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1、“雷锋精神雷锋精神”的新诠释的新诠释时代不断进步,可能很多人认为“雷锋精神”热度已经退却(fade out)。但如 今,无数英雄就在我们身边用无言的行动证明了:雷锋精神并未走远,且与时 常新。March 5 will mark the 50th year of Leis death. In 1963, Chairman Mao Zedong designated the day as “Learn From Lei Feng Day” and started a national campaign for people to copy his deeds.今年 3 月 5 日是雷锋逝世 50

2、周年纪念日。1963 年,毛主席宣布这天为“学雷 锋日”,从而掀起一场全民学习雷锋事迹的运动热潮。Several decades after the campaign was initiated, there has been a debate about whether the spirit of Lei lives on, and whether an altruistic role model is relevant anymore in a materialist society.此后的几十年间,一直存在这样一种争论:在物质社会中,雷锋精神是否长存? 这种无私楷模的形象是否还有价值?S

3、ome think it no longer rings a bell. 有些人认为雷锋精神已经过时。Commentators, however, point out those who regarded Leis spirit as being outdated have misinterpreted its meaning.而评论人士则指出,那些认为雷锋精神过时的人其实是误解了其真正的意义。Yang Haibin, deputy secretary of China Communist Youth League Beijing Committee said: “learning from

4、Lei Feng could be a mutually caring and benefiting act, which is the basis of civilized society.共青团北京市委副书记杨海滨表示:“学习雷锋可以是一种相互关心,彼此受 益的行为,是文明社会的基础。”And, Leis spirit can be modern and relevant, says Yang. He believes that lending a helping hand for no reward is an early form of volunteering. “Its also

5、about being content with a simple and humble way of life,” Yang says.同时,杨海滨认为,雷锋精神具备与时俱进的特点且意义重大,这种无私助人 的行为是志愿者行为的早期形式。他还表示:“这也是对于简单且谦逊的生活 方式所产生的一种满足感。”As Lei Fengs anniversary draws near, his spirit has been promoted in a more approachable way.随着雷锋纪念日的邻近,各界开始采用一种更为大众接受的方式来推广雷锋精 神。Guangdong provinci

6、al government has updated its campaign slogan from “sacrificing yourself to benefit others” to “doing each other a favor”.广东省政府将他们的活动口号由原来的“舍己为人”改为“互相帮助。”In Changsha, Hunan, the hometown of Lei Feng, the slogan is “doing my duty”.雷锋的故乡湖南长沙市的活动口号则是“这是我应该做的”。Leis followers among the post-80s and 90s g

7、eneration regard these moves as humanizing the role model.雷锋精神的 80 后、90 后追随者将这一切视为让雷锋楷模更人性化的举动。Theyre encouraged to develop their unique interpretation and ways of spreading goodwill.他们被提倡以他们独特的方式诠释善意、传播善举。Hu Zhongping, professor of education in South China Normal University, says Lei Fengs spirit teaches us to be a good person, who contributes to society. “Its all about encouraging those who are self-centered to think from other peoples perspectives as well,” Hu says.华南师范大学教授胡中平(音译)认为,雷锋精神教导我们要做对社会有贡献 的好人。他还表示:“雷锋精神可以鼓励那些以自我为中心的人更多地去站在 别人角度思考问题。”朋友们,还等什么?赶快行动起来,把“雷锋精神”发扬光大吧!



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