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1、辅音字母发音及音标对应 26 个英文字母当中大部分字母的发音都有其唯一性,也就是说,如果你掌握了辅音字母的 发音,那么当你听到一个单词的时候,至少可以辨别出或者写出该词中的所有辅音字母。b/b/ c/k/ d/d/ f/f/ g/g/ h/h/ j/ / k/k/ l/l/ m/m/ n/n/ p/p/ qu/kw/ r/r/ s/s/ t/t/ v/v/ w/w/ x/ks/gz/ y/j/ z/z/例词:burglar camera donkey fantastic great gentlemen healthy junk kangaroo lucky musical nothing pu

2、re question rose turtle vest west fox examination yell zoo 元音字母的基本发音,元辅结构(cvc)和辅元结构(cv)1.元辅结构中,该音节只含有一个元音字母,且元音字母在辅音字母前,此时,元音字母发短音,在其上标笑脸符号.如:ham sad van fan cap map bat Red leg jet pet yell bell netKid hill lip fit sit pig pin Job jog hip-hop mop fox ox dot Bug gun gum tub nut mud cutFantastic 2.辅元

3、结构,在辅元结构中,元音字母在辅音字母后,这时,元音字母发长音,在其上划横线。如: go no me she he we gee hi 3.元辅 e 结构,在此结构当中,各词都以不发音的 e 结尾,大部分情况下前面的元音字母发长音。如:ape lake same cane gate cave shave Eve mete gene Pete these Chinese JapaneseHide dive wine shine smile bite mile Coke Rome bone rose slope phone smoke Cube tube duke cute mule huge J

4、ude 辅音字母组合及其发音注意:一定要注意辅音组合字母之间的发音滑动,绝对不能留有空间,从而带出尾音,使发音变化。例:blue blob block clap clam clip Flan flex flea glue glass globe Plum plug plus slip sled slopeBrick bread brow crab crow cross Drum dream driver frame frog fruit Ground grass grave price prince pramTree truck track smith smile smoke Snore sn

5、ow snake spear spot spine Stair stone stove skunk skirt skate Swing swan swim square squid squeezeShark shelf ship chair cherry chessThumb theater think lock deck neckWheel whale white wreath write wrongThis that these phone graph photoHand wind sand ring king wing Tank pink ink tent aunt antItch ca

6、tch match fetch patch hatch Witch watch batch kitchen元音字母组合一R 音节发音总结Ar 组合大口啊音Car arm card yard park yard park carp park harp farm cart dart shark guitar Er 组合若读时读短呃音,重读时读长呃音Father mother river farmer worker teacher Waiter singer dancer reader Herb herd term serve fern alertIr 组合发长呃音Sir fir bird girl

7、 third thirty Thirteen birthday shirt skirt Or 组合通常发长-音For fork corn pork north torch horn Morning worn port horse short 部分词中发长呃音 放在 w 后。Work worm word world worse worst 部分词中读短呃音Doctor victor Ore 组合 Core shore store chore score more Ur 组合发长呃音Fur burn blur curt hurt turn curl Church nurse purse turtl

8、e purpleThe nurse has a fur purse. The nurse turns and burns the purse.Dad is a hunter. Mum is a baker. I want to be a dancer.Ear 组合 发长呃音的情况Pearl earn learn heard search 元音组合二 ai ay eigh 两元音字母在一起 ,通常发前者的长音,后者不发音Mail fail sail rail tail hail nail snail mail Lay play way say sway hay ray okay Eight we

9、igh weight neighbor sleigh 元音组合三 ee ea ey y ie 发长衣音Tree free see need sleep queen eel Leaf meat clean teach cheat eagle easel Key monkey donkey honey money Baby puppy pony lucky funny Piece field chief briefcase元音组合四 ie igh y 发/ai/音Y 在词尾时做元音当单词中只有半元音 y 时,其读音为/ai/在多音节词中,常发/i:/Pie die lie tie High sun

10、light night sight Sky fly spy shy cry my 元音组合五 oa ow 发 o 的长音Boat soap goat coat road oak Blow grow show window rainbow follow Old- hold cold told Ost-host post ghost 元音组合六 ue ui ew 发长/u:/ 音 Blue glue clue sue Juice fruit suit suitcase Chew flew grew Today is the day I will fly. I dont like the plane

11、s. I start to cry. I ask my mom. Why take a plane? Lets take a train. Trains are slow. Flying is safe. Youll be fine. So I close my eyes. I hold on tight. Up, up , and away. Up in the sky. It is not so bad. Im not afraid. I kind of like it. 元音及半元音组合 oar oor our war quar aw Blackboard whiteboard roar Door indoor floor Four pore court Warm war warn Quarter quarrel Jaw law paw saw claw draw Hawk yawn fawn b



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