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1、智 课 网 S A T 备 考 资 料2015年3月7日SSAT考试真题解析这次的SSAT考试,在作文部分有了相当大的变化,这个变化主要 体现在ESSAY部分。由于之前的ESSAY考试的题目中,询问个人经历以 及个人兴趣更多一点,导致审题和押中作文的题目相对变得简单。但是 从这次的其中一道考试题目“Do you think whether photographs tell the whole story or not and why?”(你认为是否照片是否讲明了 事情的全部真相,为什么?)来看,在审题上就给学生提出比较大的考验 ,并且在某种意义上,更加接近于目前的SAT考试,议论性更多一点,

2、但是在写作手法上,仍然需要我们多举个人经验相关的例子(后面将附送 范文)。 而其相对应的CREATIVE WRITING的题目,“That was the first time of its kind. ”(那是第一次出现的事情),除了固定短语first time of its kind(前所未有的,第一次出现的)稍微有点难度之外,在写故事 上其实是很好写的,可以设定主人公是第一人称或者第三人称,只要是 第一次经历一种事情,或者一种感情就可以,之前练习过的文章也可以 非常方便的插入到这个题目中去,所以更推荐学生写这个创意写作。 SSAT考试还是有疑惑? 来智课【马上免费咨询】另外一套Upper

3、 level的两个题目What would it be if they had known it sooner?(如果他们能早点知道事情会怎么样呢?) 以及Which kind of pet do you like most and why? (你最喜欢什么样的宠物?为 什么?)在题目上非常接近之前的考试题目,学生在备考上可以将自己喜 欢的动物也列入备考范围(当然你完全可以写自己不想养宠物的原因), 并且准备一个双主人公的冒险故事。 其次,在中级的考试作文考试题目中,根据学生的反馈,出现了一 道这样的题目,“Honesty is the most important thing of frie

4、ndship.” (诚实是友情中最重要的事情。)从第一眼来看,这个题目 让我想起了之前改革前的SSAT作文题目,如“Tolerance is the most important thing in education.”(宽容是教育中最重要的事情。)但是 ,记住还是要写一个故事,不要发表议论,可以在对话中引入这个题目 ,如老师教育学生或者朋友经历了不愉快之后的对话,其实还是相当简 单的。在词汇上,这次大量重复了2月份的考题,特别是近义词部分,这 对于上半年备考的同学是一个利好消息,多看看之前的考过的题目吧, 上半年的考试重复度会是非常高的哦! 另外学生普遍反应这次的阅读还是偏难,其实有很多内容

5、还是考过 的,如Dorothy Parker的Renunciation(宣布分手)这首诗歌,是2013 年1月的旧题,本人在2月份的押题中就预言了这首诗歌在上半年考试出 现的可能性。下面附上这首诗歌的简要分析: Chloes hair, no doubt, was brighter; (Chole的头发,毫无疑问的,比我更加耀眼;) Lydias mouth more sweetly sad;(Lydia的嘴唇更加甜美的悲伤;) Hebes arms were rather whiter;(Hebe的胳膊是多么的白皙;) Languorous-lidded Helen had(而Helen有着

6、美妙的肢体) Eyes more blue than eer the sky was; (她的眼睛比曾经的蓝天还要湛蓝;) Lalages was subtler stuff;(Lalage的美更加的巧妙;) Still, you used to think that I was(但是仍然,你曾经还是认为我是) Fair enough.(足够的美丽。)Now youre casting yearning glances(但是现在,你的眼神朝着) At the pale Penelope;(苍白的Penelope身上游离;) Cutting in on Claudias dances; (插队想

7、和Claudia跳舞;) Taking Iris out to tea.(带着Iris去喝茶。) Iole you find warm-hearted;(你发现Iole非常的热情;) Zoes cheek is far from rough(Zoe的脸颊非常的柔嫩) Dont you think its time we parted? . . .(难道你不觉得我们是时候分手了吗?) Fair enough. (那好吧。) SSAT考试Book Club阅读课, 在线预约试听课 从这个诗歌的翻译中我们很明显的看出一开始叙述人觉得男的认为 别的女的都比不上她,fair enough表示已经很美了,

8、后来那个女怪那个男的花心,想和男的分手,省略号表示这个答案已经不言自明了,最 后一个fair enough,表示好吧。不得不说学生在备考SSAT考试中需要 更加细腻的情感,否则认为这是两个女的在对话就麻烦了。 最后,附上这次作文题目“Do you think whether photographs tell the whole story or not and why?”的范文,个人认为这个题目的 出题灵感的来源可能是出自于Gillian Flynn的畅销书“Gone Girl”(中 文译名:消失的爱人),男主角被女记者诱导性的拍了照片在媒体的有意 识引导下使得大众认为他是凶手。不过对于初中生

9、来说,阅读面很大程 度上应该不会涉及到成人畅销书,所以小朋友们可以想想自己的个人经 历,比如有没有拍过自己不满意的照片?当时自己是什么心情?而在照片 中的自己又是什么心情?讲一个难忘的个人经历,是这个题目一个非常 巧妙的破题点。或者学生可以针对目前亚洲四大邪术中的“中国PS术” 来谈论一下美图秀秀以及其他一些软件对于照片的美化,这样的文章也 会充满了趣味性。I dont like my reflections in the camerasI found them invariably awkward, diffident, with my facial expression twisted a

10、nd my limbs placing themselves in the wrong ways. Sometimes, I even want to cry over some pictures that have ruined my big days, like my first day of school or my graduation day, and, I believe you must totally agree, the worst picture every of us must have taken is the picture on our certificate of

11、 identifications, which make us look like outlaws or fictional deranged characters instead of normal, law-abiding citizens. So I completely agree that photographs dont show the whole picture, instead they just show what the photographers want us to believe or like. You may argue that I have too high

12、 an expectation on my pictures, but I have to. Many young girls, at my generation, like to post their Photoshoped photos online or on their social networks. Undoubtedly, these processed photos are featured with “astonishingly beautiful” combinations with big, dazzling eyes (thanks to the cosmetic co

13、ntact lenses), immaculate white skins and awl-like faces. The angles they are using are quitesimilar, making them more or less like each otherperfect dolls. The metrosexuals are no better than that, with every photo shooting like they were femalelike superstars. With no doubt, the media was also ove

14、rflowed with more and more perfect photos of the real stars. With such a sharp contrast, one definitely couldnt see their own pictures in an unbiased way, not any more. Should I blame the advanced technology for bringing all these dissatisfactions? I dont think so. We should blame the fast moving bu

15、siness culture that is gradually making us more or less like “a collection of personality traits selected from an endless automat of characters”, that left many of us with empty bodies without souls. Let me put it more straight-forward: lets forget our cameras. Lets put our cell phones aside. Lets l

16、ive in the moment fully without thinking whether this moment is worth taking a picture. I know that is especially hard for those who are getting used to the fake reflections promised by the modern technology, but lets face itafter all we are not creatures living in the two-dimensional world.(字数:371字)注意,对于ESSAY来说,个人色彩是非常必要的,这也是SSAT考 试作文部分区别于其他考试的一种非常重要的部分。你可以直接的写出 个人的观点,只要是政治正确的,不要过度的官方和包装自己,也许招 生委员会喜欢的就是你批判性的思想呢? 智课SSAT近期开班一览 课程 名称 开班时间 咨询 SSAT SSAT 1800分基础寒假班 周末/周一



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