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1、 14.14.1 参考书目参考书目参考书目名称参考书目名称书目属性书目属性出版社出版社作者作者是否招生是否招生 简章指定简章指定英国文学简史 教材 南开大学出版社 常耀信 是美国文学简史 教材南开大学出版社 常耀信 是英美诗歌选读 教材湖南师范大学出版社蒋洪新 是英美小说选读 教材湖南师范大学出版社 宁一中不是英美散文选读 教材湖南师范大学出版社 蒋坚松不是5.15.1 真题分析真题分析年份年份题型题型分值分值考察范围考察范围考察难度考察难度(了解、理解、掌握、(了解、理解、掌握、应用)应用)选择20 points/20Main features of a certain periodImpo

2、rtant year in history“first” genres of poetrymain content of some worksMain features of an authorUnofficial poet laureate winners掌握写出作品的作 者10 points/10Mrs. Warrens profession, The Jungle Book, The Forsyte Saga, The Passage to India, Finnegans Wake, Lord Jim, The American Scholar, The Red Badge of Co

3、urage, The Glass Menagerie, The Airy Ape掌握填空10 points/10掌握戏剧选读25 pointsThe Merchant of Venice应用诗歌选读25 pointsThe major characteristics of Romanticism应用短篇小说选读30 pointsMother应用.2009中文作文30 points论述题应用2008选择20 points/20BeowulfMain features of a certain period“first”genres of poetrymain content of some wo

4、rksMain features of an authorNobel Prize winners掌握2the period famous writers live; literary school(The Beat Generation)写出作品的作 者10 points/10Don Juan, Pride and Prejudice, Vanity Fair, The Fairy Queen, The Waste Land, The Grapes of Wrath, Paradise Lost, Pamela, Moby Dick, U.S.A掌握填空 10 points/10掌握戏剧选读

5、25 pointsBound East for Cardiff应用诗歌选读 25 pointsOzymandias (Shelley)应用短篇小说选读30 pointsA Cup of Tea应用中文作文 30 points简论语言、文学和翻译应用写出作品的作 者5 points/10Gullivers Travels, Ode to the West Wind, Don Juan, Pride and Prejudice, Vanity Fair, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Uncle Toms Cabin, Martin Eden, The Waste La

6、nd, The Grapes of Wrath掌握选择10 points/10Well-known quotations: Hamlets famous “to be or not to be,” Bacons “studies for.;” the period famous writers live; literary school(The Beat Generation); genres of poetry; main content of some works; Vadimir Nabokov 掌握文学术语解释10 points/2Sonnet Transcendentalism掌握诗

7、歌选读 15 points“Anecdote of the Jar”应用2007中文作文 30 points 800 字论述文应用写出作品的作 者5 points/10A Farewell to Arms, Middlemarch, Ode to a nightingale, Pamela, Songs of Innocence, Tender is the Night, The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, The Purloined Letter, To His Coy Mistress, Tristram ShandyHemingway, George E

8、liot, Keats, Richardson, Blake, Fitzgerald, Mark Twain, Poe, Marvell, Laurence Sterne. 考查英美文学中最基 本的最重要的必须掌 握的常识,掌握2006The theme of the workContributions of an author掌握3选择15 points/15Authors achievementDoctrines of AestheticismFeatures of NaturalismMeanings of the workArtistic features 选段选读 (5 选 4) 2

9、0 pionts/4Shakespeares sonnet,Wordsworths poem, Emersons “Nature,” “Young Goodman Brown”应用中文作文(2 选 1)30 points论述文应用1、第 1 本书英国文学史:章节章节章节名称重点第 1 章The Old English Period Beowulf The Middle English Period 第 2 章Chaucer The Pre-Elizabethan Period More 第 3 章The Elizabethan Age Spenser Sidney Marlowe 第 4 章S

10、hakespeare Bacon Jonson King James Bible第 5 章The 17th century Donne Milton Dryden Bunyan The Restoration Theater第 6 章The Classic Age Pope Johnson Gray Goldsmith Sheridan 第 7 章Movement towards Romanticism Thomson Young Cowper Crabbe Blake Burns第 8 章18th-century Fiction Swift Defoe Richardson Fielding

11、 Sterne Smollett第 9 章The Romantic Period Wordsworth Coleridge Scott Austen 第 10 章Byron Shelley Keats第 11 章The Victorian Period Victorian Prose Carlyle Mill Newman第 12 章Victorian Fiction Dickens Thackeray第 13 章Charlotte and Emily Bronte Meredith第 14 章George Eliot Trollope Butler第 15 章Hardy Gissing Mo

12、ore Wilde Stevenson第 16 章Victorian Poetry Tennyson Browning Arnold第 17 章Clough Hopkins Edward Fitzgeralds Rubaiyat The Aesthetic Movement 第 18 章Victorian Drama Shaw Wilde第 19The Early 20th Century The Edwardians The Georgians The 4章War Poets第 20 章The 1920s Woolf Joyce第 21 章Lawrence Yeats Imagism T.S

13、.Eliot第 22 章Poetry of the 1930s Auden The Audenic Group Thomas Empson第 23 章Fiction of the 1930s Huxley Orwell Waugh Greene Isherwood第 24 章Postwar Poetry第 25 章Postwar Fiction第 26 章Postwar Drama2、第 2 本书美国文学简史:章节章节章节名称重点重点第 1 章Colonial America 第 2 章Edwards Franklin Crevecoeur 第 3 章American Romanticism

14、Irving Cooper 第 4 章New England Transcendentalism Emerson Thoreau第 5 章Hawthorne Melville 第 6 章Whitman Dickinson 第 7 章Edgar Allan Poe 第 8 章The Age of Realism Howells James 第 9 章Local Colorism Mark Twain 第 10 章American Naturalism Crane Norris Dreiser Robinson第 11 章The 1920s Imagism Pound 第 12 章T.S.Elio

15、t Stevens Williams 第 13 章Frost Sandburg Cummings 第 14 章Fitzgerald Hemingway 第 15 章The Southern Renaissance William Faulkner 第 16 章Anderson Stein Lewis Cather Wolfe 第 17 章The 1930s Dos Passos Steinbeck 第 18 章Porter Welty McCullers West The New Criticism第 19 章American Drama 第 20 章Postwar Poetry Poets of the 1940s Generation 第 21 章The Confessional School The Beat Generation 第 22 章The New Y



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