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1、刘伟老师:您好!我是首经贸专升本会计 03 班学生杨延君,学号:42。作业(原文)如下:我应该如何报答我的母亲呢?我应该如何报答我的母亲呢?母亲的爱是伟大而又无微不至的。从小到大她对我总是放心不下,时常关切地询问“最近学习怎么样?工作累不累?现在经常问的一句是“孩子的身体好吗,他的学习是否进步了”感谢母亲无私的关怀,您的健康是我开心幸福的源泉。我想我会用心去报答您的爱,报答的最好方式就是照顾好自己,有个健康的身体; 有个好前途, 好家庭, 不再让您为我担心;照顾好自己的家庭,有一个稳定的工作,孝顺老人,我会通过自己的努力报答您的恩情,让您与我一起分享幸福的喜悦;我的幸福就是您最大的快乐;我会多

2、抽出时间陪在您和爸爸身边,倾听您的烦恼和心声英文如下:请您批改一下,谢谢!How shoud I repay my mother?Mothers love is great and attentive. From small(childhood) to large(an adult) I (have)always worried about her, often asked me about “learning how recently? Work tired? Now frequently asked one is “how my childs body is and whether he

3、is progressing in his studies.Thank the selfless caring mother. it is a source of happiness what I am happy for your health. I think I will repay your love try my best, whith reward the best way to take care of myself and have a healthy body; have a good future, good family, no longer let you worry

4、about me; take care of my family, with a stable job, filial piety for the elderly, I will, through my own efforts to repay your kindness, let me share with you the joy of happiness; My greatest happiness is your happiness; I will find time to stay with you and dad , listen to your worries and aspirations. . . .


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