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1、 学生毕业论文学生毕业论文题题 目:目: 我国商业银行交易银行业务的发展与分析我国商业银行交易银行业务的发展与分析 以中信银行为例以中信银行为例指导教师:指导教师: 职职 称:称: 姓姓 名:名: 学学 号:号: 班班 级:级: 年年 级:级: 专专 业:业: 年 月 日I我国商业银行交易银行业务的发展与分析 以中信银行为例摘 要目前我国经济处于结构化调整、经济转型的过渡阶段,银行业在新常态背 景下进入行业调整期,我国商业银行的业务模式有待转型,而交易银行具有低 风险、低资本占用、收益稳定、触角延伸范围广等优点,符合轻型银行的运营 特点,能够使得商业银行以相对较少的成本带来稳定的存款,是重要的

2、存款、 收入和利润来源,而且交易银行使得商业银行的业务触角还可从企业自身扩展 至该企业涉及到的上下游产业链,提供一站式的闭环全链条结算和融资服务, 有利于扩展客户基础,积极发展交易银行已经成为我国各大商业银行在新常态 背景下调整优化发展模式的重要策略,在这一背景下对我国交易银行进行研究 具有重要的理论和实践意义,交易银行在我国仍位于起步时期是的当前关于交 易银行的研究较少,因此本文可以丰富交易银行业务问题的相关研究,在此基 础上本文提出相关建议,对我国商业银行发展交易银行、加快结构优化升级具 有一定实践指导意义。 鉴于此,本文首先对交易银行的概念、特点、国外实践、发展意义以及目 前在我国的发展

3、现状进行了概述;其次,基于 SWOT 法指出了我国商业银行发展 交易银行的优势和劣势、机遇和挑战;再次,本文以中信银行为例详细论述了 商业银行发展交易银行的理念与实践;最后据上提出了促进我国交易银行发展 的建议。 【关键词】交易银行;商业银行;中信银行IIAbstractWith Chinas economic transformation and upgrading and deepening of financial reform, the banking industry will enter a stage of high risk and low return, and the bu

4、siness model of Chinas commercial banks need to be transformed. Transaction banking have many advantages such as low risk, light capital, stable income, high customer loyalty, etc., so fit in with the operating characteristics of light bank. Transaction banking brings commercial banks a stable depos

5、it with relatively little cost , and drives large financial resources with less capital investment, so transaction banking can effectively reduce capital consumption and become an important source of savings, income and profit. And transaction banking makes the service tentacles of commercial banks

6、extend from the core of the enterprise to the downstream industry chain, to provide one-stop closed loop chain settlement and financing services, which is conducive to expanding customer base. The development of transaction banking has become the strategic choice of Chinas major commercial banks in

7、the context of the new normal transformation and upgrading. Under this background, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to conduct research on Chinas transaction banking. Chinas transaction banking are still in its infancy and there is less research on transaction banking, so this p

8、aper can enrich the research on the problem of transaction banking. On this basis, this paper is of important guiding significance for the development of Chinas transaction banking, and the acceleration of transformation and development of Chinas commercial banks. In view of this, this paper carries

9、 on the summary to the connotation, characteristics, foreign development practice of transaction banking, and introduces the current development situation in China; secondly, using SWOT analysis method, this paper points out the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats of Chinas bank

10、transaction development; thirdly, based on the case of CITIC Industrial Bank this paper discusses the concept and practice of the development of transaction banking; finally according to above this paper puts forward the suggestions to promote the development of Chinas transaction banking.Key Words:

11、Transaction Banking; Commercial Bank; CITIC BankIII目 录1 绪论 .1 1.1 研究背景及意义.1 1.2 研究内容 .1 1.3 研究方法 .1 2 交易银行的基础理论及发展现状.2 2.1 交易银行的概念.2 2.2 交易银行的特征.2 2.3 交易银行的国际实践.2 2.4 发展交易银行业务对商业银行的现实意义.3 2.5 我国商业银行交易银行业务的发展现状.3 3 我国商业银行交易银行业务发展的 SWOT 分析.4 3.1 我国商业银行交易银行业务发展的优势(strength).4 3.2 我国商业银行交易银行业务发展的劣势(weakness).4 3.3 我国商业银行交易银行业务发展的机遇(opportunity).5 3.4 我国商业银行交易银行业务发展的挑战(threat).6 4



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