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1、大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 中文摘要I大学本科学生毕业设计(论文)测量平差程序设计大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 中文摘要II摘 要测量平差是测绘类专业的一门重要的专业基础课程,是用于观测数据处理的一门应用数学 。但是因为其计算量比较大,这变使大家在学习和使用的时候感觉十分头疼。虽然有很多简化了的平差算法,比如高斯约化法, 但是这些算法一方面会影响计算精度,另一方面也不能有效的减少计算量。平差计算是利用最小二乘原理消除观测值与起算数据之间的矛盾,求出各待定元素的平差值并评定精度。而在经典测量平差中,主要研究四种平差模型方程(条件平差、间接平差、附有未知参数的条件平差和附有限制条件的间接平差)的

2、列立和求解,其牵涉到大量的矩阵运算,传统的人工计算工作量很大。随着计算机的出现,矩阵运算就变得轻松,而且计算机的运行速度快,精度高,特别是对于具有大量矩阵运算,计算机轻松解决。前提是要编好相应的程序代码。本文运用 visual basic 语言编制了一个平差软件,主要对水准网和附合导线进行了平差的编制和软件程序界面的设计,实现的功能主要有对水准网数据和附合导线数据的平差计算,当然为了平差后能使用数据,本软件还设计了数据输出的功能,使界面更友好,方便用户使用。 关键词:水准网间接平差,visual basic ,附合导线条件平差,visual basic界面设计(GUI)大学本科学生毕业设计(论

3、文) ABSTRACTIIABSTRACTThe measurement adjustment is a professional basic course of Geomatics engineer, It is used to process the observation data of Applied Mathematics, which is characterized by the large amount of calculation, the process of learning and the using become very complex. Although many

4、 adjustment algorithm methods are simplified such as Gauss reduction method, but on the one hand these algorithms affect the accuracy of calculation, on the other hand they cannot effectively reduce the amount of calculation. Adjustment calculation is the principle of least squares to eliminate the

5、contradiction between the observed values and the initial data, calculating the adjusted values of all pending elements and assessing accuracy. Classical surveying adjustment mainly contains four adjustment model equations (conditions adjustment, indirect adjustment, accompanied by the unknown param

6、eters condition adjustment and accompanied by restrictions in indirect adjustment)of column and solving, it involves large number of matrix operations, the calculation workload of traditional manual measurement data processing method requires the preparation of a specific treatment program matrix op

7、erations, so the procedures are complicated and difficult. The emergence of the computer makes matrix operations become easy, and the computer is running fast and at high precision, to the large number of matrix operations, under the premise of the compiled code, the computer can easily solve many p

8、roblems. In this paper, an adjustment software is used by visual basic language of the leveling network and connecting traverse adjustment of the preparation and program interface design to achieve the main function of the leveling network data and wire data adjustment calculation. The software also

9、 design the function of the data output, it is friendly and convenient for users to operate.Key words: parameter adjustment of leveling network ,Visual basic, Visual basic interface design(GUI)大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 目录III目目 录录中文摘要. ABSTRACT. 1 引言.11.1 现状分析.11.2 目的及意义.11.3 研究内容.2 2 Visual Basic 编程语言概述.32.1 Visual Basic 简介.32.1.1 Visual Basic 的发展.32.1.2 VB 的功能特点.32.2 Visual Basic 简介.42.2.1 操作界面简介.42.2.2 几个常用控件介绍.72.2.3 VB 编程语言书写和变量声明.72.2.4 矩阵在 VB 中的表述.72.2.5 VB 中矩阵运算.82.2.6 程序控制语句.112.2.7 控件数组.12 3 平差计算基本理论.133.1 条件平差.133.1.1 条件平差原理.133.1.2 条件平差程序设计流程图.



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