生物學 vs. 生命科學

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《生物學 vs. 生命科學》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《生物學 vs. 生命科學(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1Chapter 1a. OverviewProf. Yiu-Kay Lai 2007 年 3 月 6 日2Outlines 大綱vFields in Biology vFields in Chemistry vOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Bio-organic Chemistry3生物學 vs. 生命科學 Biology vs. Life Sciencesv生物學 (Biology): 有關生物的 一門學問 (The study of living organisms). v生命科學 (Life Science): 有關 生命的科學 (The scien

2、ce of life = The science of living organisms). v生物學 = 生命科學生態體系社區族群生物圈器官系統組織細胞分子個體4生物學/生命科學的領域與課目 Fields and Courses of Biology/Life Sciences生物有機化學基因體學生物統計生物物理化學遺傳(基因)工程生理學分類學保育生物學生物化學組織學細胞生物學分子生物學生物力學形態學生態學植物學動物學病毒學微生物學菌類學藻類學蛋白質體學生物物理內分泌學結構生物學生物資訊計算生物學免疫學系統生物學細胞體學神經生物學生化工程組織工程代謝體學解剖學5Fields and Cour

3、ses of Biology/Life SciencesBioorg. Chem.GenomicsBiostatisticsBiophys. ChemGenetic Eng.PhysiologyTaxonomyConservation B.BiochemistryHistologyCell BiologyMolecular Biol.BiomechanicsMorphologyEcologyBotanyZoologyVirologyMicrobiologyMycologyPhycologyProteomicsBiophysicsEndocrinologyStructure Biol.Bioin

4、formaticsComputational B.ImmunologySystems Biol.CellomicsNeurobiol.Biochemical Eng.Tissue Eng.MetabolomicsAnataomy6Lessons/LearningsvMore and more specialized 分科愈來愈細 vInterdisciplinary 愈來愈多 “跨領域” vLots of “Terms” 很多很多 “專有名詞” v “Integration” “整合” 的必要7Integrated DisciplinaryvEvolution, Ecology Origin

5、of Life, Conservation Biology, Population, etc. vOrganismal Biology, Physiology Study life at organismal level vCell Biology Study life at cell level vMolecular Biology Study life at molecular level vStructure Biology Study life at submolecular levels8(Traditional) Fields in Chemistry 化學領域vChemistry

6、 化學 elements, atoms, molecules, (chemical) reactions. vOrganic Chemistry 有機化學 about carbon (C, H, O, etc.) vAnalytical Chemistry 分析化學 qualitative and quantitative vPhysical Chemistry 物理化學 vQuantum Mechanics 量子力學9Biomolecules 生物分子vThe names and nature of molecules found in “life”. vLots of terms, chemistry, chemical structures, and may contain a little chemical reactions. (bioorganic chemistry) vThe bases for biochemistry and molecular biology. vWe shall cover the four major biomolecules: Protein 蛋白質, Carbohydrates/Saccharides 碳水化合物/醣 類, Lipids 脂質, and Nucleic Acids 核酸.



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