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1、51. There are as good fish in the sea _ ever came out of it. A. thanB. likeC. asD. so 【解析解析】答案选 C。 Theres as good fish in the sea as ever c ame out of it. 为英语谚语,其意为:海里的好鱼是取之不尽的。可 理解为:纵然失去一个机会,不愁没有其他机会。 52. All the Presidents Men _one of the important b ooks for historians who study the Watergate Sca

2、ndal. A. remainB. remainsC. remainedD. is remaining 【解析解析】答案选 B。All the Presidents Men 为书名,故用单 数。 53. “You _ borrow my notes provided you take care of them.” I told my friend. A. couldB. shouldC. mustD. can 【解析解析】答案选 D。 “provided (that) +从句”表示种假设条 件,相当于 if。根据情况可使用虚拟语气或是陈述语气,这里表示 真实的条件句。can 表示在此表示许可或

3、同意。 54. If only the patient _ a different treatment instead of using the antibodies he might still be alive now. A. had receivedB. receivedC. should receive D. were receiving 【解析解析】答案选 A。 if only 引导虚拟语气,与过去事实相反 时 if only 谓语动词用 had done;与现在事实相反谓语动词用 did。 55.Linda was _ the experiment a month ago but

4、she changed her mind at the last minute. A. to startB. to have startedC. to be starting D. to have been starting 【解析解析】答案选 B。“was / were+不定式完成式”的意思是本 想做某事(但实际上未做成)。 56. She _ fifty or so when I first met her at the co nference. A. must beB. had beenC. could beD. must have bee n【解析解析】答案选 D。must have

5、done 表示对过去情况的推测, 其意为“一定”。 57. It is not _ much the language as the background that makes the book difficult to understand. A. thatB. asC. soD. very 【解析解析】答案选 C。not so much .as 为惯用表达,其意为“与 其说不如说”。 58.The committee has anticipated the problems that _ _ in the road construction project. A. ariseB. will

6、 ariseC. aroseD. have arisen 【解析解析】答案选 B。has anticipated 意为“预计到了”。will 表 将来,符合句意。(from ) 59. The student said there were a few points in the essay he _ impossible to comprehend. A. had found B. findsC. has foundD. would find 答案选 A。因主句为过去式,从句表示过去的过去,故用过去 完成时。 60.He would have finished his college edu

7、cation, but he _ _to quit and find a job to support his family. A. had hadB. hasC. hadD. would have 【解析解析】答案选 C。have to 的过去式为 had to。61.The research requires more money than _. A. have been put inB. has been put inC. being put inD. to be 【解析解析】答案选 B。than 后面是省略了 it,还原应该是.than it has been put in。 62.

8、Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably _a threat to the human race than envir onmental destruction. A. no moreB. not moreC. even moreD. much more 【解析解析】答案选 B。not more .than的意思为“与其说是 ,不如说是”,句意为“与其说是威胁了人类发展,还不如说 是威胁了环境”。63.It is not uncommon for there _problems of

9、 com munication between the old and the young. A. beingB. would beC. beD. to be 【解析解析】答案选 D。介词后介词 there be 结构时,其中的 be 通 常要用 being,但有个例外,就是介词 for 后接 there be 结构时,其 中的 be 通常要用 to be。比较:They planned on there being anothe r meeting. 他们打算再开一次会议。They planned for there to be a nother meeting. 他们打算再开一次会议。 6

10、4._at in his way, the situation does not seem so de sperate. A. LookingB. lookedC. Being looked D. to look 【解析解析】答案选 B。由于句中主语 the situation 与 look at 为被 动关系,故用过去分词。 65.It is absolutely essential that William _his study i n spite of some learning difficulties. A. will continueB. continuedC. continue

11、D. co ntinues 【解析解析】答案选 C。It is essential that+虚拟语气(should+动词 原形),should 可省略。 66.The painting he bought at the street market the other day w as a _forgery. A. man-made B. naturalC. crudeD. real 【解析解析】答案选 C。crude 的本意是:天然物质,处于未加工状 态的物质,尤指原油。可引申指“粗糙的、未加修饰的”,crude fo rgery 指拙劣的赝品。 67.Shes always been ki

12、nd to me I cant just turn _ _on her now that she needs my help. A. my backB. my headC. my eyeD. shoulder 【解析解析】答案选 A。turn ones back on sb. 为习语,意为“拒 绝帮助别人”。 68.The bar in the club is for the _use of its membe rs. A. extensiveB. exclusiveC. inclusiveD. comprehensive【解析解析】答案选 B。for the exclusive use of

13、 its members 指仅 供会员使用。 69.The tuition fees are _to students coming from lo w-income families. A. approachableB. payableC. reachableD. affordable 【解析解析】答案选 D。fees are affordable 指“费用可以接受的”。 70.The medical experts warned the authorities of the danger of diseases in the _of the earthquake. A. consequen

14、ceB. aftermathC. resultsD. eff ect 【解析解析】答案选 B。in the aftermath of 为固定短语,aftermath 意为“(不幸事件的)后果”,如:the aftermath of the war 战争 的后果。 71.This sort of rude behavior in public hardly _a pe rson in your position. A. becomesB. fitsC. supportsD. improves 答案选 A 【解析解析】答案选 A。become 在此表示“与.相称,适宜,适于” 。That dres

15、s becomes you. 那件衣服很合你身。It does not become you to use insulting words like that! 你用那样恶语伤人太不合适了!72.I must leave now. _,if you want that book Ill b ring it next time. A. AccidentallyB. Incidentally C. EventuallyD. Naturally 【解析解析】答案选 B。incidentally 意为“顺便说一句”,用于口语 中另换话题 accidentally 意为“意想不到地”。 73.After a long delay, she _replying to my e-mail. A. got away withB. got back at C. got backD. go t round to 【解析解析】答案选 D。比较:get away with 逃避责罚;get back at sb 报复;get back:(一度失去后)恢复力量,东山再起;get rou nd t


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