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1、四年级英语期末试题第 1页(共 4页)20152016 学年度第一学期期末考试四年级英语试题(时间:60 分钟)等级Part IListening第一部分听力共六大题I. Listen and number.(听一听,按听到的顺序,给下列房间标上序号。)II. Listen and match.(听一听,将食物与相应的餐具连起来。)同学们, 你们好! 本次英语试题共分为两部分: 听力部分 (Listening) 和读写部分(Reading and writing)。听录音前要认真阅读题目要求, 仔细观察图片,每小题录音听两遍。快来检测一下你有哪些收获吧!四年级英语期末试题第 2 页(共 4页)

2、III. Listen and tick.(听一听,判断下列人物与职业是否相符,打“”或“” ) 。1. uncle2. cousin3. sister4. aunt5. grandfather()()()()()IV. Listen and choose.(听一听,选单词补全故事,将单词代号填在横线上。)A. tallB. friendlyC. WhosD. nameE. hairV. Listen and finish the passage.(听一听,补全短文,将单词代号填在横线上。)I have a cousin. His name is Jack. This is his(A. be

3、droomB. living room). His desk is(A. inB. near) the window. He hasmany books. They are on the desk. He has a bed.(A. TheyreB. Its)near the desk. Wheres the football? Oh, its(A. underB. on) thechair. Where(A. areB. is) the glasses? Look! Theyre on the bed.四年级英语期末试题第 3页(共 4页)VI. Listen and circle, the

4、n write. (听一听,圈出听到的单词,再把它写下来。)1. make/Mike2. cat/kite3. not/note4. it/ice5. use/bus6. be/bedPart IIReading & Writing第二部分读写共四大题VII. Choose the different word.(找出不同类的单词。)() 1.A. classroomB. quietC. strong() 2.A. tableB. sofaC. storybook() 3.A. fridgeB. fanC. vegetable() 4.A. ChineseB. shoeC. English()

5、 5.A. chickenB. floorC. windowVIII. Read and choose.(读一读,选择合适的句子补全对话,将代号填在横线上。 )A:?B: Listen and guess(猜).A: Wow! Its a cat.?B: Its white.A:?B: Its name is Mimi.A: Wheres it now?B:?A: Yes, it is. You naughty (淘气的) cat!A. Whats in your schoolbag?B. What colour is it?C. Is it in under the TV?D. Whats

6、its name?四年级英语期末试题第 4 页(共 4页)IXRead and number.(读一读,给下列的句子标上序号,组成完整的对话。)() Welcome! What would you like?() Id like some apples, please.() Your apples. Ten yuan, please.() How many apples?() OK. Here you are.() Ten apples, please.XRead and judge.(读短文,判断对“”错“”。)A: Hello! Come and look at my family pho

7、to.B: How many people are there in your family?A: Seven.B: You have a big family.A: Yes. My grandparents are friendly. My grandma has white hair. My grandpa hasglasses. I have a sister and a brother. Theyre cute.B: Whats your fathers job?A: Hes a driver. Hes strong. My mother is a nurse. Shes quiet.B: Is that your baby sister?A: No, Its me! Haha!() 1. My family has seven people.() 2. My grandparents are friendly.() 3. My grandma has black hair.() 4. My mother is a doctor.() 5. I have a sister and a brother.



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