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1、1UnitUnit 4 4 DontDont eateat inin classclassPartPart 1 1 SectionSection A A(课前)自主预习,扫清障碍 一、SectionSection A A 单词预习。1规则 rule2到达 arrive3大厅;礼堂 hall4餐厅 dining hall5倾听 listen6打架;战斗 fight7抱歉的;难过的 sorry8外面的 outside9穿;戴 wear10重要的 important11带来;取来 bring12安静的 quiet二、SectionSection A A 重点短语及目标句型预习。1 1DontDont

2、 arrivearrive latelate forfor class.class. 上课不要迟到。否定祈使句表示请求、命令、建议、号召、警告等等。结构:Dont+动词原形上课不要讲话。 Dont talk in class . 在一些公共警示语中,表示“禁止做某事” ,经常使用“No+ v. -ing/名词” 相当于Dont +动词原形(短语)+here. 禁止停车 No parking!=Dont park here. 禁止吸烟 No smoking!=Dont smoke here. 禁止拍照 No photos!=Dont take photos here.2 2YouYou must

3、must eateat inin thethe diningdining hall.hall. 你必须在学校餐厅就餐。must 必须,表示说话人的主观看法,语气比较强烈。(1)不要迟到。我们必须要守时。Dont arrive late for class. We must be on time . (2)她必须先完成功课才能看电视。She must finish her homework first before she watches TV. 你发现了什么规律:must 后面只能跟动词的 原形 , 没有 (有/没有)人称和时态的变化。3 3WeWe cantcant listenlisten

4、 toto musicmusic inin thethe hallways,hallways, butbut wewe cancan listenlisten toto itit outside.outside. 我们不能在走廊上听音乐,但我们可以在外面听。can 能够,是情态动词。情态动词不能单独使用 , 需和其他动词一起构成谓语 , 表示说话人的语气和感情。(1)我们可以穿自己的衣服。We can wear our own clothes.(2)你不能在走廊上追逐。You cant run in the hallways.你发现了什么规律:情态动词 can 可以表示 “许可” ,它的否定形

5、式是 cant ,他们后面只能跟动词的 原形 , 没有人称和数的变化。4 4WeWe alwaysalways havehave toto wearwear thethe schoolschool uniform.uniform. 我们不得不穿校服。have to 不得不,三单用 has to, 过去形式用 had to。2(1)我们不得不每天都穿校服。We have to wear school uniforms every day. (2)她不得不在每天上午 7 点前赶到学校。She has to get to school by 7: 00 every morning. (3)他昨天不得

6、不步行回家因为他的自行车坏了。He had to go home on foot yesterday because there was something wrong with his bike. 你发现了什么规律:have to 后面只能跟动词的 原形 , 有 (有/没有)人称和时态的变化。5We also have to be quiet in the library. 我们也不得不在图书馆里保持安静。请写出下列可以表示状态的英语表达。保持安静 be quiet保持健康 be healthy保持开心 be happy守时 be on time 在上班 be at work在学校 be a

7、t school你发现了什么规律:系动词 be 与 形容词 或 介词短语 连用,可以表示某种状态。例如:在公众场合时,一定要保持安静。You must be quiet in public. 三、SectionSection A A 语法学习。( B )1 Tom, Its your first day to the new school. _ late! OK, mom.ADontBDont be CDont to beDNo( C )2You _ fight with your classmates. That makes the teachers really unhappy. Adon

8、tBcanCcantDhave to( A )3 Can we bring music players to school? I dont think so. We cant listen to music in the classroom _ hallways. Aor Band Cbut Dto( A )4Its raining outside. Mary _stay at home. Ahas toBhave to CmustntDmust( B )5 Do you have to wear your school uniforms every day? _. Thats the sch

9、ool rule. AYes, we have BYes, we doCNo, we havent DNo, we dont四、短文填空。Jeff is studying in a new 1 now. Its a great school, but there are a 3lot of 2 . He doesnt 3 them at all. He 4 to get to school at 7:00 every day, because his head teacher always says “ 5 be late for school”. But today he 6 late. H

10、is bike was broken when he was on the 7 to school. When he 8 to school, it was already 8: 00His teacher was 9 . Jeff 10 very nervous(紧张的) What can he do?1 school 2 rules 3 like 4 has 5 Dont 6 arrived/was 7 way 8 got 9 angry10 felt/was 五、完形填空。A teacher decided to let her class play a game. She told e

11、veryone to bring a bag with some 1 . Each tomato had a 2 of a classmate who the child disliked. And the number of tomatoes was the number of people they disliked. So every child brought some tomatoes with them. Some had two tomatoes. 3 even had five tomatoes. The teacher then told them to carry the

12、tomatoes wherever they went. Days passed and the children started to complain(抱怨) 4 the tomatoes got rotten(腐烂的). Besides, the more tomatoes they had, the 5 bag they had to carry. After one week, the children were very 6 because the game finally finished.The teacher asked them, “How did you feel?” T

13、he children started 7 about the heavy and smelly tomatoes. Then the teacher told them the 8 behind the game.The teacher said, “The terrible smell of hatred(憎恨)will 9 your heart, and you will carry it with you wherever you go. If you cannot stand the terrible smell for just 10 week, can you imagine w

14、hat it is like to have the smell of hatred in your heart for your lifetime?”. ( A )1AtomatoesBbooksCpotatoes Ddishes( B )2AnumberBnameCbody Dage( B )3AAnyBSomeCEvery DOther ( A )4AbecauseBbutCso Dthough ( C )5AlowerBlighter Cheavier Dtoo often( D )6AnoisyBsadCangry Dhappy( A )7AcomplainingBlaughingCfeeling 4Dfighting( A )8AmeaningBtimeCway Drules ( C )9AcleanBwashCpollute Dfollow( A )10Aone BtwoCthree Dfive


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