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1、理论模拟试题一一、单项选择题(每小题 1 分,共 40 分)1UCP600 规定,承付(Honor)不包括( ) 。A即期付款 B延期付款 C承兑 D议付2UCP600 规定,开证行的合理审单时间是收到单据次日起的( )个工作日之内。A5 B6 C7 D83 ( )是票据的主票据行为。A背书 B承兑 C出票 D付款4出口完税价格是指( ) 。AFOB BCFR CCIF DFCA5根据联合国国际货物销售合同公约规定,卖方无需承担( )的义务。A交付货物 B移交一切与货物有关的单据C支付价款 D移交货物所有权给买方6在( )市场, “CE”标志属于强制性认证标志。A新加坡 B日本 C欧盟 D美国

2、7采用( )支付方式时,无需投保出口信用保险。A前 T/T BD/P CD/A DO/A8打包贷款一般用于( )的贸易融资。A装运前 B装运后 C交单时 D议付时 9根据 INCOTERMS 2000 规定,采用( )术语时,由买方办理出口报关。AEXW BFAS CFOB DDDP10根据 CIC 条款,空运险负“仓至仓”责任,自被保险货物运离保险单所载明的起运地仓库或储存处所开始运输时生效,直至该项货物到达保险单所载明目的地收货人的最后仓库或储存处所。如未抵达上述仓库或储存处所,则以被保险货物在最后卸载地点全部卸离运输工具后满( )为止。A20 天 B30 天 C60 天 D90 天11对

3、出口商而言,以下支付方式风险从小到大的排列顺序是( ) 。AL/CD/PD/A前 T/T后 T/T BL/C前 T/TD/PD/A后 T/TC前 T/TL/CD/PD/A后 T/T D前 T/TL/CD/AD/P后 T/T12UCP600 规定,遇节假日不可顺延的期限是( ) 。A信用证效期 B装运期 C交单期 D汇票到期日13 ( )是当今世界上最大的检验鉴定公司。AUL BNKKK CSGS DIITS14 ( )不属于经济风险。A经营管理不善 B政权更替 C通货膨胀 D汇率变动15根据我国有关规定,对外贸易经营者应于取得出口经营权之日起 ( )天内,向所在地的主管退税机关申请办理出口退税

4、认定。A15 天 B30 天 C45 天 D60 天16我国对外贸易货物运输中,运输量最大的运输方式是( ) 。A海洋运输 B航空运输 C国际多式联运 D铁路运输17投保单上的投保金额在发票金额的 ( )以上时,一般需征得保险公司同意方可投保。A100% B105% C110% D130%18信用证关于唛头的规定是“KKK in circle” ,则以下符合信用证要求的唛头是( ) 。AKKK in circle BN/MC D19根据规定,单笔出口多收汇或少收汇核销差额在等值( )美元(含)以内的,可以按正常情况办理出口收汇核销。A1000 B3000 C5000 D1000020出口退税申

5、报时间是报关单上注明的出口日期起( )天内。A60 B90 C120 D18021POC means “port of call”, which can be translated into Chinese as( ).A中途停泊港 B中途转运港 C沿途停靠港 D目的港22Telegraphic transfer (T/T), Mail transfer (M/T) and Demand draft (D/D) are the three forms of payment for ( ).AL/C BRemittance CCollection DL/G 23Bills of lading t

6、o be made out to order and blank endorsed means the originals should be endorsed by( ).Ashipper Bconsignee Ccarrier Dcollecting bank24The dimension of the carton is as the following: LHW=60cm30cm40cm, the measurement should be( ).A720CM3 B7200CM3 C0.72 M3 D0.072M325Different trade terms indicate the

7、 different charges, obligation and perils taken for the buyer and seller. ( ) is most favorable for the exporter. KKKKKKACIF BFOB CEXW DFAS26Learning the details of a certain commodity, you may make a/an ( ) from the supplier.Aorder Benquiry Cagent Dsample 27The following are the relevant banks conc

8、erned in the operation of the L/C except ( ).Aissuing bank Bnegotiating bank Ccollecting bank Dadvising bank28The style of business letter writing generally conforms to the listed forms except( ).Aindented style Bblocked style Csubject line Dmodified blocked style 29General average belongs to ( ) .A

9、constructive total loss Bactual total loss Cpartial loss Dtotal loss30The following are the modes of transport except ( ).Asea transport Bwarning marks Cpipe transport Dinland waterway transport Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:Basically, there are three different types of

10、negotiators, which are equivalent of the three different kinds of businesspeople who are compared to sharks (鲨鱼), carps(鲤鱼)and dolphins (海豚)to describe their distinct behaviors. Using the same descriptive expressions to negotiators provides a better understanding of the three negotiating styles.The

11、perception of sharks is that in all negotiations, there must be winners and losers. When negotiating, the sharks basic nature is to take over or trade off. A second characteristic of sharks is to assume that they always have the only possible solution to any negotiation.Unlike sharks, carps believe

12、that in a negotiation, they can never be the winners. Because of this belief, they focus their efforts on not losing what they currently have. Carps do not like any type of confrontation, so their normal response in negotiation is to give in or get out. The dolphin is chosen to illustrate the ideal

13、negotiator because of the animals high intelligence and ability to learn from experience. In negotiations, dolphins have the ability to successfully adapt to any situation they encounter. If one strategy is unsuccessful, dolphins respond with other possibilities. The four typical characteristics of dolphins are:1)They play an infinite rather than a finite game. That is theyd like to foster cooperation and trust to enhance the relationship in a long run.2)They avoid unnecessary conflict by cooperating as lo



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