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1、- 1 -徐州市八年级下英语试卷(Unit1-2) MinTianle 2014-4-12一、单项选择(共 20 分)1.-_ ? -I enjoy it very much .A.What s the book like ? B.Whats the book about?C.Why do you like the book? D.How do you like the book?2.-learning English well is _. - - Yes, but it will become much easier if you _.A.hard work ; hard work B.ha

2、rd work ; work hard C.a hard work; hard work Da ha rd work ; work hard.3.The twins _ China since their father came to work in Shanghai.A.have been to B.have gone to C.have been in D.have been4._ great fun it is _ tricks on those boys.A.How, to play B How, playing C.what, to play D.what a, playing .5

3、.-Hes never missed his lessons, _ ? - _, sometimes.A.is, No B.has, Yes C.hasnt , Yes D.isnt, No6.-Wheres Lucy ? - She_the supermarket to buy some tea.A.has been to B.has gone to C.went to Dhas been in7.-Could I have a look at your new computer ?- Sorry, I _ it to Allen . She _to borrow it this mor n

4、ing.A.have lent, came B.lend, was coming C.had lent, came D.have lent, will come.8.Its not my house . It may be _.A.someone elses B. someone else C.else someone D. someone elses9.He wants to buy a walkman_. A.either B.as well C.as good D.as well as 10.- L ook ! The wind is getting _ to us.- Oh ! We

5、should keep all the windows and doors _.Aclose, closed B. close , close C. closed , open D. close, open11.He couldnt wait _his mother the good news. A. tell B.telling . C to tell D.tells12.After _, I begin to like live there.A.sometime B.some time C.sometimes Dsome times13.He told us everything _, s

6、o I am quite _ now.A.clearly ,clear B. clearly ,clearly C. clear ,clear D. clear ,clearly.14.Most people find it _ to watch a basketball match . But I am not _ in it.A.excited, interesting B. exciting, interesting C. excited, interested D. exciting, interested15.I _ the day before yeaterday . Ive _

7、for two days.A.arrived , come back B.reached,returned C. got, returned back D. arrived, been back16.His mother has lived in this town _ ten years ago . A.in B.for C.since D.after 17.The nearest museum is 20 metres _ here.A.far from B.away from C.far away from D.off from18.Trerere so many trees on _

8、side of the road. A.each B.every C.all D.both19.- _ will you finish the job ? - In half an hour.A.How long B.How soon C.H ow often D.How fast20._weather it is ! A.How hot B.What a hot C.How a hot DWhat hot- 2 -二完形填空 (共 10 分)When you learn new words, dont just memorize(记住 )words. Instead, try to use

9、each new word to _1_five sentences .Then use new words as_2_ as you can. This _3_ , you will remember new words much longer. Practising sounds, such as the “th ” sound , is _4_ . Choose _5_ that begin with “th ”and repeat (重复)them again and again_6_ you are comfortable with them. Lets try ! This, th

10、at, them, think, though, through, thin, thick-.Read , read, read in English , of course ! _7_ is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary and improve your grammar(增加你的词汇,提高你的语法 ) in a natural way and fun way. Be sure to _8_ topics(题目) or books you are interested in.When someone is talking in

11、 English , lis ten for the main points . If you hear a word you dont _9_ , let it pass and go on listening . If y ou stop and think about the word, you will _10_ everything else the person is saying.Always remember -Practice makes perfect.A.say B.make C .remember D.speakA.soon B.especially (特别地) C.o

12、ften D.hardA. day B.time C.way D.wordA.difficult B.terrible C.funny D.uselessA.sentences .B.sounds C.words D.waysA.when B.after C.until D.sinceA.Writing B.Reading C.Write D.ReadA.change B.choose C.show D.writeA.use B.care C.understand D.realizeA.miss B.guess C.get D.catch五、单词拼写(共 20 分)A)根据句子意思,用括号中所

13、给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。1.Dont smoke , please . Its _(harm) to your health.2.Its a _ ( use ) CD, so I will use it on the computer.3.How _( luck) I was to hurt my leg in the car accident.4.Tom and Marry got _( marry ) and they lived happily.5,We should treat the old _ ( kind ) 6.Im too tired to walk any _ (

14、far ).7.Piease tell me the _ ( mean ) of the word ? 8.Dont drink the _ ( pollute ) water.9.What a _( shine ) hair clip she wears ! She looks colorful.10. They actors felt very tired because of the long _( perform ).B)用单词正确形式填空,每空填一词11.How long has the film been_(开始).12.I always feel very _(放松的) after talking



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