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1、1UnitUnit 2424 SocietySociety写作句型锤炼核心句型升级先熟读背诵精彩句型烂熟于心假定你是李华,你所喜爱的 Global Mirror 周报创刊五周年之际征集读者意见。请你依据以下内容给主编写封信,内容主要包括:1.说明你是该报的忠实读者。2.赞赏该报优点:(1)兼顾国内外新闻;(2)介绍名人成功故事。3.提出建议:刊登指导英语学习的文章。注意:1.词数 100 左右,开头语已为你写好;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Editor-in-Chief,Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of Global Mirr

2、or!Sincerely yours,Li Hua【参考范文】Dear Editor-in-Chief,Congratulations_on_the_5th_anniversary_of_Global_Mirror!Im a regular reader of your newspaper. I like it very much mainly for the following two reasons. First, it covers both national and international news soso that,that, by simply turning the pag

3、es, I can learn all important things that have happened during the week.Equally attractive are the success stories of world-2famous people, whichwhich helphelp meme understandunderstand how a person can work hard to make the world a better place.As a young student, I suggest that Global Mirror carry

4、 articles to guide us in our English learning, and workwork hardhard,andand youll do better. I I sincerelysincerely hopehope thatthat it will become even more popular.Sincerely_yours,Li_Hua后临摹仿写妙语佳句信手拈来根据句仿写1.留神脚下,不然你会掉进水里的。Watch your step,or_(else)/otherwise_you_might_fall_into_the_water.根据句仿写2.我真诚

5、地希望在未来能与你一起工作。I_sincerely_hope_that_in_the_future_I_can_work_together_with_you.会书写一、核心单词1.resign vt.& vi. 辞职2.virtue n. 优点,长处3.undertake vt. 着手做,从事4.burden n. 重担,负担5.vacant adj. 未住人的,空置的6.diverse adj. 各种各样的7.sentence n. 判决8.cast vt. 投下二、阅读单词1.delete vt. 删除2.shrink vi. (使)收缩,缩小33.accumulate v. 积累4.ab

6、olish vt. 废除5.moreover adv. 再者,此外 6.furthermore adv. 此外,而且7.abortion n. 堕胎,人工流产8.household n. 一个家庭9.deposit vt.& vi. 存储,储蓄10.currency n. 货币11.pension n. 退休金,养老金12.pregnant adj. 怀孕的13.collision n. 相撞14.fountain n. 喷泉,喷水池15.fragrant adj. 有香味的16.revenge n. 复仇,报复三、拓展单词1.preservation n.维护,保存preserve vt.保

7、存,保管2.edition n.版本edit vt.编辑,校订editor n.编辑,校订者3.voluntary adj.自愿的volunteer v.自愿做 n.志愿者4.abundant adj.大量的abundance n.大量5.signature n.签名sign v.签名;打手势 n.招牌;迹象;符号6.govern vt.统治,管理governor n.统治者,总督government n.政府7.adjustment n.调整,调节adjust vt.调整,调节vt.使适应8.elect vt.选举,推选election n.选举;当选;选择权9.merciful adj.宽

8、大的,仁慈的mercy n.宽容,仁慈10.rot vt.& vi.腐烂;腐朽n.腐败rotten adj.腐烂的11.thirst n.口渴thirsty adj.口渴的12.container n.容器;集装箱contain vt.包含;装有;容纳;控制13.consequently adv.所以,因此consequent adj.作为结果的;必然的consequence n.结果,后果会积累41.“virtuevirtue”相关名词小结optimism 乐观modesty 谦虚bravery 勇敢,勇气 justice 正义 diligence 勤勉generosity 慷慨2.unde

9、r-under-开头单词汇总undertake vt. 着手做,从事undergo vt. 经历,经受underground adj. 地下的underline vt. 画线;强调underneath prep. 在底下undersea adj. 海底的3.由“shrinkshrink”想到的动词extend 延伸;伸出increase 增加enlarge 扩大;放大expand 扩大;膨胀decrease 减少reduce 减少4.“再者”过渡词集锦moreover adv. 再者,此外furthermore adv. 此外,而且besides adv. 况且,再说in addition 此

10、外whats more 更有甚者5.聚焦表示“因果”关系的词汇consequently adv. 因此,所以as a result of 因为,由于5therefore adv. 所以as a result 结果thus adv. 因此,所以in consequence 由于as a consequence 结果owing/due/thanks to 因为,由于会应用 用所给词的适当形式填空1.As we all know,China is abundant (abundance) in natural resources.2.In consequence of his bad work th

11、e boss dismissed him,and consequently he lost his job.(consequent)3.To adjust herself to the study abroad,she had to make some necessary adjustments to her habits.(adjustment)4.A large number of volunteers from the university volunteer to teach in the remote villages.Their voluntary work is well wor

12、th praising.(volunteer)5.The paintings are in an excellent state of preservation.That is to say,they are well preserved.(preservation)6.In the latest election,Mary was elected chairwoman of the Student Union.(elect)7.The new governor is governing the state very well,which makes its government well r

13、eceived by people.(govern)8.She used to edit newspapers,and now she is the editor of a dictionary which is now in its sixth edition.(edition)9.Im really thirsty and only ice water can quench (解渴) my thirst.(thirst)10.Please give me a container.I want to use it to contain some water.(container).核心短语识

14、记联想运用会书写1.show_off 炫耀,夸耀2.knock_into_sb 撞上某人;偶然遇到3.break_into 闯入;突然开始(笑、唱等)e_into_being 形成,存在65.wind_sb_up 故意惹恼某人6.on_principle 根据原则7.sentence_sb_to_death 判某人死刑8.be_well/better_off 过得好/过得更好9.take.seriously 认真对待10.above all 最重要的是;首先11.do away with 废除;摆脱,消灭12.take.into account 考虑;注意;体谅13.keep an eye o

15、n 注意,留意14.to start with 首先15.play an important role in. 在中起重要作用16.contribute to 促进,有助于会积累1.dodo 相关短语do away with 废除;摆脱;消灭do harm to 对有害do ones best 尽力do ones duty 尽职责do up 重新整修;收拾整齐do without 不用2.eyeeye 的相关短语keep an eye on 留神注意;留意;照看have a good eye for 对有鉴赏眼光look sb in the eye 直视(正视)某人catch ones eye 吸引某人的目光会应用 选用上表左栏短语填空1.The driver lost control of his car and it knocked_into a tree.2.The society today offers the young generation more chances to show_off their 7talent and skills.3.They did_away_with those rules at



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