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1、 湖 左 岸 国 际 幼 儿 园 湖 左 岸 国 际 幼 儿 园 SIP Landmark Skylight International Kindergarten 2009年2月27日 第四十六期 半月刊 2009年2月27日 第四十六期 半月刊 主编:Cindy 编辑: Erin http:/www.lsik- After a long holiday Eagle A was ready to start a brand new semester full of happiness and excitement. During the holi- day our parents helped

2、 us a lot by reviewing all the things we learned first semester. With your help we remembered lots of English songs and important class rules. Thank you! Our teachers are so proud of us because we have kept our good habits. We always greet our teachers in the morning and say thank you. We can sit st

3、ill for a long time during lessons and always want to answer questions or lead the class. We are so happy to be back in kindergarten. Eagle A One of our favorite activities is to help our teachers. This week we helped our teachers make beautiful spring decora- tions for our lovely classroom. We enjo

4、yed working in pairs and using our hands to make decorations. We also use our hands play with blocks. Last semester we had trouble making tall block towers and always knocked them down. This semester we are older and we are very careful to make the beautiful block build- ings we make last a long tim

5、e. As spring comes we are learning new things about the world around us. If it is a sunny day we like to play in the park and look at the interesting plants. Our teachers teach us fun games to play in the sun. We love to play together. If it is a rainy day we stay indoor and have art class or read E

6、nglish stories. Our teachers and parents have also helped Eagle A have a new learning center- The Supermarket! We can prac- tice using some English words and pretend we are buying gro- ceries for our families. It is so much fun! Every day we learn new English words. We are learning about the weather

7、, the park and spring. We like to try and speak many English words to our teachers and parents. Another important lesson we are learning this semester is what respect means. We helped decorate a beautiful board in the classroom about respect. Each of the leaves has different sentences to help us rem

8、ember why and how to respect each other. This semester we enjoy sharing with our Eagle A friends. We ask our parents if we can bring yummy snacks to share and sometimes we even bring toys from home for our class friends to play with. This semester we have a new student, Elim. She is from Hong Kong a

9、nd we are helping her enjoy kindergarten life. We show her the class routine, play with her and help her not miss her family. We also want to thank the lovely moms who come and visit our classroom. We enjoyed the delicious donuts from Franco Papa and the milk drink! We hope that when the weather is

10、nice more parents will be able to come and visit our class. If you stop by Eagle A dur- ing the day you can see our spring decorations. We learned about butterflies and bees and how they enjoy the park. This semester we colored and painted a beautiful park picture. We also painted some pretty spring

11、 trees. We hope spring comes soon! Building blocks Reading Corner Elim- Our new student Bear A 王麒迦 2006.02.02 Bear A 许曦文 2006.02.05 Bear A 李恩奇 2006.02.13 Bear A 陈舒简 2006.02.21 Deer B 陆袁澄 2005.02.01 Deer A 陆天怡 2005.02.03 Deer A 陈泽荣 2005.02.08 Eagle A 陈翰祥 2005.02.16 Eagle B 杨轶博 2004.02.8 Zebra A 黄知哲 2

12、003.02.13 开学了,小朋友来到学校开始新的一轮学习生活。除了学习知识和本领之外,学校对小朋友的健 康卫生、生活管理也担负着重要的责任。为了让小朋友在学校健康愉快的成长,养成良好的卫生习 惯,开学前我们特别组织全体保育工作者进行了一次系统全面的培训和比赛活动。 在全体保育员的积极参与下,比赛现场气氛热烈。在进行了一日工作内容演练之后,又展开集体 讨论,大家从观摩他人的演练中,借鉴优点,提出建议。对于如何培养幼儿良好卫生习惯,参加人员 也纷纷提出自己的宝贵经验。经过本次培训和演练,根据托幼机构卫生要求和保育员的切身体会,我 们对部分保育员在工作中不够完善之处提出了意见,对一些照本执行但与实

13、际工作有差距的地方,也 作出了更科学合理的调整。 保教一体,保育和教育在幼儿园是一个紧密结合不可分割的整体,儿童的健康成长、吸收知识, 需要保育和教育工作者的共同努力,细心呵护。我园在不断提高教学品质的同时,也同样注重卫生保 健领域的开拓和管理。 最近我园品德教育的关注点是:尊重。 最近我园品德教育的关注点是:尊重。 为了增加学生对英语学习的兴趣和提高学生的英语口语表达能 力,2009年2月25日,我园大班学生在三楼多功能厅举办了第一届幼 儿英语风采大赛。我园顾问、园长、副园长、外教老师以及小班年 级组负责人担任了此次比赛的评委。 此次大赛设置了一、二、三等奖和鼓励奖,参赛选手来自Eagle

14、C、Zebra A、Zebra B三个班级,当主持人宣布比赛开始后,选手们 依次上场,表演的形式多样,风格各异,赛场不时传来热烈的掌 声。比赛结束后,经评委们认真细致的评分,评出了一等奖六名分 别是来自Eagle C的Evelyn、Rose、Mickie、James、Mimi和来自Zebra A的John;二等奖是来自Eagle C 的Daniel、Cindy、 Leo、Ian、Celina 和来自Zebra A 的Frank、Belle以及来自Zebra B的Selina;三等奖是来 自Eagle C的Pingping、Mark 、Flora和来自Zebra A的Susan、Jeffrey、 Jack、Elain、Jerry、Angel 以及来自Zebra B的Qiqi。 通过这次英语比赛为学生提供了一个展示自我才华的平台,提 高了学生的英语口语表达能力,我们将期待三月末与四月末的中班 与小班的英语风采比赛呈现更多的优秀小选手。


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