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1、Welcome to my classroom!Wish you a happy day! 九年级英语教材研 习 三亚市教研室九年级英语教材研 习 三亚市教研室第九册 文化主题结构与语言知识 结构文化主题决定了语言要表达的意义和交际功能 ,而意义和功能是通过具体的语言形式来实现 的。也就是说,语言意义和功能决定相应的语 言形式,而不是语言形式决定语言意义和功能 。第九册 文化主题结构与 语言知识结构下表呈现了人教版九年级全册每一个单元的文 化主题与相应的语言形式。九年级的文化主题 已经由初一、初二的很具体、很生活化的主题 过渡到与学生学习和生活密切相关的比较抽象 的话题,如英语学习方法、人们的

2、变化(外表 和内在)、行为准则、个人意愿、可能性、情 绪等等(具体见下表)。 第九册 文化主题结构与 语言知识结构第九册 文化主题结构与 语言知识结构单单元文化主题结题结 构(语语言意 义义和功能)语语言知识结识结 构(语语言形式)Unit 1Learning how to learn (talk about the ways to learn English)How do you learn/study English? I study by listening to tapes.(一 般现现在时时, by+gerund非谓语动谓语动 词词) Have you ever studied wi

3、th a group? Ive learned a lot that way. (现现在完成时时)第九册 文化主题结构与 语言知识结构单单元文化主题结题结 构(语语言意 义义和功能)语语言知识结识结 构(语语言形式)Unit 2 How we have changed (Talking about changes of peoples appearance and character)You used to be short, didnt you? Did you use to play the piano? I didnt use to like tests. She used to hav

4、e curly hair. (一般过过 去时时特殊句型used to,反义义疑问问 句) 第九册 文化主题结构与 语言知识结构单单元文化主题结题结 构(语语言意 义义和功能)语语言知识结识结 构(语语言形式)Unit 3 Talking about rules that we must obey. (Talking about what we are allowed to do)Expressing opinions (agree and disagree) I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends. I di

5、sagree. Do you think sixteen- year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes? (情 态动词态动词 should 用法, 被动语态动语态 )第九册 文化主题结构与 语言知识结构单单元文化主题结题结 构(语语言意 义义和功能)语语言知识结识结 构(语语言形式)Unit 4 Interesting and embarrassing situations (Talking about imaginary situations)What would you do if you had a million do

6、llars? Id give it to charity. If I were you, Id wear a shirt and tie. (虚拟语拟语 气,条件从 句)第九册 文化主题结构与 语言知识结构单单元文化主题结题结 构(语语言意 义义和功能)语语言知识结识结 构(语语言形式)Unit 5 Making inferences in daily life (talking about possibilities)Whose notebook is this? It must be/could be Mings. It might belong to Alice. It cant be

7、Johns (情态动词态动词 表示推断, 名词词 所有格,whose引导导的特殊疑问问 句)第九册 文化主题结构与 语言知识结构单单元文化主题结题结 构(语语言意 义义和功能)语语言知识结识结 构(语语言形式)Unit 6 Expressing preferences (talking about music)What kind of music do you like? I like music that I can sing along with. I love singers who write their own music. We prefer music that has grea

8、t lyrics. (一 般现现在时时,that/who引导导的定语语 从句)第九册 文化主题结构与 语言知识结构单单元文化主题结题结 构(语语言意 义义和功能)语语言知识结识结 构(语语言形式)Unit 7 Talking about places we would like to visit (talking about vacations)Where would you like to visit/go on vacation? Id like/love/ I hope/ to go somewhere relaxing. (特殊疑问问句,表达个人 倾倾向的表达法)第九册 文化主题结构与

9、 语言知识结构单单元文化主题结题结 构(语语言意 义义和功能)语语言知识结识结 构(语语言形式)Unit 8Offering help (talking about volunteering)cheer up/ set up/come up with (短 语动词语动词 )第九册 文化主题结构与 语言知识结构单单元文化主题结题结 构(语语言意 义义和功能)语语言知识结识结 构(语语言形式)Unit 9 Talking about the history of inventions When was the car invented? It was invented in 1885. What

10、are they used for? Theyre used toseeing in the dark.(被动语态动语态 、特殊疑问问句)第九册 文化主题结构与 语言知识结构单单元文化主题结题结 构(语语言意 义义和功能)语语言知识结识结 构(语语言形式)Unit 10Talking about past events (narrating past events)By the time she got up, her brother had already gone into the bathroom. When she got to school, she realized she had

11、 left her backpack at home. (过过去 完成时时及其常见见搭配)第九册 文化主题结构与 语言知识结构单单元文化主题结题结 构(语语言意 义义和功能)语语言知识结识结 构(语语言形式)Unit 11Asking for information politely Excuse me. Do you know where I can buy some shampoo? Could you tell me how to get to the post office? (情态动词态动词 用法,宾宾 语语从句)第九册 文化主题结构与 语言知识结构单单元文化主题结题结 构(语语言意

12、 义义和功能)语语言知识结识结 构(语语言形式)Unit 12Telling what we are supposed to do (talking about customs)What are you supposed to do when you meet someone? Youre supposed to kiss. When were you supposed to arrive? I was supposed to arrive at 7:00. You should have asked what you were supposed to wear. (表 达“应该应该 ”、“理

13、应应”的表达法be supposed to 及其不同时态时态 ,情 态动词态动词 should 的用法)第九册 文化主题结构与 语言知识结构单单元文化主题结题结 构(语语言意 义义和功能)语语言知识结识结 构(语语言形式)Unit 13Talking about how things affect us (expressing different feelings)Loud music makes me tense. Sad movies make her want to leave. Waiting for her made me angry. (动词动词 make+sb+infinitiv

14、e, make+sb+adjective 的用法)第九册 文化主题结构与 语言知识结构单单元文化主题结题结 构(语语言意 义义和功能)语语言知识结识结 构(语语言形式)Unit 14Talking about recent events (preparing for a vacation)Have you watered the plants yet? No, I havent. Have you packed the camera yet? Yes, Ive already put it in my suitcase. ( 现现在完成时时及其常用副词词already, yet的用法)第九册

15、文化主题结构与 语言知识结构单单元文化主题结题结 构(语语言意 义义和功能)语语言知识结识结 构(语语言形式)Unit 15 Debating an issue (protecting the environment) 语语法复习课习课 (现现在进进行时时,一般现现 在时时,used to结结构,被动语态动语态 , 现现在完成时时) 1、教材编者的主要意图:通过听、说、读、写 等多种形式的活动,培养学生能用口头和书面表 达自己的学习经验及学习英语的困难,并能用 所学句型和学习英语的方法为他人提供建议。Unit 1举例2、单元话题与学生生活的关系 :本单元话题为 “Showing problem

16、 and giving advice on how to learn English well”,涉及了 学生较为熟悉的自己学习英语的经历以及为他 人提供学习英语的建议。 Unit 1举例2、单元话题与学生生活的关系 :(1) 复习和操练making vocabulary list,listning to tapes,working with friends, making flashcards,reading textbook, listening to tapes,asking the teacher for help;Unit 1举例3、重点词汇目 标:(2) 学习和操练trouble, pronunciation, sentences, forget, understand, practice ;What aboutUnit 1举例3、重点词汇目 标


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