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1、1Unit1Unit1 WhatsWhats thethe mattermatter学习目标知识目标:掌握 6、7 页单词和短语。能力目标:掌握课文中的重点词汇及相关短语,并灵活运用。 情感目标:主动去救助处于危险境地的人,在生死抉择之际, 需有勇气做出正确的决定。导学过程【预习检查预习检查】I I. . 翻译下列短语和句子并在课本中划出来将汉语意思标记在课本上,读熟。翻译下列短语和句子并在课本中划出来将汉语意思标记在课本上,读熟。1. 摔倒 _ 2. 呼吸困难 _3. 对 感兴趣 _ 4. 习惯于_5. 冒险_ 6.因为事故 _7. 失去生命_ 8.用完 耗尽_ 9.切除_ 10.准备干 _

2、 11. 以便;为的是 _ 12.失血过多 _13.get out of a difficult situation _14.似乎干_15.the importance of _ 16.be in control of ones life _17. 做决定_ 18.放弃_ 19.登山 _ 20.in a difficult situation_【合作探究合作探究】I I 从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其正确形式完成句子从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其正确形式完成句子deicide stomach important hurt she1. Eat less food, or youll have a _

3、. 2. Although Huang Feng is only 10 years old, he can look after _. 3. Not everyone knows the _ of learning. 4. The boy _ his foot when he was playing basketball yesterday. 5. Parents should allow(允许) their children to make their own_. 【达标检测达标检测】单项选择单项选择( ) 1.Whats _matter with you? I have _toothach

4、e.A. a; the B. the; / C. /; a D. the; a( ) 2. _ our surprise. MH370 has not been found since it was lost on March 8, 2014. A. With B. In C. To D. By ( ) 3. My sister is old enough to dress _now.A. himself B. herself C. myself D.her( ) 4. He failed so break the world record for long jump many times b

5、ut he never _ his hope.A. look off B. put away C. give up D. turned down( ) 5. You look really tired, _? I didnt sleep well last night, I had a headache. 2A. How about you B. what should I do C. Whats the matter D. How are you feeling now( ) 6.His words _ the feelings of Chinese people.A. cut B. hit

6、 C. hurt D. clean( ) 7.We have problems _ English.A. learn B. learned C. to learn D. learning( ) 8.The knife(刀子) _ one of my feet just now.A. cut B. cutting C. cuts D. to cut( ) 10.Nobody can help us , except(除了) _ .A. yourself B. myself C. ourselves D. herself【课后作业课后作业】I I 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空用括号内所给单词的适

7、当形式填空1. The old man have problems _(breathe) and we should send him to the hospital. 2. To get up early, my brother is used to _ (get) up early. 3. His grandpa loved mountain _ (climb) when he was young. 4. We are ready _ (help) the people in trouble. 5. When she saw an old woman_ (lie)on the side o

8、f the road, she called 120 at once. 6. Finally, he made a_(decide) to go to Beijing. 7. Everyone knows the_(important)of studying English.8. Lily is_(interest)in the_(interest) stories.9. After _(eat)supper, we often take a walk.10. His dogs _(die) made him sad. IIII. .完成句子。完成句子。1. 幸亏有你的帮助, 我们才按时完成了工作。_ _ your help, we finished the work on time. 2. 不要去冒险。那样做是很危险的。Dont_ _. Its very dangerous to do that. 3. 无论发生什么, 我们都不会放弃希望。Well never_ _hope no matter what happens. 4. 遗憾的是, 没有人同意这个计划。Unfortunately, no one_ _ the plan. 5. 我坚信你会很快走出困境。Im sure that you can_ _ _the difficult situation soon.



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