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1、1UnitUnit 1010 I I havehave hadhad thisthis bikebike forfor threethree yearsyears学习目标1. 掌握课本中出现的重点单词和短语。2. 能够掌握课文中出现的重点句子。3.会运用现在完成时。导学过程【自主学习自主学习】(1)初级中学_ (2)变得大一些_ (3) 清理,清除 (4)不再;不复 (5)起先,首先 _ (6)从他四岁生日起 (7)某些玩具 (8) 失去 (9)至于 (10)说实在的 (11)一会儿 (12)尽管,即使 (13)一套轨道火车 (14)处理;对付 【合作探究合作探究】WeWe havehave

2、alreadyalready clearedcleared outout a a lotlot ofof thingsthings fromfrom ourour bedrooms.bedrooms.我们已经从卧室清理出了许多东西。(1) already 意为“已经” ,通常用于肯定句中,可位于句中或句末。eg:Ive been there _ so I dont want to go again.我已经去过那里了,所以不想再去了。(2)yet 意为“已经,还” ,通常用于否定句和疑问句中,位于句末。eg:I havent finished my homework _.我还没有完成作业。【达标

3、检测达标检测】I I. .用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1 1For _ (certainly) reasons,Mr. Li left there without saying anything.2 2You and I must be _ (truth) with each other.3 3Mikes mother gives her money away to a _(child) home.4 4They decided _ (visit) their teachers on weekends.5 5I need your help. Please come here _(quic

4、k)IIII. . 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。26 6你的儿子不再是一个孩子了,因此你应该使他做一些家务。Your son is _ _ a child,so you should make him do some housework.7 7至于旅馆,离海边有好几英里。_ _ the hotel,it was miles from the sea.8 8托尼正在清理书架上没用的书。Tony is _ _ the useless books on the shelf.9 9蒂娜不愿意舍弃她的布娃娃。Tina wouldnt like _ _ _ her cloth dolls.1010说实

5、在的,我已经好久没吃比萨了。_ _ _,I havent eaten pizza for _ _.【课后作业课后作业】. 用所给词适当形式填空:1.We decide _(sell)the old things.2.Lucy doesnt seem _(like ) the idea. 3.The old man is very _(truth) . He never tells a lie. 4. The house (be) here for over 30 years .5.We (have) the car for two years.单项选择。( )1. Have you ever

6、been to an aquarium? No, _.A. I have B. I am not C. I havent D. I hasnt( )2.Ive never been to a water park. _A. Me, too B. Me neither. C. Me also. D. Me both.( )3. Has the train _ yet?A. got B. reached C. arrived D. arrived at( )4.Do you mind if I stay here a little longer? _.A. No, you cant B. Yes,

7、 you may C. Certainly not D. Yes, not at all( )5.How long has his brother _ the book?A. kept B. bought C. lent D. borrowed( ) 6.Ive never seen such a fine picture _.3A. ago B. before C. yet D. later( )7.Has the foreigner been to many interesting places in Beijing?Yes, but he has _been to many other

8、parts of China.A. already B. still C. yet D. never( )8. My best friend Tom is _ honest boy. You can believe him.A. a B. an C. the D. /( )9. Is Mr. Smith still in Shanghai? - Yes, he _ there for two months.A. has been B. has gone C. has been to D. has gone to ( )10.The children decide _ their school

9、yard this Friday afternoon. A. cleanB. to clean C. cleaningD.cleaned( )11. My uncle has moved to Beijing. He doesnt live here _. A. at all B. any longerC. no moreD.any time( )12. ._,volunteering is both a chance to help others and a good way to develop ourselves. So youd better make time to voluntee

10、r.ATo my surprise BTo be honest CTo start with DTo begin with( )13. ._ movies,the boy likes the action movies best.AIn fact BEven though CAs for DAt first( )14. .My uncle _ the shop. Its not my fathers,but his.Alikes Bowns Ccleans Dneeds( )15.Dont part _ the old clothes. Please give them away to homeless people.Awith Baway Cout Don



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