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1、怎样写得简洁确切连贯些怎样写得简洁确切连贯些How to Write More Concisely, Concretely after this has been done (then);the question as to whether (whether);it is apparent therefore that (hence);in view of the fact that或或on account of the fact that或或owing to the fact that (seeing that 或或because或或since); in view of the forego

2、ing statement (therefore);aimed at (for); in as much as (since); a number of (several); in regard to (about); in all cases (always); in order that (to); in most cases (usually); in the event that (if); in the nature of (like); not infrequently (often): as small number of (few); for the purpose of (f

3、or); in the vicinity of (near); in connection with (about)可简化的一些句型可简化的一些句型Its evident that可简为可简为Evidently It would appear that .可简为可简为Apparently . It is clear that可简为可简为Clearly . It would thus seem that可简为可简为SeeminglyIt was found that;It will be seen that; It was thought that; It is recommended that

4、;It was concluded that;It can readily be seen that等等it从句可以省略,直接写出下面的逻辑主语从句从句可以省略,直接写出下面的逻辑主语从句在不影响表达的前提下,可用简单句的就不用复合句;可用单 字的不用词组;可用短单词的不用长单字,力求表达简洁在不影响表达的前提下,可用简单句的就不用复合句;可用单 字的不用词组;可用短单词的不用长单字,力求表达简洁。如何写得确切一些?如何写得确切一些? (How to Write More Concretely)论文的意思写得确切一些,避免使用一些不够确切的词,并在一定主题范围和长度要求之内,尽量提供定量的 数

5、据,这些所有科技论文写作中共同的要求。论文的意思写得确切一些,避免使用一些不够确切的词,并在一定主题范围和长度要求之内,尽量提供定量的 数据,这些所有科技论文写作中共同的要求。一、利用较为正式的动词一、利用较为正式的动词 (Using Formal Verbs)利用英语中的一些利用英语中的一些词意比较专一词意比较专一、比较正式的动词比较正式的动词,可以使意思表达 得确切一些。,可以使意思表达 得确切一些。 The reflected light was taken in by the transducer. (一般表达一般表达) The reflected light was absorbed

6、 by the transducer.(确切表达确切表达) 折射的光被换能器吸收。 The particle accelerator was built over a period of four years. (一般表达一般表达) The particle accelerator was constructed over a period of four years (确切表达确切表达) 建造这台粒子加速器花了四年的时间。 Then, more water molecules will diffuse through the membrane from the weak solution t

7、o the strong one than the opposite way. (一般表达一般表达) Then a greater number of water molecules will diffuse through the membrane from the dilute to the concentrated solution than the reverse. (确切表达确切表达) 那么,从淡溶液经过薄膜渗入浓溶液的水分子,要多于从浓溶液到淡溶液的水 分子。二、利用其它较正式的词或词组二、利用其它较正式的词或词组 (Using Other Formal Phrases or Wo

8、rds)1) We knew that without ions the gas would become a nonconductor. (一般表达一般表达) We knew that in the absence of ions the gas would become a nonconductor. (确切表达确切表达) 我们知道,当气体不带离子时就成了非导体。 2) It goes without saying that the most important thing in microeconomics is the market. (一般表达一般表达) Definitely, th

9、e most important thing in microeconomics is the market. (确切表 达确切表 达) 毫无疑问,微观经济中最重要的是市场问题。下面几个词语意义相对不够确切,应尽量少用或不用:下面几个词语意义相对不够确切,应尽量少用或不用: in the case of, generally, some what,unduly,several,fairly,rather, overall,certain,as such, anticipate,presently,等等。三、变较笼统表达为较具体表达三、变较笼统表达为较具体表达 (Using Specific E

10、xpressions)1)Concerning some applications of a theory of J Doe(较笼统表达较笼统表达) ; 关于; 关于J.窦氏理论的一些应用窦氏理论的一些应用 Algebraic solutions of linear partial differential equation(较具体表 达较具体表 达) ;线性偏微方程的代数解 2)The cross section is measured. (较笼统表达较笼统表达) 测量了截面积测量了截面积 The cross section is measured to be (6.25 0.02) x 1

11、0-28m2. (较具体 表达 ) 截面积的测量结果为(6.25 0.02) x 10-28平方米 3)The results seem to be satisfactory. (较笼统表达) 结果似于令人 满意。 We are satisfied with the result that L(X2,X3)=0 (较具体表达 ) 我们对 所测得的结果L(X2,X3)=0感到满意。四、避免使用不确切的比喻四、避免使用不确切的比喻 (Avoiding Inexact Figures of Speech)科学论文中一般应避免使用明喻科学论文中一般应避免使用明喻(simile)、暗 喻、暗 喻(met

12、aphor)等比喻,尤其禁用不确切的比 喻。等比喻,尤其禁用不确切的比 喻。写得连贯一些写得连贯一些 (How to Write More Coherently)要使文章写得连贯、流畅,就要求在上下文 之间安排一些启承转合要使文章写得连贯、流畅,就要求在上下文 之间安排一些启承转合的过渡性词语,意思的转 折才不生硬、脱节。的过渡性词语,意思的转 折才不生硬、脱节。1表示进一步阐述上文的词语表示进一步阐述上文的词语这类词语如这类词语如:“加之加之”,“另一方面另一方面”,“而且而且”,“其实其实”,“此 外此 外”,“进一步说进一步说”,“重要的是重要的是”,“同时同时”,“至 少至 少”,“需

13、要强调的是需要强调的是”等。等。常用的英文表达有常用的英文表达有:Additionally,also,equally important,more important, further,furthermore,moreover,in addition,at least, besides,and,in fact,if desired,lastly,etc.2表示重复所述内容的词语表示重复所述内容的词语“如前所述如前所述”,“简而言之简而言之”,“也就是说也就是说”,“换句话说换句话说”, “让我们重申一次让我们重申一次”,“正象前文讨论过的那样正象前文讨论过的那样”,“即即”等。常用的英文表达如

14、下:等。常用的英文表达如下:as before,as has been stated,as discussed previously,in other words,again,that is,in review,let me repeat,as shown in Fig.2,to reiterate,namely, etc.3表示对前文概括的词语表示对前文概括的词语“总括起来说总括起来说”,“归纳起来说归纳起来说”,实际上实际上”,“关于这关于这步 还要作些说明步 还要作些说明”,“关于关于”,“就就而言而言”,等。常用的英文表达有:,等。常用的英文表达有:in short,to sum up

15、,in effect,in summary,briefly speaking,several remarks need to be made,at this point, with regard to,in so far as,in this aspect,as far as is concerned,etc.4表示先后顺序的词语表示先后顺序的词语“首先首先”,“其次其次”,“第三第三”,“最后最后”,“然后然后”,“当时当时”, “迄今迄今”,“届时届时”,“终于终于”等。常用的英文表达如:等。常用的英文表达如:first,second,third,finally, then,at that time, afterwards,following,at present,as will be seen,in the mean time,in what follows,meanwhile,so far,ultimately, presently,recently,etc.5表示方向部位的词语表示方向部位的词语“在在之前之前”,“在在之下之下”,“在在之后之后”“在在之 中之 中”,“在在上部上部”,“在在下部下部”,“在在后部后部”等。常用英文表达如下:等。常用英文表达如下:in front of, under, behind, in the middle


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