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1、牛津小学英语 3A 期末试卷听力稿1、Listen and circle. (听两遍) (听录音,圈出所听内容的序号) (1) 、a dog (2) 、a basket (3) 、an apple (4) 、a cup of tea (5) 、an ice-cream (6) 、a shirt (7) 、a window (8) 、a plane (9) 、a long pencil (10) 、Im a Chinese boy. 2、Listen and judge.(听录音,判断对错) (1) 、Hi, Im Liu Tao. (2) 、A: How are you, Miss Li?B:

2、 Fine, thank you. (3) 、 A: Look at my new skirt.B: Its pretty. (4) 、 Im a thin girl. (5) 、 A: Turn off the tap.B: OK. (6) 、 This is a fat woman. 3、Listen and number.(听录音,根据所听内容在图下括号内编序 号) (1) 、A: Look at the fridge.B: How nice! (2) 、A: Good morning, Helen. How are you? B: Fine, thank you. And you? A

3、: Im fine, too. (3) 、A: Lets go to the Great Wall.B: Great, lets go by plane. (4) 、A: This is my brother, Mike. (5) 、A: Go to bed now, David.B: All right. Good night, Mum. (6) 、A: A Hamburger?B: Yes, please. 4、Listen and write the next two letters.(听录音,写出所听字母的 后两个字母的大小写) (1) 、a (2) 、l (3) 、g (4) 、t

4、(5) 、i (6) 、m 5、Listen and match.(听录音,把相关内容连起来) (1) 、This is Liu Tao. His sharpener is nice. (2) 、This is Nancy. Her skirt is pretty. (3) 、This is Yangling. Look, thats her telephone. (4) 、This is Mrs Brown. Heres her pineapple.(5) 、This is David. Look at his sweater. (6) 、This is Mr Black. I can se

5、e his coffee. 6、Listen, find and choose.(听录音,找出你所听到的句子并把序 号写在前面括号内) (1) 、Open the door. (2) 、Turn off the light. (3) 、Oh, its nice. (4) 、How are you? (5) 、Thanks. (6) 、This is my jacket. 7、Listen and colour.(听三遍)(听录音,给所听物品着色)A: Look, this is my home.B: Oh, how nice. Theres a green sofa and a blue fridge.A: Have some red apples, please.B: Thank you.A: Look at my telephone.B: Its nice. Its an orange telephone. Whats that?A: Its a chair. Its black.B: Can I have a look at your bookcase?A: OK. Its brown. Its my favourite colour.


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