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1、 典地扳罢册邦斑敌拜垂稗翟罢柄罢邦锤爸佃罢邦捕邦 ( 1 )The End-term Test of the First Term of Junior 2蒂邦脆爸 伴刀稗陡 超搬泵半 摆稗乘邦宝鼻半吧、伴车稗伯办摆稗得爸瓣爸拜罢斑敌挡罢炒伴炒扳邦拜便邦( (听读音,选出你所听到的句子,注意听三听读音,选出你所听到的句子,注意听三遍)遍)(泵半 6 )笆、 搬悲俺斑敌稗爸车稗炒捶拜兵翟罢罢爸蒂爸办搏半(翻译你所听到的英语短语)(翻译你所听到的英语短语) (泵半 4 ) 八 伴车稗伯半摆稗稗邦炒敌瓣爸拜罢斑敌办稗炒伴炒扳邦拜便邦( (听读音,根据所提的问题,选择正确的答听读音,根据所提的问题,选择

2、正确的答案)案)(泵半 12 ) ( )1. A. Yes, I didnt. B. NO, I didnt. C. I got up before 7 oclock. D. I didnt get up before 7 oclock, ( )2. A. was it your ticket? B. I found it on the floor. C. It is on the floor. D. Its on the floor. ( )3. A. It is November the twelfth. B. Its Monday. D. to. It was November the

3、twelfth. D. It was Monday. ( ) 3. A. Its summer now. B. Its eight a.m. C. Its fine. D. Its June 30th.( ) 4. A. Ill go to visit Beijing. B. So it is. C. Its a hot holiday. D. The same to you.( )6AIm fine, thanks. BIm twelve years oldCYes, I am. DNice to see you.伴淳柄敌鼻半疤 缠俺搬兵搬底拜斑敌伴车稗长爸邦罢爸得罢罢扮稗罢碉扳拜爸脆伴扯搬

4、炒伴炒扳邦拜便邦(找出一个划线部分与其他三个(找出一个划线部分与其他三个不同的单词)不同的单词)(泵半 7 )( )1 Aother Bworry Cbottle Dsomething( )2 Ais Bchild Clisten Dsing( )3 Aabout Baway CChina Dglass( )4 Athing Bthem Cother Dwith( )5 Awatch Bwrite Cwork Dwould( )6 Awinter Bwrong Cwait Dwish( )7 Abusy Bnut Churry Djust巴 缠俺搬兵搬底拜斑炒拜爸车稗层扳党爸邦宝败碴拜财罢伴炒

5、扳邦拜便邦 (找出下例句中划线词语的同义或找出下例句中划线词语的同义或近义词近义词)(泵半 7 )( )1. Do you often help your parents cook the meals? A. father B. mother C. both A and B D. brother ( )2. Put his bag in front of you. A. beside B. near C. before D. behind ( )3. Where do you sit? A. What is you B. Where is your seat C. Where are you

6、D. Where do you go ( )4. He went home at half past five. A. thirty to six B. four thirty C. five thirty D. thirty to five ( )5. Why didnt the children go to school? ( )2.A. whos the teacher of Class 1 ? B. Who teaches Class 1 ? C. Who is in Class 1 ? ( )3.A. Jims cake is big. B. Han Maumees cake is

7、bigger than Lilys C. Lilys cake is not the biggest of all. ( )4.A. whats Li Lei going to do next week? B. When is Li Lei going to leave? C. When are they going to meet? ( )5.A. You must come first. B. I must do my homework first. C. Work is the first. ( )6.A. Usually, Tom catches the number 11 bus t

8、o go home. B. Usually, Tom takes the number 7 bus to go home. C. Usually, Tom catches the number 7 bus to go home. ( )1.A. Can I have this book, please? B. May I have a piece of paper, please? C. May I have a look at your book, please? 典地扳罢册邦斑敌拜垂稗翟罢柄罢邦锤爸佃罢邦捕邦 ( 2 )A. boys and girls B. boy and girl C

9、. student D. people( )6Please be quick! The class is going to begin.Ahurry up Bdont be late Crun quickly Dcome earlier( )7. What did Li Lei have for lunch yesterday? A. get B. take C. drink D. eat 拔 伴炒扳邦罢叼邦椿拜斑( (单项选择)单项选择)(泵半 6 )( ) 1. When were you born , Lily ?I was born _ June 17 , 1987 .A. inB.

10、onC. at( ) 2. I think English is _ interesting.A. very B. much C. many more D. much more( ) 3. _ a spring morning, they leave London.A. On B. In C. At D. By( ) 4. Teachers Day comes September 10th.A. in B. on C. at D. of( ) 5. Can you read it English?A. with B. in C. at D. on( ) 6. Were you free the

11、 morning of April 1st?A. in B. on C. at D. for 跋、拜垂稗捶拜翟罢搏半( (英汉词组互译)英汉词组互译)(泵半 8 )1、all the time 5、帝办拜锤爸邦伴吵档俺 op 2、up and dow 6、霸斑半兵罢斑 3、do some shopping 7、罢拌伴伴闭半糙邦扳 4、put on 8、搬豹靛邦搬炒点罢邦 靶 第伴吵稗昌半败碴拜宝伴辨半搬窗邦(根据要求写出下列各词)(根据要求写出下列各词)(泵半 10 )1. Mr. Wang (teach) maths in the school a few years ago.2. Excu

12、se me; can you tell me the_ (near) shop, please? 3. December is the_ (twelve) month of a year. 4Which do you like (well), dolphins or pandas?5Lets study Lesson Twenty, the (twenty)lesson 把 第伴吵稗昌半挡罢编秤扳斑搬搏半拜便邦(根据要求转换句型根据要求转换句型)(泵半 8 )1、Therere 11 players in a team(涤罢拆伴疮拜畅罢白稗办撤搬醇邦划线部分提问)players are there in a team?2、I think I can come here tomorrow.(拜罢罢挡罢办搏半 改为否定句)I think I can come here tomorrow.3.They are very delicious(


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