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1、1UnitUnit 3 3 A A healthyhealthy lifelife“ “.品句填词(用所给词的适当形式或根据语境写一个合适的词)1Some people have to lead stressfulstressful(stress) lifestyles out of necessity, and it is urgent for them to take some time to relax.2You may be physically and mentallymentally(mental) exhausted after a long flight. Do get a g

2、ood rest after you arrive at the destination.3Accustomed to drinkingdrinking(drink) a cup of hot tea every evening in the cold winter, I feel refreshed again.4Any behaviour that is repeated enough times will eventually become a habit and happen automaticallyautomatically(automatic)5As is reported in

3、 China Daily, the presidents visit is intended toto_ _strengthenstrengthen(strength) ties between the two countries.6They accused the company of having a prejudice againstagainst its women employees who get lower pay than their male colleagues even when they are doing the same amount of work. 7The h

4、ealth of women is clearly atat risk when they have little money, no medicines and no access to prevention or treatment services. 8HavingHaving_ _abusedabused(abuse) his position as mayor to give jobs to his friends, William is now under investigation.9You shouldnt ask her private questions that will

5、 make her feel embarrassedembarrassed(embarrass)10Recently, he has become addictedaddicted(addict) to computer games.单句改错(含本单元的词汇和语法)1The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism toon/uponthe wildlife in the area.2Last year, a 3yearold boy with HIV banned from using a public wasswi

6、mming pool and shower in Alabama. 3Because his lung trouble is worse and worse, it is urgent to decide ona day to give up smoking. 24He decided to take risk of sharing his personal secrets with a thetotal stranger.5. / to living in Tianjin for quite a few years, Mr Park AccustomingAccustomedhimselfh

7、ad little difficulty understanding Chinese.6As is known to all, it takes time for an old man to be accustomed to in the new surroundings. liveliving7When Mark was abroad, he began to take drugs and became to them.addictaddicted8. at failing in the math exam, John wouldnt like to talk DisappointingDi

8、sappointedabout it to his parents.9Next time when you pay a visit to Wuhan, Ill show you around.10After seeing your ad, I think your sixweek English course is very fit me.tofor.课文语法填空Though Ill be 82 years old, I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres every day. I think it is due 1.toto the heal

9、thy life that I live. But I have heard that you 2.areare_ _addictedaddicted(addict) to smoking cigarettes and find it tough to give it up. You may become addicted in three different ways. First, after smoking for a while, your body becomes 3.accustomedaccustomed(accustom) to having nicotine in it, s

10、o you become physically addicted to it. Secondly, if you keep 4.smokingsmoking(smoke) over and over again, you begin to do it 5.automaticallyautomatically(automatical) through habit. Lastly, if you feel happier and more relaxed after having a cigarette, you will be 6.mentallymentally(mental) addicte

11、d.When I was young, my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible. And I found I became 7.breathlessbreathless(breath). As a result, I was so unfit that I 8.waswas_ _takentaken(take) off the school football team. Later, I knew smoking did cause damage to our health and even had harmful effects on babies, leading to a smaller birth weight or an 9.abnormalabnormal(normal) condition. 10.ToTo_ _strengthenstrengthen(strengthen) your resolve, I found some advice on the Internet for you to read. I do hope you will live as long and healthy a life as 3I have.


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