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1、深圳市第二实验学校 英语校本练习语法部分1定定语语从句从句I 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空: 1. The woman _ lives next door is a university professor. 2 .The earrings _ he gave her for Christmas must have cost at least $500. 3 .The song _ she could not remember the name of was Rambling Boy. 4. I wanted to see and thank the woman _ son helped m

2、e a lot. 5. The sofa _ we bought last year is falling to prices already. 6. Ill tell you something _ will surprise you. 7. She cycles to work every day, _ keeps her healthy. 8. The force _ causes everything to fall towards the ground is called gravity. 9. The newspaper _ first made contact with the

3、kidnappers telephoned the police immediately. 10. I dont now the reason _ she looks unhappy today. 11. It is not such an interesting film _ I thought. 12. What did you think of the wine _ we drank last night? 13. I poured him a glass of wine, _ he drank at once. 14. She married a nice architect from

4、 Belfast, _ she met on a bus. 15. This room, _ isnt used any more, belonged to our eldest son. 16. I lent him The Old Man and the Sea, _ is really easy to read. 17. The company for _ he works has gone bankrupt. 18. The sun from _ we get heat and light is the most important source of energy. 19. My U

5、ncle Sebastian, _ has always been a bit of a traveler, has just gone off to Thailand. 20. Do you still remember the time _ we first came to this school five years ago? 21. Mont Blanc, _ we visited last summer, is the highest mountain in Europe. 22. This is the school _ I used to go as a child. 23. W

6、e had some good advice from Mr. Black, _ we consulted about investments. 24. He spoke very fast, _ made it hard to understand him. 25. Luggage _ is left unattended will be taken away by police. 26. Left-handed children _ are forced to write with their right hands often develop psychological problems

7、. 27. Light is the fastest thing in the world, the sped of _ is 300,000 kilometers per second. 28. The little flat _ I rented just after I left my parents home was the nicest place _ Ive ever lived in. 29. A 36-year-old man _ was arrested in Cardiff after trying to set fire to a school is said to ha

8、ve seriously injured two policemen. 30. The financial problems _ some of the companys branches have been facing over the last eighteen months are mainly caused by increased foreign competition.II 句型转换: (I) 将下列合并成含定语从句的复合句: 1. Only I can judge. I have seen it with my own eyes.2. We are not allowed to

9、 do so. Tell me the reason.3. No one will ever forget it. One has experienced it. 4. Thats the very place, isnt it ? We first met there.深圳市第二实验学校 英语校本练习语法部分25. Jane had some friends at school. Only a very few of the friends went on to university.6. We paid a visit to the house. Shakespeare once live

10、d there.7. The Amazon is the worlds second longest river. Its source lies in the Andes.8. We have not fixed the date. At the date well start our holidays.9. You recommended a film. We went to see the film, but we didnt think much of it.10. Passengers are asked to keep behind the yellow line. The pas

11、sengers are standing on Platform 2.11. Mark wrote an essay while we were on holiday. The essay has won a prize in the school competition.12. A young man invented the thermometer and simple forms of the telescope and microscope. His name was Galileo.(II) 将下列句子划线部分改写成定语从句: 1 The house is empty. Theres

12、 nobody living here.2 A man carrying a large parcel got out of the bus.3 Who are those people waiting outside?4 Do you know the woman talking to Tom?5 The boy injured in the accident was taken to hospital.6 There was a red car parked outside the house.7 Some of the people invited to the party cant c

13、ome.8 Most of the goods made in this factory are exported.III 单选题:1 You must watch carefully everything _ the teacher does in class.A. where B. that C. who D. what2. He told me all _ he knew. A. which B. what C. that D. who3. This is one of the most exciting football games _ I have ever seen.A. that

14、 B. which C. what D. whom4 The last place _ we visited in the countryside was a farm.A. that B. which C. where D. in which5 The first English novel _ I read was Robinson Crusoe.A. which B. that C. where D. who深圳市第二实验学校 英语校本练习语法部分36 You can never imagine what great trouble I have had _ the patient wh

15、o received a serious wound.A. treat B. to treat C. treating D. treated7 When he came back from abroad, John told his parents about the cities and the people _ he had visited.A. who B. which C. where D. that8 Is there any question _ troubles you much?A. which B. where C. who D that9 Who is the man _ is speaking there?A. whom B. which C. that D. whose10 She is the only person _ understands me.A whom B. what C. whose D. that11 This is the very book _ I am after.A. which B. that C. whose D. wh



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