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1、重庆大学硕士学位论文 英文摘要 II ABSTRACT Bath industry needs to consume the massive water resources, but the bathing wastewater it produced actually is an ideal reclamation source for its large discharge amount, simple pollutant composition and low pollutant concentration, which would play an important role in t

2、he urban water economization.Electrocoagulation-flotation is one of the electrochemical techniques. It suits bathing wastewater Reuse Project in following perspectives: small floor area,low flocculation, reaction time which can be shortened, and reaction reactor capacity which can be reduced. For th

3、e public bathhouses, hotels, bath center and other water-consuming and wastewater- easy- collecting place, the implication of Electrocoagulation-flotation for wastewater treatment has a good future. The objectives of this study lie in two aspects: one is to study the mechanism of how the Electrocoag

4、ulation-flotation treatment remove the pollutants in wastewater, and the principle of electrode deactivation and the measures for against deactivated. The other objectives is to study the effect that using Electrocoagulation-flotation to treat bathing wastewater through experiments. Screening of wat

5、er quality parameter, the anionic surfactant (LAS) is selected as the main controlling factor in experiment and the influence of current density, electrolyte dosage,pH and time on removal efficiency of LAS are analyzed. Carrying on the orthogonal test based on single factor analysis, determine the o

6、ptimal parameters: pH=4; The NaCl density is 0.35g/L; current density is 13.3 mA/cm2; time= 15 minutes. Under the optical conditions the LAS removal efficiency amounts to 83.43%; the COD removal efficiency amounts to 89.28%;the turbidity removal efficiency amounts to 98.79%; the NH3-N removal effici

7、ency amounts to 98.79%;and the relationship between the 1/C(LAS) and the time was described by a macro-kinetics model during the positive correlation between time and the removal efficiency of LAS. The factors which affect the current and voltage were analyzed. The mathematical model of relationship

8、 between voltage, current density, conductivity and plate distance was established based on the former research results. The thesis analyses the relation between the energy consumption of Electrocoagulation-flotation and various factors based on the theoretical derivation, and the energy-saving meas

9、ures has been put forward, which has practical significance to reduce the cost of Electrocoagulation- flotation. 重庆大学硕士学位论文 英文摘要 III The mathematical model of electrolytic bubble size was established based on the Bubble Nucleation Theory. Compared with the former experimental result, the model has b

10、een verified. It shows that: (1) In the low current, the Simulation and experimental values agree with each other well. That the bubble size simulated by the mathematical model is reasonable;(2) In the large current, the bubbles separate from the electrode under the influence of momentum. Bubbles si

11、ze reduces caused by a lower gas momentum. Keywords:Bathing Wastewater, Electrocoagulation-Flotation ,LAS, Bubble Nucleation Theory. 重庆大学硕士学位论文 1 绪 论 1 1 绪 论 1.1 前言 水既是地球上一切生命赖以生存、人类生活和生产活动中不可缺少的重要物质, 又是不可替代的重要自然资源。早从六十年代以来, 世界上许多国家和地区相继出现“水资源危机”。据有关专家预测, 本世纪末, 尤其是下世纪初, 水资源危机将位居世界各类资源危机之首。近几年, 随着工业迅

12、速发展, 城市人口逐渐增加, 人民生活水平逐渐提高以及近期世界经济的高速发展, 各种用水量亦随之增长。 但是大自然赋予人类的这部分资源是有限的, 而这有限的资源还在不断地受到人类肆意开采及污染。这就使得水资源供需矛盾愈来愈突出, 愈来愈明显,造成了世界上几乎每个国家都即将面临的“水危机”。1988 年在世界环境与发展委员会上提出了一份报告,其中指出:“水资源正在取代石油而成为在全世界引起危机的主要问题”1。 我国水资源虽然储量丰富, 全国水资源总量达到28124.4 亿m3,占世界水资源总量的6%,居世界第4位,但人均水资源量仅为世界人均水资源量的1/4,仅为美国的1/5,加拿大的1/502

13、, 人均水资源严重不足。在全国600多个建制市中, 有近400 个城市缺水, 其中130多个缺水严重3。目前联合国已将中国列入世界13个贫水国之一4。 我国人均占有量不到世界人均水平的1/4,而且水资源的时空分布极不均匀,很多水域受到不同程度的污染,水资源短缺己经成为制约我国经济可持续发展的重要因素。据统计,全国城市每年缺水60亿m3,日缺水量己超过1600万m3,缺水给城市工业产值造成的损失在1200亿元以上, 且呈增长趋势5。 三个重要城市京、 沪、津的人均水资源占有量分别为370m3,200m3,160m3,仅相当于世界人均占有量的1/30-1/60,远低于国际公认的水资源紧缺下限100

14、0m36。在我国,水资源短缺己成为定势。其原因来自四个方面7:(1)资源型缺水: 我国天然水水源有限,时空分布不均,人均占有水量少。 (2)工程型缺水: 我国各地贮水能力差,使有限水资源长流入海,不能有限贮存调节。只有修建水库,拦河坎,湿地,涵养水源,扩大森林植被面积,减少沙漠化才能改变工程型缺水的局面。(3)管理型缺水:我国在水资源的管理和利用上存在诸多弊病,在管理上多有漏洞,计量不准确或不全,缺乏先进的管理手段和途径,得不到有效的管理。在水的利用上,单位产品耗水量均比国外先进国家同类产品多,全国各地普遍存在严重浪费水的现象。(4)污染型缺水:长期以来我国水资源污染未得到有效的控制,不加以处

15、理,乱排放。即使有处理设施,但处理效果也不好。管理水平低,普遍存在处理设施少,处理水量有限的现象。据全国7 大水系和内陆河流110多各重点河流的统计,符合 地面水环境质量标准 I、 II类的占32%, III类的占29% ,重庆大学硕士学位论文 1 绪 论 2 属于IV、V类的占39%。 1.2 国内外污水回用状况 国内外的实践经验表明,城市污水的再生利用是开源节流、改善生态环境、解决城市缺水问题的有效途径之一。 1.2.1 国外污水回用状况 城市污水的回用在国外已有了丰富的经验,满足或部分满足了由于水源不足限制城市和工业发展的需要,收到了相当好的社会效益和经济效益。 美国污水再利用范围很广,

16、涉及了城市回用、农业回用、娱乐回用、环境回用、工业回用、回灌地下水等各个方面。美国现有357个城市实行了污水回用,其中用于农业占55.3%,回用工业占40.5%。美国加利福尼亚州是世界上开展污水回用最早的地区,每年有4.32亿m3市政污水得到有益的利用,加利福尼亚州约有200余座中水工程,城市污水回用中水量占污水总量的31%, 加州的法律规定如果有可获得回用水时,不能用饮用水进行灌溉;佛罗里达州的圣彼得斯堡,1978年开始将再生水回用于生活杂用水,目前已能向7000多户家庭提供再生水,美国唯一完全实现污水循环的城市便是圣彼得堡,该市利用了自身的全部污水,不再向周围水体排放任何污水。该市有两套配水系统,一套系统输送新鲜淡水供生活用水,另一套系统配送中水用于灌溉公共绿地、草坪、公园以及洗车等用水标准较低的场合8,洛杉矶是美国污水回用最典型的城市,由于洛杉矶地理位置独特,土地海水的盐渍化严重导致水资源贫乏,通常依靠其他地区的外调水来满足不断增长的用水需求,由于高额的基建费用和环境压力,使得扩建新水源非常困


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