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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家 版权所有高考资源网1课时作业(十四) 必修 3 Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars限时:30 分钟.多项选择 1Though it was dark, my father _ working in the field by the light of moon. Aremained Bstayed Clasted Dkept 2The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly_. Aatmosphere Bstate Csit

2、uation Dphenomenon 3The computer revolution may well change society as _as did the Industrial Revolution. Acertainly Binsignificantly Cfundamentally Dcomparatively 4There was a _ quarrel between the husband and the wife;after that the wife left home and never came back. Asensitive Bserious Cviolent

3、Dstrict 5Though most people know that smoking _ the risk of cancer,it is still hard for them to give it up. Amultiplies Badds Ccombines Dgains 6Before the economic crisis came,John had sensed that the firm was to be ruined and he_ just in time. Apulled up Bpulled out Cpulled off Dpulled down 7What y

4、ou should do, instead, is _and look for a solution to the problem. Acheer up Bcome up Cbreak up Dcut up 8Im planning to hold a party in the open air,but I can make no guarantee because it _ the weather. Alinks with Bdepends on Cconnects to Ddecides on 9Alice read the letter with a _ expression on he

5、r face,not knowing who sent it to her. Acrowded Bpuzzled Csatisfactory Dpleasant 10The special building in the middle of the square is the oldest wooden building _. Ain existence Bin silence Cin safety Din need .完形填空 Jerry is the kind of man you love to hate.He is always in a(n)_11_mood and always h

6、as something_12_to say.In his opinion, the bottom line is your choice_13_you live a life. One morning, he did something you are never_14_to do in the restaurant business: he left the back door open and was_15_up at gunpoint by three armed robbers.While trying to open the_16_, with his hand shaking f

7、rom_17_, he input the wrong code.The robbers beat him and even_18_him.Luckily, Jerry was found_19_quickly after the robbers had fled and he was rushed to the local first aid center.After 18 hours of operation and weeks of good care, he was out of hospital with fragments (碎片) of the bullets still in

8、his body. Jerry told me what happened after he was sent to hospital.He said the doctors were_20_.They kept telling him he was going to be fine and_21_him into the emergency room.But when he saw the_22_on the faces of the doctors and nurses, he got really_23_.In their eyes, he_24_, “Hes dying.” He kn

9、ew he needed to take_25_.There was a big,burly nurse shouting questions at him.She asked if he was allergic (过敏的) to anything, and the doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for his reply.Jerry_26_for a while and then he decided to live.He took a deep breath and said, “Yes._27_!” Over the

10、ir laughter, Jerry told them to 高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家 版权所有高考资源网2operate on him_28_he wouldnt die. Jerry lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing_29_.I learnt from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, _30_, is everything. 11A.exciting Bgood Cusua

11、l Dbalanced 12A.positive Bfunny Cnew Ddifferent 13A.how Bwhere Cwhether Dwhy 14A.advised Bimagined Casked Dsupposed 15A.pulled Bput Cheld Ddone 16A.box Bsafe Ccounter Ddoor 17A.nervousness Bworry Cunwillingness Dpressure 18A.knocked Bkilled Cknifed Dshot 19A.probably Brelatively Cmerely Dreasonably

12、20A.excited Borganized Chardworking Dgreat 21A.rolled Bcarried Cwheeled Dforced 22A.surprise Bexpressions Cfeeling Dpuzzles 23A.scared Bembarrassed Cdisappointed Dannoyed 24A.knew Bfound Cmeant Dread 25A.notice Border Cbreath Daction 26A.thought Bwondered Cjudged Dstopped 27A.Medicine BOperation CBu

13、llets DFragments 28A.unless Beven if Cas if Dbefore 29A.reply Battitude Copinion Ddetermination 30A.to be honest Bin that case Cafter all Dstrictly speaking .阅读理解 Surface Exploration. Robots make great explorers on planets,moons,and other landing areas.Aside from Earth,just about every surface in th

14、e solar system is unsafe for humans to explore.The air on most other planets is insufficient for humans to breathe,making it necessary to wear a space suit and oxygen equipment.The temperatures on these surfaces are much too hot or much too cold for any humans to withstand.Plus there would be complications with radiation,weather,and a lack of gravity.Robots have much less limitation in these area



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