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1、以下是麦克风使用说明书,结合所学知识谈谈说明书翻译过程中应注意什么。Instruction Manual fro Sharp UD-952 Microphone Features (1) This type of microphone employs a double dome diaphragm to achieve a well balanced sound quality from the lower range to the upper range so that a crystal clear sound quality is produced. (2) A light alumin

2、um wire (LAW) is employed for the voice coil to achieve high quality sound. (3) A reliable Sharp brand connector is employed Operation Instructions (1) Insert the microphone plug into the microphone terminal. (2) Switch the microphone to the “ON” position. (3) Adjust the volume with the volume contr

3、ol knob on the amplifier before use. (4) Move the microphone switch to the “OFF” position when you finish the song or speech before handling the microphone to someone else. Precautions: (1) If the microphone head is covered by hand or the microphone is carried to the speaker, a sharp noise may be ge

4、nerated, which is caused by the microphone picking up the sound output from the speaker. To prevent this first decrease the volume, then place the microphone in such a way that it is not pointed to the speaker. Be sure that there is a sufficient distance between the microphone and the speaker. (2) T

5、he microphone is sensitive equipment. So avoid dropping or hitting it. Dont apply strong shock to it. (3) Dont store the microphone in a place with high temperature or humidity.夏普UD-952麦克风指导手册 特征 (1)这种类型的麦克风用一个双圆顶隔膜使声音从低音到高音变化平稳以便产生清晰明亮的声音。 (2)轻质铝线材音圈可以产生高品质声音。 (3)具备可靠的夏普连接器 操作说明书 (1)把麦克风插头插入麦克风终端。 (2)把麦克风开关置于“ON”位置。 (3)使用前用音量控制钮把音量调节在放大位置。 (4)把麦克风传给别人前把开关置于off位置 注意事项: (1)如果麦克风的顶部被手遮住或者麦克风移到扬声器前会产生尖锐的噪声,这是因为麦克风接收到 从扬声器输出的声音。为防止这种情况出现,首先把音量降低,然后把麦克风放到不是面向扬声器的 位置。确保麦克风与扬声器间有足够长的距离。 (2)麦克风是敏感设备,所以避免掉落和击打并且不要有强烈震动。 (3)不要在高温或潮湿的地方存放麦克风百联网 http:/ LYbslF4pcCai



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