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1、I城市低收入阶层子女义务教育负担问题研究专业:教育经济与管理城市低收入阶层子女义务教育负担问题研究专业:教育经济与管理 研究方向:教育经济导师:马佳宏教授研究方向:教育经济导师:马佳宏教授 研研 究究 生:赵博(生:赵博(2004 级)摘 要级)摘 要义务教育制度的确立是人类第一次从法律上规定每个人有接受一定程度教育的权利与义务,这标志着义务教育不是面向少数人,而是平等对每个人开放。平等的接受义务教育是每个人的权利,而保证学生平等的无负担的接受义务教育是社会所必须承担的责任,但在现在权利实现的过程中却存在着形式平等与实质平等的脱节。本文以桂林市区为调查范围,从社会分层的视角,分析了目前我国城市


3、就读学校质量、学习成绩和学业及职业期望等方面的比较分析,反映出城市低收入阶层子女的受教育现状。 :第三部分:通过对城市低收入阶层子女义务教育经济和心理负担的描述,得出城市低收入阶层子女义务教育经济和心理负担过重的结论。第四部分:主要对城市低收入阶层子女义务教育负担过重问题进行原因分析。分别从教育内部原因和教育外部原因两方面进行论述。第五部分:在以上几部分的基础上提出了缓解城市低收入阶层义务教育负担过重的对策。建议从就业、社会保障制度、法律法规、教育救助、精神救助等方面帮助城市低收入阶层脱贫并缓解其子女接受义务教育负担过重问题。关键词:关键词:城市;低收入阶层子女;义务教育;负担IIResear

4、ch on compulsory educational burden of children from urban low-income level bearingMajor: Educational Economy and ManagementSpecialty: Educational EconomicsSupervisor: Prof. Ma JiahongPostgraduate: Zhao Bo (Grade: 2004)AbstractThe establishment of compulsory educational system means that everyone ha

5、s the fair chanceto accept education. Of course, it was the first time that people had passed the laws to helpeverybody obtain right and obligation to accept education. And society also has the responsibilityto help the students accept education fairly. But there are a lot of differences between the

6、 processof accepting education fairly on the surface and those in the reality.This article is based on the situations of education in Guilin city. The writer plans to analyzesome phenomenon from visual angle of social stratification, including the gap between the richand the poor enlarging, and chil

7、dren from urban low-income level having more pressure whileaccepting compulsory education. This is because during the time they accept education, theyusually have to spend a lot of money, which makes them feel more psychological pressure.Especially at the beginning of compulsory education, children

8、from different levels havedifferent chances to accept education. This unfair situation will make them have many troublesin studying, psychological health and their future.This article has five chapters:The first chapter discusses those low-income peoples state of the existence. We can getsome inform

9、ation about their scale, distribution, living condition and bad psychologicalcondition by investigating.The second chapter mainly discusses the situation that children from urban low-incomelevel accept compulsory education. It means that the writer will analyze the situation bycomparing means of pay

10、ment that low-income and ordinary families take during the time theirchildren accept compulsory education with amount of expenditure, quality of their childrensschools, academic record, school work and job expectation.The third chapter: The writer plans to conclude the facts that children from urban

11、 low-income level are heavily bearing educational burden, financial burden and psychological burdenby describing some phenomenon.IIIThe fourth chapter: Mainly analyze why those children from low-income level are heavilybearing educational burden. The writer plans to describe the reason from two part

12、sinnerreason of education and outer reason of education.The fifth chapter: Give some advice on the basis of four preceding chapters, including thatsociety should help those low-income families be lifted out of poverty and make the children ofthose families alleviate their pressure. The writer advise

13、s that all of above work should be basedon employment, system of social indemnification, laws, educational assistance, financial supportand spiritual support.Key Words: Urban; The children from low-income family; Compulsory education; Burden论文独创性声明论文独创性声明本人郑重声明:所提交的学位论文是本人在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。除文中已经注

14、明引用的内容外,本论文不含其他个人或其他机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究作出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人承担本声明的法律责任。研究生签名: 日期: 论文使用授权声明论文使用授权声明本人完全了解广西师范大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定。广西师范大学、中国科学技术信息研究所、清华大学论文合作部,有权保留本人所送交学位论文的复印件和电子文档,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。本人电子文档的内容和纸质论文的内容相一致。除在保密期内的保密论文外,允许论文被查阅和借阅,可以公布(包括刊登)论文的全部或部分内容。论文的公布(包括刊登)授权广西师范大学学位办办理。研

15、究生签名: 日期:导 师签名: 日期: 1前 言前 言(一)问题的提出(一)问题的提出在中央提出的构建和谐社会的宏观背景下,社会的和谐发展要求社会这个大系统中每一个子系统都能够全面和谐的发展,教育作为其中的一个子系统,也应当得到和谐的发展。和谐社会主要体现的是一种公平。建国以后很长一段时间里,城乡之间在政治、经济、文化和教育等方面都存在着巨大的差别,但是,城市和乡村内部却一直呈现出一种高度“同质化”的平等状态,这与当时的计划经济体制是相一致的。改革开放最明显的一个社会现象之一就是社会流动的加快,社会流动不仅发生在城乡之间,也发生在城市和乡村内部,与社会流动相伴的就是社会阶层分化的加剧,带来的最

16、直接的问题就是贫富分化的产生,这也一直是经济学、社会学等学科关注的焦点,而城市内部的阶层分化和贫富分化更为明显,随之出现的社会问题也更为严峻。当在相当长一段时间内曾是我国社会优势群体的城市部分居民分化出来成为城市中的“边缘群体”时,他们在经济和心理等方面都承受着巨大的压力,城市低收入阶层的生活状态,应该引起学术界的高度关注。2006 年 6 月 29 日,全国人大常委会第二十二次会议审议通过了新义务教育法 ,从 2006 年 9 月 1 日开始施行。新义务教育法落实以人为本的理念,维护适龄儿童、少年受教育权利的平等,最核心的部分是强调义务教育经费的财政保障。长期困扰我国义务教育最基本的问题就是资金保障问题,以县为主的义务教育经费投入模式,在县级政权里显现出典型的财政与事权的相对分离,义务教育经费支持无法保障。新法把关权重交给了国务院,明确了国家在义务教育基本投入上



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