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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料美国黑人与白人仍存在巨大差距一托福阅读机经背景A new report by the National Urban League, a leading U.S. civil rights organization, says African-Americans still lag far behind whites when it comes to finding jobs, getting adequate healthcare and being enrolled in college. The annual study, which examines the li

2、ves of blacks in the United States, also suggests they are faring worse than whites as the nation emerges from one of the worst economic downturns in decades.全国城市联盟是美国一个主要的民权组织。该组织最近发表报告指出,非洲裔美国人在找工作、获得适当的医疗照顾和上大学等方面仍旧远远地落在白人后面。这项年度研究也涵盖美国黑人的生活状况。报告指出,在美国逐渐从几十年来最严重的经济衰退中复苏之际,黑人的状况要比白人差很多。As the U.S.

3、 economy struggles to rebound from a long recession, some analysts say the recovery is not being felt in the African-American community. Thats why one civil rights organization says it is “declaring a war“ on black unemployment with a plan to spur job creation.在美国努力从一次长期衰退中挣扎出来的时候,一些分析人士指出,非洲裔美国人并没有

4、感受到这种复苏。正因为如此,一个民权组织表示,要通过一个刺激就业机会的计划向黑人失业问题“宣战”。“Every war needs a battle plan, and our battle plan is the National Urban Leagues 12-point jobs plan; jobs rebuild America, putting urban America back to work,“ said Marc Morial, president of the National Urban League.马克摩里亚尔是全国城市联盟的主席。他说:“每场战争都需要一个作战计

5、划,我们的作战计划就是全国城市联盟的12点工作计划,重建美国的工作,让城市居民重新工作。”At a town hall meeting in Washington, his organization released its annual report on the State of Black America. It paints a bleak picture for urban and minority communities entangled in economic uncertainty. The study measures the relative status between

6、 blacks and whites, based on five areas - economics, education, health, social justice and participation in civic activities.全国城市联盟在华盛顿的一次城镇会议上发表了美国黑人状况年度报告。报告描绘了被经济不确定性困扰的城市少数族裔社区的灰暗景象。报告在5个方面对黑人和白人的情况进行了比较,这5个方面是经济、教育、健康、社会公正以及公民活动参与。Valerie Rawlston Wilson, of the Urban League Policy Institute, w

7、orked on the report. “There are major areas of inequality in this country between black Americans and white Americans. The areas where we see the greatest disparities, of course, are in economics. That includes things like unemployment.“参与起草报告的瓦莱里威尔逊说:“在这个国家许多重要的方面,黑人和白人不平等。当然,我们看到的最大不平等存在于经济领域,其中包括

8、失业率。”The U.S. jobless rate for whites is falling. The latest U.S. Labor Department figures put it at 7.9 percent. But the same report says the unemployment rate for blacks rose in March to 15.5 percent. The unemployment rate for black teenagers is 50 percent - more than double the national average.

9、Morial is calling on President Barack Obama and lawmakers to fund targeted job creation programs in more than 400 communities.美国白人的失业率正在下降,劳工部公布的最新数字是百分之7.9。但同一个报告显示,黑人的失业率3月份上升到百分之15.5,而黑人青少年的失业率更是高达百分之50,是全国青少年平均失业率的一倍多。摩里亚尔呼吁奥巴马总统和国会议员为全国400多个社区的专项就业项目提供资金。“We need a focused strategy on those com

10、munities where unemployment is higher, where poverty is higher. The bigger the headache, the bigger the pill. That means, the higher the unemployment rate, the bigger dose of medicine needed to get beyond unemployment and get back to economic growth,“ said Morial.他说:“我们需要一个专门针对那些失业率高、贫困率高的社区的战略。问题越大

11、,解决方法的力度越大。也就是说,失业率越高,越需要更有力的措施,不仅解决失业问题,而且要推动经济恢复增长。”The Urban League says another major factor in the economic gap between black and white Americans is the lack of college degrees among many blacks. The report says college enrollment among African-American high school graduates continues to fall,

12、with black students less likely to enroll compared to whites.全国城市联盟指出,黑人和白人经济差距的另一个主要因素是许多黑人没有大学学位。报告说,黑人高中毕业生的大学录取率持续下降,黑人学生被录取的可能性小于白人学生。Chatman Young, a accounting student at Howard University in Washington, has landed a job at a bank after he graduates. He said without a good education, it will

13、be difficult for young African-Americans to find a good job.华盛顿霍华德大学会计专业的查特曼扬毕业后在一家银行找到了工作。他说,没有好的教育背景,黑人青年很难找到好工作。“Because of the lack of jobs we do have, it is going to be very competitive to land a job, and if you dont have the necessary requirements to get even the minimum salary, it is actually

14、 going to be very difficult for you to be successful,“ said Young.“由于工作机会少,所以竞争得非常激烈。假如你不具备哪怕挣最低工资的必要条件,你要想成功的话是非常困难的。”The National Urban League report makes several recommendations to Congress, including providing funding for a summer youth jobs program and creating 100 urban job training schools - to prepare young African-Americans for careers in areas such as technology and healthcare.全国城市联盟的报告向国会提出几个建议,其中包括为夏季青年工作项目提供资金,成立100所城市工作培训学校,让年轻的非洲裔美国人做好准备,进入技术和医疗等领域。相关推荐:美越来越多的人有偿照顾自家老人一托福阅读机经背景动荡后的巴林经济前景不明一托福阅读机经背景美国采取措施加强食品安全一托福阅读机经背景日本数千民众上街抗议核电站一托福阅读机经背景虚构人物神探陈查理及其原型一托福阅读机经背景相关字搜索: 小马托福


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