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1、0101benefitbenefit - getget sth.sth. betterbetter fromfrom基本含义及其用法基本含义及其用法 n. 1、helpful/kindly deed; 益处、善事益处、善事 It is said jogging is of great benefit to human health. 据说慢跑对于人的身体健康很有裨益。 What the mother did is for the childrens benefit. 2、津贴、救济金、津贴、救济金 The company provides medical benefits. 这家公司提供医疗津

2、贴。 vi. benefit from 从从获益获益 The whole country benefits from the skilled and educated workers. vt. to help someone:对对有利有利 The policy changes mainly benefit cities of the West. 同类词汇同类词汇 反义词:反义词:damage0202blastblast - explodeexplode基本含义及其用法基本含义及其用法 vt. 炸开炸开 Theyve blasted away the rock to build the new

3、road. =explode(explosion) 短语:短语: 1、At full blast: 全力以赴全力以赴 He was working at full blast in order to complete the order before the holidays. 他正在全力以赴地工作,以期在假期前把定单上的事情处理完。 2、Full blast 最大量最大量 played the stereo at full blast. 3、Blast off:发射发射 To take off, as a rocket0303blockblock - standstand inin thet

4、he wayway基本含义及其用法基本含义及其用法 1、To stop or impede the passage of or movement through; 妨碍,封锁,阻塞阻止或妨碍妨碍,封锁,阻塞阻止或妨碍穿越或移动;阻碍:穿越或移动;阻碍:The police have blocked the road. 警察已经封锁了道路。 My nose is all blocked up and I can hardly breathe. 我鼻子塞了,气都透不过来。 2、n障碍障碍 to put up a road block 设置路障 Recently the professor ofte

5、n has a memory block. 近来教授常常出现记忆不起的情况。同类词汇同类词汇 obstruct:0404boastboast - exaggerateexaggerate基本含义及用法基本含义及用法1、自夸;、自夸; We confide in our strength, without boasting of it; we respect that of others, without fearing it.我们自信于 自己的力量,这并非自夸;我们也重视别人的力量,但并不畏惧.It is nothing to boast of.这没有什么可夸耀的。=brag: He brag

6、ged that his father was the most successful stockbroker on Wall Street. 他吹嘘说他父亲是华尔街最成功的股票经纪人。2、以拥有、以拥有而自豪而自豪The town boasts four swimming pools.这座城镇以拥有以拥有四个游泳池而自豪而自豪。The library boasts first edition of Shakespeare.这个图书馆以藏有以藏有初版的莎士比亚集而自豪而自豪0505browsebrowse基本含义及用法基本含义及用法1、 To inspect something in a le

7、isurely and casual way: - 随意观看:browsing the gift shops for souvenirs. 漫步礼品店搜寻纪念品2、 go over quickly:To read something superficially by selecting passages at random: 浏览文章:browsed the evening paper 浏览晚报;3、 放牧、吃草 =feed; graze0606bunchbunch ofof- groupgroup ofof基本含义及用法基本含义及用法1、a bunch of grapes; 一串一串葡萄 a

8、 bunch of keys 环上的一串一串钥匙 a bunch of flowers 一束花=cluster2、n. A group of people usually having a common interest or association: 一帮,一伙有共 同兴趣或合作关系的一群人:My brother and his bunch are basketball fanatics.我兄弟和他的伙伴们都是篮球迷0707burstburst - blastblast explodeexplode基本含义及用法基本含义及用法v.To come open or fly apart sudde

9、nly or violently, especially from internal pressure.爆裂,炸破突然或剧烈的开裂或炸开,尤指由内部压力而引起的To explode.使爆炸使爆炸突然burst out laughing; burst into tears.突然大笑起来;突然哭起来To emerge, or arrive suddenly: 突然地出现、发生或到达burst out of the door.突然出现在门边To come apart or seem to come apart because of overwhelming emotion:由于不可抑制的情感而爆发:

10、I thought his heart would burst with happiness.我猜想他心中的快乐快要爆发出来0808cancelcancel - removeremove基本含义及用法基本含义及用法To annul or invalidate. 取消,使无效取消,使无效The sport meeting is cancelled because of the bad weather.She cancelled her order.她取消了订单。To equalize or make up for; offset: 抵消,中和补偿或弥补;抵消抵消,中和补偿或弥补;抵消Todays

11、 decline in stock price canceled out yesterdays gain.今天股票价格下跌,抵消了昨天的收益0909capturecapture 基本含义及用法基本含义及用法1、捕获、捕获 The criminal was captured when trying to escape from the city.罪犯在企图逃离这座城市时被捕获。=catch/.arrest/seize2、记录;以影片、文字等保存原状、记录;以影片、文字等保存原状 The state visit by the premier captured the headlines of al

12、l newspapers.总理的国事访问各报都用大标题登出。In his traveling report, he tried to capture the beauty of the Great Waterfalls.他努力在他的这篇游记中记录下大瀑布的美1010casualcasual基本含义及用法基本含义及用法1、Suited for everyday wear or use; informal.轻便的,非正式的适于每日穿着或使用的;非正式的Casual clothing.便装便装He was wearing casual clothes, not his school ones. 他穿

13、着他的便服,不是他的校服。2、ccurring at irregular or infrequent intervals; occasional: 临时的,偶然发生的:casual labourer 临时工临时工3、非预谋的;随便的:a casual remark.即席发言;即席发言;a casual meeting:巧遇巧遇4、Being without ceremony or formality; relaxed: 放松的;放松的:放松的;放松的:a casual evening with friends.与朋友的轻松聚会与朋友的轻松聚会1111chargecharge - accusea

14、ccuse 基本含义及用法基本含义及用法1、 与 money 同义We deliver for free of charge.我们免费送货;(用作名词)How much do you charge for your apples?(用作动词)Charge the room to my account.把房间费用记在我的帐上。2、 be in charge of:负责、掌管Who is in charge of the department?3、 take charge of:控制、掌管She took charge of the business ten years ago.4、 控告on c

15、harges of:He is in court on charges of murder. 他因被控谋杀而出庭受审。charge against sb:The charge against her was shoplifting. 对她的指控是在商店偷东西.Bring/press charges; 提出控告;drop the charges against sb:撤销控告Johns been charged with assault. John 被控犯有袭击人身罪。1212circulatecirculate 基本含义及用法基本含义及用法1、 循环循环进入或沿环路流动:blood circu

16、lating through the body.血液在身体内循环使使(货币等货币等)流通流通, 使周转使周转a circulated cheque 流通支票流通支票2、 巡回,穿梭、到处走:“The politician circulated at the dance party, talking to lots of people.“那个政治家在跳舞晚会上到处走动那个政治家在跳舞晚会上到处走动,同许多人交谈。同许多人交谈。“ 3、To move about or flow freely, as air.流动,流通自由走动或流动,象空气一样4、 散布,传播在人们或地区之间广泛传播;散布:Gossip tends to circulate quickly.流言传播迅速复习提醒复习提


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