal. Her name is Mary. She is 13 and comes from Canada. She speaks English very well although she mainly uses French in her daily life. We often write emails in English. She has a little sister who is still in the kindergarten. They both keep a pet dog called Jimmy. Its very lovely. Mary likes doing sports, especially tennis. And she always goes to play tennis with her friends in her spare time. 10Thats all. Thank you.


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