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1、爱学 好学 巧学 石家庄爱琦教育专用教材石家庄爱琦教育专用教材 用心 爱心 专心爱琦家教爱琦家教:初、高中数理化英,介绍名校在职骨干名校在职骨干教师,一对一上门辅导一对一上门辅导或家教式精品小班家教式精品小班(5-10 人) 。 高考英语语法精品小班高考英语语法精品小班 数理化英先修数理化英先修/提高精品小班提高精品小班 报名热线:报名热线:13463886320中考英语短语动词最后冲刺绝杀快记 短语动词是英语学习的难点之一,也是英语中考的重点知识点。 一些形似的短语动词,含义却不同;有时同一个短语动词,却具有多 层含义。同一个动词搭配了不同的介词或者副词,其含义也不相同。 在中考中直接考查短

2、语动词的题型经常是单项选择和翻译句子,而在 其他题型如阅读理解中,也经常出现短语动词,对这些短语动词的正 确理解和应用对做好阅读理解及完形填空等题有关键的意义,所以同 学们应该在复习时认真区分、理解,多掌握一些经常考到的短语动词 的固定搭配用法。 一、短语动词的基本知识结构:一、短语动词的基本知识结构:由两个或两个以上的词一起构成一个短语,相当于一个动词,称为短语动词。短语动词主要有以下1. 动词动词+介词(介词(+宾语)宾语)此类结构相当于一个及物动词,可用于被动语态。常见的有 look for (寻找),look after (照顾),ask for (请求),laugh at (嘲笑),

3、hear of (听说),care for (喜欢),stand for (代表),wait for (等待)等。这类短语动词的宾语只能放在介词后,其中的介词一般不重读,重音一般都落在动词上。例如:The hunter aimed at the lion and fired, but missed. 猎人对准狮子开了枪,但是没有打中。I suggest that you attend to the most urgent matters and let the rest wait. 我建议你先去处理最紧急的事情,别的事可以等一等。 I think of you all the time. 我总

4、是想起你。All the new words were looked up. 所有的生词都查过了。 It is impolite to _ those people in troubleA1augh to B. 1augh withC. laugh of D. 1augh at2. 动词动词+副词(副词(+宾语)宾语)此类短语动词中的副词一般要重读。常见的有 give up (放弃),pick up (捡起;接某人),think over (仔细考虑),find out (查明;查出),hand in (上交)等。有的短语动词可用作不及物动词,有的可用作及物动词。用作及物动词的情况比较多,当宾

5、语是名词时,它可以置于短语动词之后,也可以置于短语动词之中。但宾语为代词时,则只能置于短语动词之中。例如:Dont talk back when Im speaking to you. 我和你说话的时候不要还嘴。 He brought up his children strictly. 他管教孩子很严格。 He called the man up. (He called up the man.) 他给那人打了电话。 He called her up. 他给她打了电话。-Steven, could you help me _ when the plane will take off on the

6、 Internet?-Im sorry, my computer doesnt work. (2010 重庆市)A. get on B. find out C. look for D. look after B3. 动词动词+副词副词+介词(介词(+宾语)宾语)常见的有 get along with (进展), catch up with (追上)等。这类短语动 词的宾语只能放在介词后边。此类短语动词只能用作及物动词,也称爱学 好学 巧学 石家庄爱琦教育专用教材石家庄爱琦教育专用教材 用心 爱心 专心爱琦家教爱琦家教:初、高中数理化英,介绍名校在职骨干名校在职骨干教师,一对一上门辅导一对一上门

7、辅导或家教式精品小班家教式精品小班(5-10 人) 。 高考英语语法精品小班高考英语语法精品小班 数理化英先修数理化英先修/提高精品小班提高精品小班 报名热线:报名热线:13463886320为“三词动词” ,中间的副词要重读。例如: The money their son spent in Frenchadded up to 5,000 dollars. 他们的儿子在法国总共花了 5,000 美元。 We have run out of all the money. 我们的钱都花光了。All my freinds are looking forward to seeing you in Be

8、ijing now. 我们一家都期待着在北京见到你。4. 动词名词动词名词常见的有 take place (发生), make friends (交朋友)等。这类短语动词 用作不及物动词。例如:This story took place three years ago. 这个故事发生在三年前。I like making friends with a lot of people. 我喜欢和许多人交朋友。5. 动词动词+名词名词+介词(介词(+宾语)宾语)常见的有 take care of (照顾), make use of (利用), pay attention to (注意), make fu

9、n of (取笑)等。这类短语动词的宾语只能放在介词后边。 此类短语动词只能用作及物动词,短语动词中的名词前可以有形容词 作定语。例如: Please pay much attention to what the teacher says. 请特别注意老师说 的话。 He takes good care of his elderly mother. 他悉心照顾年迈的母亲。 She always keeps an eye on her baby when she is doing the housework.她做家务的时候,总是留心着她的孩子。 We must make full use of

10、our time.我们必须充分利用时间。6. 动词动词+介词介词+名词名词常见的有 keep in mind (牢记), learn by heart (背熟),set on fire (点火烧),get in touch (取得联系),go to bed (上床睡觉),put on weight (长胖)等。有时,这种结构后可以再加“介词+宾语” 。例如:We have kept in touch with each other since we became friends in 2003. 自从我们 2003 年成为朋友后就一直保持联系。Please learn all these by

11、 heart after class. 请课后把这些都背熟。7动词形容词动词形容词常见的有 leave open (让开着), set free (释放), cut open (切开)等。这类短语动词中的形容词是宾语的补足语,宾语如果是 名词,则宾语可放在形容词的前边,也可放在后边;宾语如果是人称 代词或反身代词,则必须放在形容词前边。例如:The prisoners were set free. 犯人获得自由。 He cut it open. 他把它切开。一、动词 be 构成的短语动词1be known asbe famous as 作为而闻名 be known for 因而出名 be kn

12、own to 为所知 be known by 凭而知 The hill is known for the temple LuXun is known to us as a writer One can be known by his words and deeds2be married to 与结婚 She is married to a musician 3be tired ofwith 对厌烦 He is tired ofwith this kind of life =He is bored with this kind of life4be terrified at 被吓一跳 He is

13、 terrified at the snake5be burdened with 负重 He is burdened with a heavy load6be crowded with 挤满 The shop is crowded with people爱学 好学 巧学 石家庄爱琦教育专用教材石家庄爱琦教育专用教材 用心 爱心 专心爱琦家教爱琦家教:初、高中数理化英,介绍名校在职骨干名校在职骨干教师,一对一上门辅导一对一上门辅导或家教式精品小班家教式精品小班(5-10 人) 。 高考英语语法精品小班高考英语语法精品小班 数理化英先修数理化英先修/提高精品小班提高精品小班 报名热线:报名热线:1

14、34638863207be dressed in 穿着 She is dressed in red8be experienced in 对有经验 He is experienced in mending bikes9be equipped with 装备 They are equipped with guns and food10be furnished with 提供,布置 They are furnished with enough food11be engaged in sth 从事,忙于(=be busy with sth) He has been engaged in writing

15、 novels12be engaged to 与订婚 My daughter is engaged to a nice doctor13be about to do sth正要做 I was just about to go swimming when our guide saw me and stopped me14be fit to dobe fit for 胜任;适合于 He is fit to do the work These books are not fit for children15be worth doing 值得做 The film is worth seeing again16be proud of 以而自影骄傲 I am proud of being a Chinese17be used to sthdoing sth习惯于 My grandpa is not used to living in the noisy city18be content to do sthwith 甘愿于干;满足于 I am content with your work this time19be content with 对感到满意 You shoul


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