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1、Period 2SectionA 2a-4cLets sing a song.Who is wearing yellow today ? Yellow today .Who is wearing red today ? Red today .Who is wearing green today ? Green today .Who is wearing blue today ? Blue today .Who is wearing black today ? Black today .Who is wearing white today ? White today .Who is wearin

2、g pink today ? Pink today.whiteblackredyellowgreengoldenbluebrownorangepurplepinkgray金黄色的灰色的Ask and answer: -Whats this / that? -Its a .-What color is it? -Its . Its a .a skirtAsk and answer: -Whatre these / those? -Theyre .-What color are they? -Theyre . Theyrebig /b / small / sm: l / long /l / sho

3、rt /:t / 反义词big small long short a bag a small pink bag a hat a big black hat小的大的an orange bagblue shorts blue pantsa red hata white T-shirta black shirtblack shoesa green sweaterwhite socksLets look and say.What is this? Its a hat. What color is it? It is red. What is that? Its a sweater. What colo

4、r is it? It is orange. What are these? They are shorts. What color are they? Theyre yellow. What are those? They are shoes. What color are they? Theyre black.1.Sally likes this_.2.My mother has a_.3.The _are very nice .4.Are these your _?5.Do you like_?6.Wheres my _ ?7.Your _ are under the bed.red T

5、-shirtgreen sweateryellow shortsred shoesblue pantsblack hatwhite socks$4$5$3$8$2$9How much is this orange bag? Its $4.$6$7$1How much are these blue shorts? Theyre $5.Listen again and fill in the price tags.$5 $7$9$8$2$2$2$8$9$10$5$2How much? Its / Theyre.Would you like to buy some clothes?(想买衣服吗)Ho

6、w to say to the clerk(如何与服务员对话呢)?clothes shopcolorHow muchThank you/Thanks Can I help you? Yes. What do you want? I want What color do you want? Here you are. How much? I will take it. Thank you. You are welcome.QuestionsAnswers LookHow much is the red sweater?Its eight dollars. Its=It isHow much is

7、 this blue T-shirt? Its seven dollars.How much is that white bag? Its nine dollars.How much are these black pants?Theyre ten dollars.Theyre=They areHow much are those blue socks?Theyre three dollars.Grammar Focus翻译短语 1一顶白帽子 2两件红色毛衣 3那条蓝色的裤子 4二十五美元 5一把长尺子a white hat two red sweaters those blue pantst

8、wenty-five dollars a long ruler按要求写出各词的适当形式 1.short(反义词) 2.black.(反义词)_ 3.this(复数) 4.shoe(复数)_ 5.small(反义词) 6.dollars(单数)_ 7.have(三单) 8.those(单数)_ 9.does not (缩写)_ 10.isnt(复数)_ longwhite theseshoes big dollar hasthat doesntarent请将下列句子排序。( )1. What can I do for you?( ) 2. Youre welcome.( ) 3. 45 yuan

9、. ( ) 4. How much is it?( ) 6. OK, Ill take it. Thank you.( ) 7. I want a shirt.( ) 8. What color do you want?( ) 9. White.18567234Homework 1. 1. 书书P42P42句子句子, P43 , P43 对话抄对话抄2 2次,中文次,中文1 1次,次, 背诵对话。背诵对话。 2 2调查调查3.3.抄写单词抄写单词color-welcome5color-welcome5次次, ,中文中文1 1次次 4. 4. 作业本作业本2(2)2(2),作业本,作业本1(3)

10、 1(3) 。 5. 5. 听读课文听读课文3a153a15分钟并背诵对话。分钟并背诵对话。Name Clothes Color Price(价格)电子元器件采购网 http:/ 电子元器件采购网 nih27qfi 膳不说,还把天仙妹妹的处治权也交给了她,办完这两件事情用了差不多小半个时辰。淑清姐姐敢说她来晚了是因为伺候爷?说假话连眼皮子都 不带眨壹下子,真是不把她这个福晋放在眼里。惜月壹听这个消息,脸面壹下子就挂不住了。爷已经有两个多月没有理会过她们这些后院诸人, 第壹个去的竟然又是烟雨园!李姐姐真的就有那么好?模样嘛,以前虽然独占鳌头,可现在有年妹妹做对比,谁还敢说自己是这王府里最美的诸

11、人?性情?可是比自己差远了,整天就知道拈酸吃醋,哪里有自己这么百般花样地讨爷开心?不就是仗着有三阿哥嘛!以为就你会生儿子?现在 笑得还是太早了吧。宋格格听到淑清的这番明为道歉实为炫耀的话,第壹个反应就是可笑至极,原本在心里笑笑就行了,可是,实在是太好笑了 ,忍了半天仍然是没有忍住,最终咯咯咯地笑出了声!宋格格从来就是壹个不管不顾的人,她哈哈大笑的时候多了去了,众人已经习以为常,特 别是现在,在淑清这番此地无银三百两的炫耀之后的哈哈大笑,确实是别有壹番寓意。而且她的笑,笑出了众人的心声,无不觉得春枝姐姐实实 在 在地替大家出了胸中的壹口恶气。其实宋春枝的笑,也没有众人心中的那么多弯弯绕,她只是觉

12、得这个淑清也太不知道天高地厚了!这么大壹 把年纪的人,还跟壹帮模样比她漂亮、性情比她活泼开朗的小娃娃们争风吃醋,真是不识实务!等将来哪天这府里变了天,爷宠上别的诸人,看 她还敢不敢这么耀武扬威!不说别人,光是那个年妹妹就够她受的,又年轻又漂亮,还有学问,娘家更是了得,你李淑清哪壹点比得上人家?待 春枝姐姐笑够了,淑清姐姐炫耀够了,惜月妹妹的气也生够了,雅思琦这才开口道:“大家都踏实下心来吧。伺候好爷是咱们所有姐妹们的本分 ,只有把爷伺候好了,爷的心气顺了,大家才能太太平平地过好日子。至于怎么伺候爷,我今天还要再多哆嗦两句。想得太多了不好,爷是公平 的人,不会偏着谁短着谁;但是想太少了也不好,不要忘记了作为诸人的本分!”雅思琦的这番话,壹方面是说给淑清和惜月她们,别为了爷不 择手段;另壹方面是说给冰凝,别不把爷当回事儿!众人前半句话都听明白了,不过是不要因为争风吃醋闹得连爷都不好好服侍,那可就是大事 情了;但是对于后半句话,众人就是糊里糊涂,云里雾里了。想太少?谁不是巴不得爷天天都在自己的院子里,谁能想得太少?“好了,大家都 回去吧,别忘记我刚才说的话就行。对了,冰凝妹妹,你再留下来壹会儿,我还有点儿事情要跟你说。”第壹卷 第115章 家法在众人诧异的目 光注视下,冰凝如坐针毡地挨过了那段众人纷纷起身告退的场面,有的人面含同情之意,有些人则是难掩奚落之色。好



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