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1、 硕士学位论文硕士学位论文 FSAE 赛车悬架的优化设计及分析 OPTIMIZING DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF FSAE RACE CAR SUSPENSION 李嫚 李嫚 哈尔滨工业大学哈尔滨工业大学 2011 年年 6 月月 国内图书分类号: U463.33 学校代码: 10213 国际图书分类号:629 密级:公开 硕士学位论文硕士学位论文 FSAE 赛车悬架的优化设计及分析 硕 士 研究生:李嫚 导 师:姜立标 副教授 申 请 学 位:工学硕士 学 科:车辆工程 所 在 单 位:汽车工程学院 答 辩 日 期:2011 年 6 月 授予学位单位:哈尔滨工业大学 C

2、lassified Index: U463.33 University Code: 10213 U.D.C: 629 Security: Open Dissertation for the Masters Degree in Engineering OPTIMIZING DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF FSAE RACE CAR SUSPENSION Candidate: Li Man Supervisor: Associte Prof.Jiang Libiao Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Engineering Specia

3、lity: Vehicle Engineering Affiliation: School of Automobile Engineering Date of Defence: June, 2011 Degree-Conferring-Institution: Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 - I -摘 要 随着汽车行业的发展,人们对普通汽车“以车代步”的功能也不再满足,各种各样的赛车相继出现,满足人们对“高速度”的追求。2010 年,我国举办了首届中国大学生方程式汽车(简称 FSAE 赛车)比赛,使方程式赛车逐渐走进了高校校园。

4、在现代汽车中悬架作为一个重要的结构部件,其结构形式和性能的好坏直接影响到汽车的行驶平顺性和操纵稳定性。拥有良好的悬架系统才能拥有一个良好的整车系统。同样在赛车的设计中,悬架设计作为其重要部分之一,占有很重要的分量。因此 FSAE 赛车悬架的研究仍然是一个很重要的研究课题。 本文首先根据整车的布置对 FSAE 赛车悬架的结构形式进行选择,前后悬架均采用不等长双横臂独立悬架,然后对前后悬架的主要参数和导向结构进行初步设计;其次利用 Adams/Car 模块分别对赛车的前后悬架建立仿真模型,分别对建立的前后悬架模型进行双轮上下平行跳动仿真运动,得到车轮的定位参数和悬架主要参数的曲线变化。并且利用 A

5、dams/Insight 对前后悬架进行优化,以车轮的定位参数为主要优化目标,以上、下横臂与车架的铰接点为设计变量,优化的结果显示该赛车的前后悬架满足设计要求,悬架的性能达到了理想的变化范围内;为了全面地对悬架进行分析,最后对悬架进行静力学研究,利用 ANSYS 对 FSAE 赛车悬架的主要受力部件进行有限元分析,从其变形和应力两方面确定其满足结构要求。并且对前后悬架的下横臂进行模态分析,分析结果显示其结构同样满足设计要求。也为以后对双横臂悬架的有限元分析提供了参考依据。 关键词:FSAE 赛车;前后悬架;Adams/Car;仿真分析;有限元分析 哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 - II -A

6、bstract With the development of the automotive industry, peple no longer be satisfied with the ordinry car funtion, but with all kinds of race car appearing, it contents people to high speed requirements. In 2010, our country held the first formula SAE of China, it also brings FSAE race car into cam

7、pus. In the automobile design, the performance and structural form of suspension affect directly riding comfort and operating stability. Having a good suspension system can have a good vehicle system. Suspension is one of the most important assemblies of vehicle. FSAE race car suspension research is

8、 still a very important research direction. Firstly according to the layout of vehicle, this thesis selects suspension structure form of the race car and finally front and rear suspension of the car uses double wishbone suspension with different length of push rod. The next step is to design prelimi

9、narily the main parameters and oriented structure of front and rear suspension, use Adams/car module to build respectively simulation models of front and rear suspension, experiment double wheels parallel beating simulation on front and rear suspension and get located parameters of wheels and changi

10、ng curve of main parameters of suspension. Finally this thesis uses Adams/Insight to optimize located parameters of front and rear suspension. Optimized process not only needs to consider the variation of performance index, but also consider the impact of operating stability. The result of optimizat

11、ion shows that front and rear suspension of the racing car satisfies design requirements and the suspension performance achieves ideal range. In order to analyze comprehensively, this thesis also researches statics and analyzes the main components of suspension using finite element method. Analytic

12、result shows that the suspension satisfies structure requirements from deformation and stress. Based on modal analysis, the design of low arm is also satisfies requirements. Modal analysis of low arm also provides reference for finite element analysis of double wishbone suspension. Kyewords: FSAE race car, front and rear suspension, Adams /Car, simulation analysis, finite element analysis 哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 - III -目 录 摘 要.I ABSTRACT.II 第 1 章 绪 论. 1 1.1 研究背景. 1 1.2 课题的研究目的和意义. 2 1.3 国内外研究的现状. 3 1.4 本文研究的内容. 5 第 2 章 FSAE 赛车前后悬架的设计 . 6 2.1 FSAE 赛车前后悬架主要参数的确定 . 6 2.1.1 FSAE 赛车悬架类型分析 .



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