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1、“The Liberal Party is fighting to build an inclusive, prosperous, greener Canada. You can count on Wendy Yuan to fight for Vancouver Kingsway as part of the Liberal Team in Parliament.”聯邦自由黨致力于把加拿大建設成一個公正、包容、富強、 綠色的國家。我相信,袁薇作為聯邦自由黨國會議員,將會 是溫哥華京士威選民們在國會的忠實喉舌。Honourable Stphane Dion, P.C., M.P. 聯邦自由黨黨

2、領 迪安As an immigrant and a proud Canadian, I am committed to serving and giving back to our community and our country.For me, Vancouver Kingsway is the heart of Canada. Issues important to our community are ones of national importance reducing poverty, protecting the environment, building the Asia-Pa

3、cifc Gateway, and ensuring safe and secure neighbourhoods.I will work hard on these issues and I will deliver results. With me, Vancouver Kingsway will have a strong community advocate in Ottawa. I ask for your support.作為一個移民一個自豪的加拿大人我深懷感恩之情,希翼 回報社會,服務國家。環顧加拿大,京士威選區正是我們國家的縮影我們選區所面 對的種種挑戰例如減少貧困保護環境建設

4、亞太門戶及打 造安全社區等也正是我們加拿大所應該重視的議題。如我有幸得到您的支持我一定會勤勤懇懇為溫哥華京士威選 區服務為民請命。請在選舉日投我一票。A voice you can trust“The next election will be close. The best way to stop Stephen Harpers Conservatives is to elect a Liberal in Vancouver Kingsway. Electing Wendy will help bring change in Ottawa.”Senator Larry Campbell, f

5、ormer Mayor of VancouverJoin us. Make a difference.campaignwendyyuan.ca www.wendyyuan.caVancouver Kingsway EDA 200 3550 Commercial Street Vancouver, B.C. V5N 4E9Tel: 778-895-8990 Fax: 604-244-8547溫哥華京士威選區地圖Candidate, Vancouver KingswayServing you with Commitment and IntegrityLiberal Party of Canada聯

6、邦自由黨溫哥華京士威選區國會議員候選人OAK | CAMBIE | MAIN | FRASER | KNIGHT | VICTORIA | NANAIMO | RENFREW | RUPERT | JOYCE | BOUNDARY“Wendy has been an active Liberal for many years at the grassroots level. She is committed and dedicated and she is here for the long haul.”Jurgen Claudepierre, Resident, Riley Park-Lit

7、tle Mountain Neighbourhood“Since she chose to immigrate to Canada 24years ago, Wendy has distinguished herself as a successful small business person and community volunteer. Her experience in climbing the barriers facing immigrant women will help make her an even more effective voice in Parliament.”

8、Taryna Ho, Community Leader, Victoria Drive “Wendys business experience and community involvement will help make her an effective voice for us in Ottawa.”Sarup Mann, Business Owner, Kensington-Cedar Cottage“There is more diversity in Vancouver Kingsway than some provinces in Canada. Wendy understand

9、s the challenges and opportunities presented by our multicultural neighbourhoods.”Jun & Perla Oloresisimo, Residents, Renfrew-Collingwood NeighbourhoodStrong Advocate for KingswayAs an immigrant, a mother, and an entrepreneur, Wendy has experienced frst-hand the barriers some face in seizing opportu

10、nities and realizing their dreams.Wendy is committed to breaking down the barriers and ensuring access to services and greater opportunity for the people of Vancouver Kingsway.Prosperity. Inclusiveness. Safety. Social Justice. Sustainability. All of these have a direct bearing on the quality of life

11、 we have in Vancouver Kingsway and are values that Wendy will fght for in Ottawa. 為民鼓與呼作為一個移民一個母親和一個職業女性袁薇充分了解選區每 一個家庭每一位居民的夢想和追求以及所面臨的障礙和挑戰。袁薇有志于消除這些障礙讓每一位京士威的居民都能夠享有更 好的服務和更多的機會以實現自己的夢想。 富裕公正包容安全環保這些既是京士威選民所追求的 目標也是未來袁薇在國會為之奮鬥的目標。Community ActivistWendy lives and volunteers in our community. She h

12、as worked tirelessly with different community groups for the betterment of local residents. Wendys closeness to neighbourhood issues will ensure your priorities are heard in Ottawa.Wendy has served on the S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation board, and has been an active volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross a

13、nd Simon Fraser University. She has brought local residents together in community roundtables to address pressing issues such as Foreign Credentials Recognition, immigration settlement, seniors needs, and neighbourhood safety. Wendy has received numerous awards for her commitment and dedication to s

14、erving the community.社會活動家袁薇熱心于服務社區多年來擔任義工,為建設社區而腳踏實 地地奉獻。袁薇並和多個社區組織合作多次組織圓桌會議, 與區內居民共同探討大家關注的海外資歷認證耆英服務移 民安置及社區安全等問題。她的草根精神使她更加了解普通選 民的需求以及更有效地將選民的聲音帶到渥太華。袁薇還在其它多個非謀利社區組織領導層任職其中包括中僑 基金會理事一職以及加拿大紅十字會華人顧問委員會委員、 西門菲沙大學素里校園顧問團成員等由於她對各社區組織奉 獻卓著而受到多次表彰。Small Business Success StoryComing to Canada 24 year

15、s ago with limited means, Wendy supported herself through scholarships and part-time teaching while earning two graduate degrees. In 1988, Wendy founded a small high-tech company, building it into a successful, diversifed and progressive enterprise. Competing in global markets, Wendy gained recognition as a leading entrepreneur and exporter.?or? ?成功創業24年前袁薇身無分文抵達加拿大留學靠獎學金和勤工儉學 完成學業,先後獲得兩個學位 1988年,袁薇創辦了一間小型 高科技公司,經過多年的努力,成功將其發展為業務多元化


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