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1、专业英语专业英语 英译汉英译汉 1.工程是一种专业, 也就是说工程师必 须受到专业大学教 育。Engineering is a profession,which means that an engineer must have a specialized university education. 2.统计学中的重要 部分是概率论。An important aspect of statistical mathematics is probability. 3.一位未来的土木 工程师应当意识到 将要对他(她)提 出的体力要求。 The prospective civil engineer sho

2、uld be aware of the physical demands that will be made on him or her. 4.由于施工会很危 险,所以安全因素 必须考虑在内。 Safety factors must also be taken into account,since construction can be very dangerous. 5.当然,计算机能 比人更快捷,精确 地解决许多有关计 算问题。 Computers ,of course,can solve many problems involving calculations with greater

3、speed and accuracy than a human being can, 6.差不多在所有工 程项目中,施工是 一个复杂的过程。 Construction is a complicated process on almost all engineering projests. 7.许多早期的伟大 建筑物仍然存在或 者在使用。Many great building built in earlier ages are still in existence and in use. 8.在设计结构时, 现代工程师必须考 虑到所有材料的总 重量。When a modern engineer

4、plans a structure,he takes into account the total weight of all its component materials. 9.在用据毫不费力 地锯开一块木头时, 木头是受拉的。 When a saw cuts easily through a piece of wood ,the wood is tension. 10.水平力必须彼此 平衡。The horizontal forces must be equal to each other. 11.钢和混凝土有几 乎相同的收缩率和 膨胀率。Steel and concrete have a

5、lmost the same tate of contraction and epansion. 12.铝比不锈钢轻得 多,但又具有许多 不锈钢的特性。 Aluminum weighs much less than stainless steel but has many of the same properties. 13.我们不需要进行 复杂的谈判。We do not need to enter into lengthy or complicated negotiations. 14.合同各方同意做 某些事,如果当事 人一方未能履行协 议中规定的义务, 他应承担违约责任。 Each par

6、ty to the contract has agreed to do something,and is liable for breach of contract if he fails to perform his part of agreement. 15.这些合同中,值 得注意的是土地转 让合同。Notable among these contracts are contracts for the sale and disposal of land. 16.当某人在文件上 签字以后,他就被 认为已阅读并同意 文件的内容。Once a person has signed a docume

7、nt he is assumed to have read and approved its contents. 17.承包商必须按照合同的条款履行自 己的责任。The conditiona of contract define the obligations and performances to which the contractor will be subject. 18.雇主一般不受报 价最低的投标着或 任何投标者约束。 The employer does not usually bind himself to accept the lowest or indeed any tend

8、er. 19.土石方设备的选 择主要决定于材料 的性质和运距。 The selection of earth working equipment is primarily depended upon the nature of the materials and the haul distances. 20.岩石必须首先凿 眼、爆破,然后用 装载机或挖土机装 入货车或其他运输 设备。Rock must be drilled and blasted,then loaded with loader or shovel into trucks or other hauling waits. 21.推

9、土机、铲运机 和自卸汽车的经济 运距各不相同。 The economical haul distances of bulldozers,scrapers and dump trucks are different. 22.合理的路堤施工要求土壤分层摊铺, 在接近最佳含水量 时压实。The proper embankment construction requires that the soil be spread in layers,and compacted at a moisture content near optimum. 23.松动的岩石接着 用拖式铲运设备来 处理,就像处理 “普通

10、土”表示另 两类之外的所有材 料。The loosened rock is then handled by tractor-scraper units as is done with “common”excavatio n. 24.材料通常分为 “岩石” , “松石” 或“普通土” ,普 通土“表示另两类 之外的所有材料。 Materials are usually described as “rock”,”loose rock”,or “common”,with “common”signifyin g all material not otherwise classified. 25.交通事

11、故是指由 于车辆在交通中引 起人员伤亡或物质 损失。A traffic accident denotes the event in which personal injury or death or property damage is caused by vehicles in trallic.26.交通事故按其严 重程度一般可分为 死亡,重伤,轻伤 和物质损失。 Traffic accidents can be grouped as death,serious and light injury,and property damage according to their severity.

12、 27.交通事故的原因 主要包括人,车辆, 道路和环境因素。 Causes of traffic accidents are principally related to person,the vehicle,the road,and the environment. 28.为了生产更安全 和在撞车事故中少 受损坏的车辆,汽 车制造商和研究人 员做出了很大努力。 Automobile manufactures and researchers makes great efforts to produce safer and less damaged vehicles in collision e

13、vents. 29.平曲线半径、交 叉口设计等都是影 响交通安全的重要 因素。Radii of horizontal,designs of intersections are important factors in traffic safety. 30.也许真正需要的 是交通事故和交通 安全之间的均衡。 Perhaps what is really wanted is a balance between traffic accidents and safety. 汉译英汉译英 1.Engineering graduates have pass an examination,similar t

14、o the bar examinations for a lawyer. 工程专业 生必须通过考试, 就类似于律师要通 过职业考试。 2.In the engineering curriculum,a current trend is to require students to take course in social sciences.在工程课 程中,当今一个潮 流就是要选修社会 科学课程。 3.The relationship between engineering and society is getting closer.工程学和社 会学的关系变得越 来越密切。 4.The stu

15、dent who is preparing to become a civil engineer may deal with such subjects as geodetic surveying,etc.一个 想成为土木工程师 的学生,或许需要 学习大地测量等课 程。 5.young engineers may choose to go into environmental or sanitary engineering.年轻的 工程师可以需选择 环境或卫生工程。 6.On-the-job training can be acquired that will demonstrate his

16、or her ability to transtate theory into practice to the supervisors.在职培 训将使主管人了解 他(她)将理论运 用于实践的能力。 7.The civil engineer may work in research、design 、maintenance,eve n in sales or management. 土木 工程师可以从事研 究、设计、养护甚 至于销售或管理工 作。 8、Research is one of the most important aspects of scientific and engineering practice


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