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1、史密斯先生:爱德华, 对不起。1MR. SMITH: Edward, I m sorry.恐怕我要取消我们明天的会议。2I m afraid I ll have to cancel our meeting tomorrow. 爱德华格林:没问题。3EDWARD GREEN: That s no problem. 那延后到本周晚些时候?4Shall we postpone it until later in the week?史密斯先生:不,我不是说要延期。5MR. SMITH: No, I m afraid I m not postponing our meeting. 我是要取消。6I m

2、canceling it. 爱德华格林:我们还是要签合同,完成这次交 易,对吧?7EDWARD GREEN: We need to sign the contract and complete the deal, dont we? 有什么问题吗?8Is there a problem? 史密斯先生:没有,我没有问题,但你可能会有 问题。9MR. SMITH: No, not for me, but perhaps there s a problem for you. 恐怕“大老板”不会出现在我们的目录里。10 I m afraid Big Boss won t be in the catalo

3、gue. 爱德华格林:我们赶不及印刷商的最后期限了 吗?11EDWARD GREEN: Are we too late for the printer s deadline? 史密斯先生:不。这不是问题。12 MR. SMITH: No. That s not the point. 我不准备用“大老板”。13 I m not going to use Big Boss. 我要用另外一个产品。14 I m going to use another product. 爱德华格林:我不明白。15 EDWARD GREEN: I don t understand. 史密斯先生:嗯,听着。你就会明白的。

4、16 MR. SMITH: Well, listen. Then you will understand. 这是来自 J.K.玩具公司的一款新产品。17 This is a new product from J.K Toys. 名字叫“商人丹”。18 It s called Dealer Dan. “商人丹”: “你好,我是商人丹。19 DEALER DAN: “Hi, this is Dealer Dan.我是声动玩具市场最棒的玩具”。20I m the best thing on the voice-activated toy market.“ 史密斯先生:爱德华, 你在听吗?21 MR.

5、 SMITH: Edward, are you still there? 爱德华格林:是的。22 EDWARD GREEN: Yes. 史密斯先生:很好,对吧?23 MR. SMITH: Good, isn t he? 爱德华格林:你说,他叫做“商人丹”。24 EDWARD GREEN: You say he s called Dealer Dan. 史密斯先生:是的。昨天下午到的。25 MR. SMITH: Yes. He arrived yesterday afternoon.J.K.玩具公司的市场营销主管给我们做的介绍。26 The head of marketing from J.K

6、Toys introduced us. 他们将在1月20日推出这款产品。27 They ll launch him on January 20th. 爱德华格林:什么! 太阳能的“商人丹”?28 EDWARD GREEN: What! Is Dealer Dan solar powered? 史密斯先生:是的。29 MR. SMITH: Yes. 爱德华格林:声动的?30 EDWARD GREEN: And voice-activated? 史密斯先生:是的。是同样的技术 但更便 宜。31MR. SMITH: Yes. It s the same technology.but cheaper.

7、 我想,“商人丹”要跟你说再见了。32 I think Dealer Dan would just like to say bye-bye. “商人丹”:再见。33 DEALER DAN: Bye-bye. 爱德华格林:我不明白34 EDWARD GREEN: I don t understand.“商人丹”:如果你受不了热,就离开厨房。35DEALER DAN: If you can t stand the heat get out of the kitchen. 杰拉尔丁:恐怕,皮特先生有点落后了,但他会 很快赶上来的。谢谢。36GERALDINE: I m afraid Mr. Pete

8、r is running a bit behind schedule but he won t be long. Thank you. 爱德华格林:见到堂了吗?37 EDWARD GREEN: Have you seen Don? 杰拉尔丁:他在会议室开会。38 GERALDINE: He s in the boardroom in a meeting. 爱德华格林:发生了重要的事情。39 EDWARD GREEN: Something important has come up. 我得跟他谈谈。40 I need to talk to him. 杰拉尔丁:他和莱利先生一起。41 GERALD

9、INE: He s with Mr. Reiley. 杰拉尔丁:去吧。42 GERALDINE: Go on.步入商界步入商界1010- -重订计划和安排重订计划和安排堂布拉德利:我们会给你一些演示材料,还有 现场销售视频。43DON BRADLEY: We ll get some examples of the display materials to you and there will also be a point of sale video of the product 进来。44 Come in. 爱德华格林堂:莱利先生。抱歉打搅了。45 EDWARD GREEN: Don, Mr

10、. Reiley. Sorry to interrupt. 发生了重要的事情。46 Something important has come up. 你能挤一分钟的时间吗?47 Can you spare a minute?堂布拉德利:能等一下吗?10分钟就完了。48DON BRADLEY: Can it wait? I ll be through in ten minutes. 爱德华格林:不能。49 EDWARD GREEN: Not really. 堂布拉德利:好的。对不起。我先处理这件 事,你不介意吧?50DON BRADLEY: Okay. I m sorry. Do you min

11、d if I deal with this? 爱德华格林:我想我们有麻烦了。51 EDWARD GREEN: I think we ve got a problem. 我刚刚同史密斯先生通过话。52 I have just talked to Mr. Smith on the phone. 目录的事取消了。J.K.玩具公司即将推出“商人 丹”。53The catalogue deal is off. J.K. Toys are launching Dealer Dan. 堂布拉德利:“商人丹”到底是什么玩意?54 DON BRADLEY: Who the hell is Dealer Dan?

12、 克莱夫哈里斯:我们开门见山。55 CLIVE HARRIS: Let s get this straight. 你认为我们要满足这些目标。56 You think we ll meet these targets. 德里克琼斯:是的。57 DEREK JONES: Yes, I do.我们要么加班加点要么雇佣临时工58But we ll need to either increase overtime or take on some causal staff. 堂布拉德利:我插句嘴,不介意吧?59 DON BRADLEY: Do you mind if I butt in? 克莱夫哈里斯:不

13、介意。什么事?60 CLIVE HARRIS: Not at all. What s the matter? 堂布拉德利:我们要谈一下。61 DON BRADLEY: I think we need to talk. 发生了很重要的事。62 Something very important has come up. 詹妮罗斯:你知道堂在哪儿吗?63 JENNY ROSS: Do you know where Don is? 我想他在和客户开会。64 I thought he was in a meeting with a client. 杰拉尔丁:他本来是在开会。但提前结束了。65 GERAL

14、DINE: He was. But he cut the meeting short. 出现了问题。66 There s a problem. 詹妮罗斯:什么问题?67 JENNY ROSS: What?杰拉尔丁:我不知道。是有关“商人丹”的。68GERALDINE: I don t know. Something about Dealer Dan. 德里克琼斯:“大老板”的一切都是新的。69 DEREK JONES: Everything in Big Boss is new. 想法是新的。70 The idea is new. 技术是新的。71 The technology is new.

15、 堂布拉德利:或许“商人丹”是个巧合。72 DON BRADLEY: Maybe Dealer Dan is a coincidence. 这有可能吗?73 Is that possible? 德里克琼斯:有可能。74 DEREK JONES: It s possible. 当然是有可能的,但却不大像。75 Of course it s possible, but it is very unlikely. 克莱夫哈里斯:多少人知道关于“大老板”的 事?76 CLIVE HARRIS: How many people knew about The Boss? 德里克琼斯:上百人吧。77 DERE

16、K JONES: Well, hundreds of people. 克莱夫哈里斯:不, 对不起,我不是这个意 思。78CLIVE HARRIS: No, I m sorry, that s not what I mean. 我是在说技术。79 I m talking about the technology. 有多少人知道?80 How many knew about that? 德里克琼斯:嗯,只有我的团队知道。81 DEREK JONES: Well, only the people in my team. 堂布拉德利:我认为我们要了解更多关于 “ 商人丹”的情况。82DON BRADLEY: I think we need to find out more about Dealer Dan. 克莱夫哈里斯:我打几个电话。83 CLIVE HARRIS: I ll make a few calls.


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