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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福口语资料之大学生小学生谁更好教托福口语需要大量的积累和练习,其中托福口语真题起着至关重要 的作用,如果我们能在复习时多看一些有用的托福口语资料相信对于大 家一定很有帮助,下面就来介绍一个关于小学生比大学生容易教的讨论 ,希望对大家有帮助。 其中有一道题目是“Do you agree or disagree with the statement that its easier to teach primary school students than to teach university students. 小学生比大学生容易教?“针对这样一道托福口语题目

2、考生该如何作答? 托福口语真题: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that its easier to teach primary school students than to teach university students. 口语不好不一定是因为你害羞或者发音不准哦!真相点这里!口语 大师为你诊断 托福口语资料:优秀范文I think primary school students are harder to teach for the following reasons. First, they can get pretty n

3、aughty sometimes. My friend Tony used to teach in a primary school, he told me that kids in his class interrupt him all the time. Sometimes they even walk around the classroom when theyre supposed to be sitting down. Theyre cute, but they do get really noisy from time to time. University students, o

4、n the other hand, have much better self control. They know how to sit quietly and pay attention to the teacher. They know they have to take notes without the teacher having to remind them to. 上面就是关于小学生比大学生容易教的讨论的托福口语真题,以后 大家会碰到各种各样的托福口语题目,大家要多参考一些托福口语资料 ,总结出自己的模板,这样才能有效地提高分数。 相关推荐: 托福口语实例解析:介绍一本你认为重要的书托福口语:商店打折优惠怎么说 课程名称 授课课时 班型 咨询 托福基础班 托福80分钻石班 150课时 全日制 了解详细 了解详细 托福90分钻石班 120课时+2次全真模考 全日制 了解详细 托福精品保80分班 420+80课时视频+3次全真托福模考 全日制 了解详细


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