新gre issue重磅出击:所有题目思路及展开方法参考

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《新gre issue重磅出击:所有题目思路及展开方法参考》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新gre issue重磅出击:所有题目思路及展开方法参考(44页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、说明 1、我上的是波波老师的 GRE 作文课程,因此所写作文按照波波老师的思路来。 2、主体部分三段,分别为分类展开,讨论展开和推理展开。 3、一共 18 个主题,题目很全。 4、本文档目的在于分享经验,并且启迪大家的思路。关键在于每一段找到一个好的切入点以及一个适合的展开方式。 5、希望所有的同学都能在 GRE 考场上干死 ETS! Arts 1. In order for any work of artfor example, a film, a novel, a poem, or a songto have merit, it must be understandable to most

2、 people. It will be better if most arts can be understanded by the majority, because the popularity among the public can inturn facilitate the development of arts. Most artists, like ordinary people, make films, songs and other forms of arts for the purpose of acknowledge from people. In todays soci

3、ety where the popularity of arts can be even quantified, the ambition of artists is more floated. Film, Songs. But I think this criterion for arts and artists will do much harm to the prosperity of them if taken too literally. We are all aware that if we say a society has a prosperous atmosphere of

4、arts, we often mean that various kinds of products can exist at the same time. Given this, if artists all appeal to the propensity of ordinary people who often lack a taste for elegant and sublime spirituals, then the future is gloomy. Whats more, some artists own gifts transcending the time and the

5、ir works deserve much more respect although they may be neglected contemporarily. Peoples tastes are capricious and no one knows what they want next time, so artists owning litte respect at certain period of time may be highly valued at another one. Some people argue that when the works of one artis

6、t are appreciated, he or she has passed away already, then whats the meaning of his or her life? But I want to criticize these people for their selfishness and myopism. One will be respected more if he or she can disregard the opinions of contemporary people, whether prasies or abuses, and be dedica

7、ted to the development of our whole human race. 2. Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people. Others believe taht government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts. It cannot be denied tha

8、t the funding of governments for arts will have some negative effects on the comprehensive prosperity of the field of arts because the governmentors eyes are often colored towards certain kinds of arts as objective to the ideology of the country. We are sure that a government is occupied by a group

9、of people with similar ideals and tastes. But I have to claim that these negative effects have been greatly reduced with the progress of multiculturism and demorcracy. Our country can bear all the existences as long as it does no harm to the state. Further, since globalization is on the way, so some

10、 artists neglected in a country can be appreciated in another, so todays world will create a prosperous. In addition, I want to claim my view in a historical view, that is even some forms of arts may be damaged by the government at a age, they are likely to be funded by latter ones. In this sense, f

11、unding of government can be seen as special although not comprehensive. But some opponents argue that if an artist cannot make works appreciated by contemporary people, it must be a great pity for him. But I want to criticize these people for their selfishness and myopism. One will be respected more

12、 if he or she can disregard the opinions of contemporary people, whether prasies or abuses, and be dedicated to the development of our whole human race. 3. Nations should suspend government funding for arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed. Admittedly, arts means a

13、 lot to our human beings because it has covered the pasr, present and future. Firstly, artists sometimes get inspirationsfrom the achevements of previous works. Secondly, a countrys people cannot live without the nutritions of arts. Lastly, our latter generations will get a huge amount of treasures

14、from our efforts. However, the functions of arts will be greatly weakened when the whole public are worrying about their basic living conditions. If a country is so poor, arts cannot be developed even with the governments funding. For one thing, if an artist is troubled by the supply of food ang she

15、lters, how can he or she be devoted to the artistic creations? For another, granted that many works can be made with the help of government, they can only be consigned be oblivion if no person can appreciate them and give the creators sufficient power to continue their contributions. Additionally, I

16、 want to say that even without the direct patronage of governments, the most extraordinary inspirations can still be put forwrad and passed on. A society, however poor, will have upper classes who are free from the limitations of subsistence and are both enthusiastic and virtuosic about talented artists and their spirits. So funding from private investments may accelerate the prosperity of arts. Even this possibility excluded, I th



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