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1、2013 届高三一轮总复习考点提升训练届高三一轮总复习考点提升训练英语试题集(十九)英语试题集(十九)单项选择21【2012 届保定市高三第一次模拟】25. He is_stupid. In fact he is quite smart.A. anything but B. nothing but C. more than D. no more than22. In recent years _ global warming is becoming _ concern for people all over the world. A. the; the B. /; aC. /; / D. th

2、e; /23._ the plan means we must start from the very beginningA .Abandoned B. Abandoning C. Being abandoned D. Having abandoned24. Many people are not _ the danger of their childrens bad habits, which lead to failing to make their dreams come true. A. well aware to B. very aware ofC. aware that D. we

3、ll aware of25.What you said_ me to death.A. scared B. were scared C. was scared D. surprised26.She became_ something_A. aware of, was burnt B. awared of, was burntC. aware that ,was burning D. awared that, was burning27.We _ there when it _ to rain. A. would get; beganB. were getting; would beginC.

4、were about to get; beganD. had got; had begun28.It is useless to attempt to_from every danger, and some risks must be taken.A. flee B. fly C. disappear D. flash29. In the traffic accident, his father came close to_.A. be killed B. being killed C. kill D. killing30. We should be _a lot of animals are

5、 becoming endangered.A. preserved that B. aware of C. aware that D. sure that31. With the price of oil _, the economy of that country is slowing down.A. bringing up B. getting up C. going up D. raising up32. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave _ something occurred that attracted my a

6、ttention.A. unless B. until C. when D. while33. Youve done so much work youre _ pass the exam.A. addicted to B. bound to C. due to D. accustomed to34. 【2012 届河北省邯郸市高三第一次模拟考试】24. I appreciated the opportunity to study abroad two years ago. A. to have given B. to have been given C. having given D. hav

7、ing been given 35. -Guess what? Ive got the job offer!-_.A. Contributions. B. Celebrations C. Congratulations D. Conclusions三、完形填空Last night, I was about to pull out of the parking lot when I noticed a hitchhiker (搭便车的人). I know that picking up a hitchhiker can be 36 , but I want a try, as they may

8、have a sincere need to reach their 37 . I rolled down my window and called the man to my car. I asked him where he was38 and he told me that he needed a ride to his doctors office which would 39 in 15 minutes.40 he got in he told me that the person who was supposed to drive him there didnt appear. H

9、e continued to tell me that he is a 41 and goes out to sea for weeks at a time. He needs to take42 for his nerves, 43 which, he told me, it would be impossible for him to work. With some 44 driving we managed to get there in about ten minutes. I told him I would wait and bring him back. He 45 me and

10、 said he should be back only in fifteen minutes.Shortly after, he came back to tell me that the doctor was still with other 46 and it was going to take a while 47 . I told him that I was going to grab a coffee while I 48 . But it ended up taking about forty-five minutes, 49 we had a bit more time th

11、an 50 . Afterwards he got back in my car and tried his hardest to 51 for keeping me waiting so long. I tried my best to make him feel at 52 and drove him back to where I had picked him up. Again he 53 his thanks and we said our good-byes. I feel that the universe or God always 54 us with what we nee

12、d. Maybe God did put him in my path. In his case it was a 55 , in mine the opportunity to help someone else.36. A. pleasingB. helpful C. dangerousD. surprising37. A. homeB. destinationC. officeD. clinic38. A. comingB. leavingC. livingD. heading39. A. closeB. openC. endD. stay40. A. OnceB. SinceC. Be

13、foreD. While41. A. doctorB. salesmanC. fishermanD. postman42. A. restB. medicineC. temperatureD. advice43. A. withoutB. withC. ofD. for44. A. carefulB. excitingC. quickD. relaxing45. A. praisedB. thankedC. encouragedD. refused46. A. relativesB. patientsC. guestsD. nurses47. A. laterB. soonerC. faste

14、rD. longer48. A. waitedB. visitedC. examinedD. drove49. A. turning upB. taking outC. making upD. turning out50. A. promisedB. suggestedC. limitedD. expected51. A. explainB. excuseC. apologizeD. forgive52. A. restB. safetyC. easeD. sorrow53. A. expressedB. suppliedC. announcedD. exchanged54. A. offer

15、sB. providesC. combinesD. connects55. A. carB. treatmentC. giftD. ride四、阅读理解ALast autumn I applied for admission to college. I wanted to go nowhere but to Cornell University, but my mother fought strongly against it. When she saw me studying a photograph of my father on the sports ground of Cornell, she tore it up.“You cant say its not a great university, j


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