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1、不同于英美法系国家的“随意解除/终止”(Termination at Will),中国劳动法仅赋予企业在特定情形下的劳动合同解除权和 终止权。与此同时,中国劳动法在劳动合同的变更、续订方面,也强调协商一致原则。由此,企业在变更、解除、终止劳动 合同方面,也频频与员工发生劳动争议。在此情形下,对劳动法规的正确理解以及对实务操作、司法实践的深入了解是企业 明确管理方式、规避风险的有效途径。Different from “Termination at Will” under the common law, the PRC labor law only allows enterprises to te

2、rminate or end employment contracts under certain circumstances. Meanwhile, the PRC labor law emphasizes that the employer and the employee shall reach an agreement when amending and renewing employment contracts. Therefore, labor disputes frequently arise when enterprises amend, terminate and end e

3、mployment contracts with their employees. In light of this situation, to correctly understand labor laws and to well know the market practice and the judicial practice is an efficient way for enterprises to clarify the management methods and to fend off possible legal risks.劳动合同方面的最新立法动态Latest Legis

4、lative Development on Employment Contracts劳动合同的变更Amendment on Employment Contracts- 企业能否单方变更劳动合同?Is it legal for enterprises to unilaterally amend employment contracts?- 劳动合同的变更是否必须采用书面形式?未采取书面形式的“事实变更”的效力? Does amending employment contract have to be in writing? What is the legal effects of de fact

5、o amendment?劳动合同的解除 Termination of Employment Contracts- 在哪些情形下企业可解除劳动合同?Under what circumstances may enterprises terminate employment contracts?- 企业不得解除劳动合同的几种情形?Several circumstances where enterprises may not terminate employment contracts?- 试用期如何解除员工?How to terminate employees in the probation pe

6、riod?- 如何解除严重违纪的员工?How to terminate employees for gross misconduct?- 如何解除不胜任的员工?How to terminate incompetence employees?- 如何解除长期请病假的员工?How to terminate employees who have taken long-term sick leave?主讲人:梁燕玲 律师/合伙人 Speaker: Ms. Liang Yanling Lawyer/Partner劳动合同的变更、解除、终止和续 订的法律及实务问题 Legal and Practical

7、Issues on Amendment, Termination, Ending and Renewal of Employment ContractsThe Professionals First Choice.- 在经济危机下如何进行经济性裁员?How to downsize employees in economic crisis?- 企业能否以分立或合并为由解除劳动合同?Can enterprises terminate employment contracts on the grounds of dissolution or merger?- 员工辞职是否需要企业同意?Does an

8、 employee have to obtain the consent of his employer when he resigns?- 企业违法解除劳动合同应承担何种法律责任?What legal responsibility shall be borne by enterprises for wrongful dismissal?- 离职交接应注意哪些事项?What should be noted in work handover?- 何种情形应当支付经济补偿金?经济补偿金如何计算?Under what circumstances is severance pay required?

9、How to calculate severance pay?劳动合同的终止Ending of Employment Contracts - 劳动合同终止的情形有哪些?Under what circumstances shall employment contracts end?- 劳动合同不能终止的情形有哪些?What are the circumstances that employment contracts may not be ended?- 期满终止的情形下,企业是否应当提前30日书面通知?未提前通知有何法律后果? Are enterprises obligated to noti

10、fy their employees 30 days in advance when employment contracts expire? What are the legal consequences if enterprises fail to notify in advance? - 终止是否应当支付经济补偿金?Is severance pay required where employment contracts end?劳动合同解除或终止后的义务Obligations after the Termination or Ending of Employment Contracts- 企业的义务Employers Obligations - 员工的义务Employees Obligations 劳动合同的续订Renewal of Employment Contracts- 因续订而导致无固定期限劳动合同的情形Circumstances where renewal will lead to open-end employment contracts The Professionals First Choice.



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