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1、青阳一中青阳一中 2017-2018 学年第二学期学年第二学期 5 月份月考月份月考高二英语试卷高二英语试卷命题人:朱晓琴 审核: 沈秀兰全卷满分 150 分,考试用时 120 分钟。第一部分听力第一部分听力(共两节满分共两节满分 30 分分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项.并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where are the two speakers?A In a library. B

2、 In a classroom C. At a tailors(裁缝) shop.2.What are the speakers talking about?A. A library B. A weekend plan. C. An exhibition3. What does the woman advise the man to do?A Buy a mobile phone. B Shop on the Internet. C. Ask Betty for advice4.whats wrong with the man?A. He has got a fever. B. He has

3、caught a cold C. He has seasonal allergies(过敏)5. whats the man not interested in?A. Science B Fashion C. Economy第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6-7 题。6. What are

4、 the two speakers doing?A, They are talking in an office. B. They are talking in a university C. They are talking over the telephone7. What language Amanda say?A. French, English and Italian B. English, Chinese and Italian C .English, Italian and Japanese听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8. Why does Martin look sa

5、d?A. He failed one course. B. He didnt pass the final exam.C. He got a headache in the course of the exam9, what does the woman think of Martins exam result?A. Its satisfying B. Its just as expected C. Its beyond expectation听笫 8 段材料.回答第 I0 至 12 题,10. Why cant Addison find Saras house?A. He forgot to

6、 take the map B. She gave Addison a wrong address C. He hasnt been told how to get there11. What dose Sara want to do?A. Let Addison buy a map B. Pick him up at where he stays C Give Addison the exact address12. wheres Saras house?A. Its behind the cake shop B. It s right in front of the bank C. Its

7、 opposite to the grocery store听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题13. What does the woman suggest doing?A. Watching TV B. Having dinner together C .Doing some sports14. What will the weather be like tomorrow?A, Cold and sunny B .Clear and sunny C. Clear and windy,15. What will the man do later today?A. Go to meet

8、 his parents. B. Check the weather forecast. C. Enjoy an outdoor concert.16. When will they meet tomorrow?A. At 12:30 B. At 12:40 C. At 12:50听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. What does Li Hua do?A. He is a teacher. B He is a basketballer. C. He is a freshman.18.How many people are there in Li Mings family

9、?A. Five. B. Four. C. Three.19. What are in the bedroom?A. A TV set and a football B. A computer and a single bed C. a double bed and a portable computer20. What does the text mainly talk about?A. The family members and their interestsB. The necessities Li Ming has prepared for ShirleyC. An introduc

10、tion to Li Mings family and Shirleys bedroom第二部分:阅读理解(共第二部分:阅读理解(共 2 节,满分节,满分 40 分)分)(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)AIf you are heading for Paris this year, be sure to include at least one of these shopping malls in your schedule.Au PrintempsTel: 01133014282Located near the Paris Opera, this huge store is

11、 well-known for household goods as well as its fashion. The store also offers many services to overseas visitors, including shipping, translation and a personal shopping service. Au Printemps, whose name means springtime, hosts several free fashion shows each week. The stores beauty department has o

12、ne of the worlds largest selections of perfumes(香水).Galeries LafayetteTel: 01133014283The Galeries Lafayette was built in 1906. It is as much fun to look at as it is to shop in this 10-storey shopping palace. In fact, the flagship store is the second most visited attraction in Paris, after the Louvr

13、e Museum. This shopping palace specializes in womens clothing. Make sure to take in the view from the tea shop on the top floor; its well worth the visit.Le Bon MarcheTel: 01133014439This stylish Left Bank department store was Paris first such store. Designed by Gustave Eiffel, Le Bon Marche is part

14、icularly known for its food hall, its wedding shops and its selection of modern clothes.La Forum des HallesTel: 01133014476This modern, underground shopping center was built in 1979. La Forum des Halles, the three-storey-tall shopping center offers everything from souvenirs to haute couture(高级女子时装)t

15、o entertainment, such as first-run movies and street performers. The shopping center is attached to the busy La Halle-Chatelet metro station and can be easily reached from all over Paris.21. Which of the following places attracts the most visitors according to the passage?A. Au Printemps.B. The Paris Opera. C. La Forum des Halles.D. The Louvre Museum.22. Which of the stores pays its special attention to womens dressing?A. Le Bon Marche.B. Galeries Lafayette


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