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1、2015 年北京语言大学翻译硕士考研真题英语翻译基础:2015 年北京语言大学翻译硕士考研真题英语翻译基础:1.30 个词组翻译(共 30 分)苍蝇老虎一起打简政放权一带一路亚洲自贸区石墨烯气溶胶丝路基金全科医生多普勒效应中国经济新常态非接触式支付亲诚惠容三网融合carbon sinkISILKyoto protocolapeTPPpivot to AisaMsfcar pool篇章翻译:英译汉两篇汉译英:讲的是林语堂对人生的看法 写了三点翻译硕士英语:翻译硕士英语:1. 单选 10 个 非常基础的词汇语法题2. 完型,共 20 个 20 分(因为是 10 个选择,10 个填空)3. 阅读三篇

2、选项阅读(共 10 题,每题 2 分)两篇问答阅读(共 5 题,每题 4 分)4. 作文graduate education VS undergraduate education 本科教育和研究生教育的区别(注意字数 400)2014 年政府讲话资料双语 张高丽第十一届中国东盟博览会致辞携手共建 21 世纪海上丝绸之路共创中国东盟友好合作美好未来 在第十一届中国东盟博览会和中国东盟商务与投资峰会上的致辞 中共中央政治局常委、中华人民共和国国务院副总理张高丽 2014 年 9 月 16 日,广西南宁Join Hands to Build the 21st Century Maritime Sil

3、k Road and Work for an Even Brighter Future for China-ASEAN Friendship and Cooperation2014 年政府讲话资料双语 张高丽第十一届中国东盟博览会致辞携手共建 21 世纪海上丝绸之路共创中国东盟友好合作美好未来 在第十一届中国东盟博览会和中国东盟商务与投资峰会上的致辞 中共中央政治局常委、中华人民共和国国务院副总理张高丽 2014 年 9 月 16 日,广西南宁Join Hands to Build the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and Work for an Even

4、 Brighter Future for China-ASEAN Friendship and Cooperation-Speech At the 11th China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit by Zhang Gaoli, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council of the Peoples Re

5、public of ChinaNanning, Guangxi, 16 September 2014-Speech At the 11th China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit by Zhang Gaoli, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of

6、 ChinaNanning, Guangxi, 16 September 2014尊敬的各位嘉宾, 女士们,先生们,朋友们:Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen, Friends,很高兴与大家相聚在美丽的绿城南宁,共同出席第十一届中国东盟博览会、中国东盟商务 与投资峰会。首先,我谨代表中国国家主席国务院总理李克强和中国政府,对本次博 览会和峰会的召开表示热烈祝贺!对来自东盟各国及有关国家和地区的嘉宾表示热烈欢迎!I am delighted to join you in Nanning, the beautiful Green City of C

7、hina, for the 11th China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit. First, please allow me to extend, on behalf of President Xi , Premier Li Keqiang and the Chinese government, our warm congratulations on the opening of the 11th Expo and the Summit, and our warm welcome to all distin

8、guished guests from ASEAN countries and other countries and regions.中国和东盟地缘相近、血缘相亲、人文相通、商缘相联、利益相融,是天然的合作伙伴。2000 多年前开启的古代海上丝绸之路, 建立了中国与东南亚国家人民经贸、 文化、 情感交流的纽带。 中国明代著名航海家郑和七次远洋航海,每次都到访东南亚国家,传播和平与友谊的种子。千 百年来,中国和东南亚人民通过海上丝绸之路相知相交,互通有无,传递情谊,许多历史佳话 传诵至今。China and ASEAN are natural partners of cooperation,

9、as we enjoy geographical proximity, strong bond, cultural affinity, close business ties and interconnected interests. The ancient maritime Silk Road, opened more than 2,000 years ago, created bonds of trade, culture and friendship between the people in China and Southeast Asian countries. Zheng He,

10、the well-known Chinese navigator of the Ming Dynasty, visited Southeast Asian countries on all of his seven voyages, sowing the seeds of peace and friendship. Overthousands of years, the Chinese people and people in Southeast Asian countries have, by way of the ancient maritime Silk Road, forged fri

11、endship and developed trade, leaving behind many unforgettable stories.新形势下,中国东盟友好关系揭开了新篇章。从 1991 年双方建立对话关系、特别是 2003 年建立战略伙伴关系以来,双方关系走过了不平凡的历程,成为睦邻友好合作的典范。我们的 政治互信不断增强,在许多重大国际和地区事务上相互支持,在东盟对话伙伴中,中国首先加 入了东南亚友好合作条约。我们的经贸合作不断深入,建成了世界上最大的发展中国家自 由贸易区,双方互为重要的贸易和投资伙伴,从 2004 年到 2013 年,双边贸易额从 1059 亿美 元增加到 44

12、36 亿美元,翻了两番多,双向投资额累计超过 1200 亿美元。我们的全方位合作不 断拓展,在农业、信息产业、人力资源开发、相互投资、湄公河流域开发、交通、能源、文化、 旅游、公共卫生和环保等 11 个重点合作领域以及其他许多领域开展了务实合作,双方缔结了 140 多对友好省市,每周有 1000 多架次的往来航班,每年有高达 1800 万人次的人员往来,双 方互派留学生已超过 18 万人。我们团结协作,同舟共济,成功应对了许多重大自然灾害和传 染病疫情。 前不久中国云南鲁甸地震造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失,东盟国家向中国政府和人 民表达了慰问和支持。实践证明,中国东盟友好合作不仅为双方人民带来福

13、祉,也推动了地 区和平、稳定与发展。In the new era of today, China-ASEAN friendship has entered a new chapter. Since the commencement of our dialogue relations in 1991 and the establishment of the strategic partnership in 2003 in particular, China-ASEAN relations have traversed an extraordinary path, and become a fin

14、e example of good-neighborliness and cooperation. Our political mutual trust has continuously increased and we have supported each other in many major international and regional affairs. Among ASEANs dialogue partners, China was the first to join the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia

15、. With deepened business cooperation, we have put in place worlds largest free trade zone of developing countries. As each others major trade and investment partners, China and ASEAN have quadrupled their trade from US$105.9 billion in 2004 to US$443.6 billion in 2013. And the two-way accumulative i

16、nvestment has topped US$120 billion. Our cooperation has also expanded comprehensively. Practical cooperation has been carried out in many fields, including 11 major areas, ranging from agriculture to IT, human resource development, mutual investment, development of the Mekong river basin, transport, energy, culture, tourism, public health and environmental protection. There are more than 140 pairs of sister cities/provinces. Every week, over 1,000 flights a



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