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1、Thesis Writing: What, How 1/3 cumulative referenceHow to Avoid Plagiarismn“Pledge of Trustfulness”nReading, understanding & paraphrasingnAcknowledging the source of quotenWriting in Chinese translating into English revising English versionnWeb resource:http:/tlt.its.psu.edu/suggestions/cyberplag/cyb

2、erplagexamples.htmlFormat of the Thesis PaperFormat of the Thesis PaperFormat (Single-book-based)nIntroduction (why this paper) (23 pp.)nText components: (1013 pp.) - Synopsis of the novel, characters, etc. - Introduction to the author - Background of the novel, story, etc. - Analysis of main charac

3、ters & their relationshipnConclusion (restatement of the theme) (12 pp.)nReferences (1 p.)How: Style & Requirementn上海外国语大学网络教育 学院毕业论文撰写规定 - 打印格式 - 装订格式 - 参考文献格式 - 相关表格论文打印格式n纸张:A4、70克的复印纸 n标题:三号宋体字或Times New Romann小标题:四号宋体字或Times New Romann正文:小四号宋体或Times New Romann页边距:按默认格式 (2.54 x 3.17)n装订线:左侧0.3厘米

4、n正文页眉:上海外国语大学网络教育学院毕业论 文 (小五号宋体,右对齐) 毕业论文装订格式1. 1. 封封 面面2. 2. 开题报告开题报告3. 3. 论文指导记录表论文指导记录表4. 4. 论文评阅书论文评阅书5. 5. 论文内封面论文内封面6. 6. 致谢词致谢词7. 7. 英、中文摘要英、中文摘要8. 8. 目目 录录9. 9. 正正 文文10.10.参考文献参考文献参考文献格式:EnglishnBooksnJournals nOnline ResourcesBased on http:/library.osu.edu/sites/guides/apagd.phpEnglish Book

5、snSingle author: Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy (2nd ed.). White Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. inside the text (Brown, 2001). “for writing purpose” (Brown, 2001, p.18).nCo- or Three-authors: Smith, D., Boyd, R., & Spoher, J. C. (1

6、995). Virtues VRKL toolkit. Indianapolis: Hayden Books. inside the text (Smith, Boyd & Spoher, 1995).English BooksnMultiple-authors: Ligon, M., Carpenter, K., Brown, W., & Milsop, A. (1983). Computers in the world of business communications. Hartford, CT: Capital Press. inside the text: first time (

7、Ligon, Carpenter, Brown & Milsop, 1983).inside the text: 2nd time (Ligon, et al., 1983).nEditor: Higgins, J. (Ed.). (1988). Psychology. New York: Norton. Benyon, J., & Mackay, H. (Eds.). (1993). Computer into classroom. London: The Falmer Press.ArticlesnFrom Books or Journals: Barlett, L. (1990). Te

8、acher development through reflective teaching. In J. Richards & D. Nunan (Eds.), Second language teacher education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Murzynski, J., & Degelman, D. (1996). Body language of women and judgments of vulnerability to sexual assault. Journal of Applied Social Psycholo

9、gy, 26(3), 1617-1626. “inside the text” (Barlett, 1996, pp.201-202).nOnline: Degelman, D., & Harris, M. L. (2000). APA Style Essentials. Retrieved May 18, 2007 from: http:/www.vanguard.edu/faculty/ddegelman/index.cfm?doc_id=796 Nielsen, M. E. (n.d.). Notable people in psychology of religion. Retriev

10、ed August 3, 2001 from: http:/ the text (Nielsen).参考文献格式:中文 n书籍 罗常培:语言与文化,北京:商务印书馆,1957 。 - 论文中引用 (Luo, 1957). 南国农:电化教育学(第二版),北京:高等教 育出版社,2000。 束定芳、庄智象:现代外语教学-理论、实践与方法 , 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1996。 - 论文中引用 (Shu & Zhuang, 1996). 王士元主编:语言与人类交际,广西:广西教育 出版社,1987。 美 A. N. 乔姆斯基著,徐烈炯等译:乔姆斯基语言 哲学文选,北京:商务印书馆,1992。参考文

11、献格式:中文n杂志 张占一、毕计万:“如何理解和揭示对外汉 语教学中的文化因素”,语言教学与研 究,1991第四期:27-35。论文中引用 (张占一、毕计万/Zhang & Bi, 1991,p.28).During Oral DefensenBriefly tell what you paper is about (23 min.)nThree judges, three questionsnBe concise but to the pointnDefine the terms clearly and accuratelynNo reference is allowed to the Th

12、esisWord of CautionnChoose a familiar and tangible subjectnRead original book at least 23 timesnWork out a schedule & stick to itnFollowing: Proposal Outline Draft Advisers Consent Revision Advisers Approval Comment Revision & Fine-tuning Final Thesis Oral Defense Binding nParaphrase & acknowledgement, not cut-and-pastenPlagiarism a Big NO-NOnIn Reference, list only what youve quoted in your thesisn nThank Thank You!You!n nGood Good Luck!Luck!



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