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1、阿 (交通土建工程本科) 英译汉 1. Construction plans and .held to both. 施工图纸和规范规定了材 料或施工程序应满足的许 多要求。达到要求的方法 有两种,一种称为“方式 与方法” ,详细地阐明所要 提供的材料或所用的程序; 另一种称为“结果”或 “最终结果” ,规定预期的 最终产品,将方式与方法 留给承包商去选择。有时 两者均可能写入合同文件, 但在这种情况下,由于承 包商不能同时遵从两者, 故有关部门实施“结果” 条款的能力可能值得怀疑。2.The basic concept.less than the surface course. 柔性路面设计基

2、本概念就 是荷载施加于路表上,是 连续地分布到较大区域面 积之上的,并向下传递到 较低的层位中,直到其强 度减少到比路面下天然土 还低,这就意味着整个层 位体系都是联系的,总的 来说,较低的层位比面层 的成本低。 3.The advent of highgutters at the side of the road. 高速分向公路的出现引发 了一个老问题:潮位空气 下的路表,当时速超过 80km/h 时,如果有水存留 于路中,运动的轮胎与路 表之间有水的侵入,就会 减小压实的有效面积,如 果水在轮胎之下长期滞留, 那么所有的直接接触都会 消失,打滑现象就会产生。 新型的汽车轮胎都带有排 水的花

3、纹,但是更为有效 的解决办法是应用大孔隙、 排水路表,这就可以使雨 水由表面排走,而不用引 入到水沟后从路边排走。 4.It often becomes .hydraulic standpoint. 为了给道路或机场让道, 经常需要改移部分天然水 道。通过现有河流的改道, 将其保持在道路的一侧, 而不是来回跨越,通常能 将大大小小的排水构造物 取消。在许多构造物位置, 现场调查指出改渠和改善 构造物的上下游,从水力 学的观点看,可能提供一 种更好的情况。汉译英 1.公路定线一般.两种方 法 Generally speaking,highway alignment has two methods

4、,ie on-the-job alignments and paper alignment. 2.驾驶员对前方称为视距 The sight distance can be defined as the maximum distance that the driver can see from the anterior objects in the traveled way. 3.城市运输系统组成部分 The city transportation system is a basic part of the social and economic system of the urban area

5、s. 4.这些经验.属于线形 Those experience has taught us that the briadges must be subordinatted to the alignment. 5.每一施工阶段。 。 。以确保 结构的安全。 In each construction stage, the deck deflections must be carefully surveyed to ensure the safety of the structure. 6.对于多车道.是有利的 As for multilance highway ,it is possibly be

6、neficent to design the vis-vis travel lane as two separate roads. 7.水文分析两个基本步骤 Hydrographic analysis and hydrodynamic design are two basic procedures for solving the problem of overland drainage. 8.应该按统计方法来研究结 构抗力 The structural resistance should be researched according to statistical method. 9.按照上部

7、结构类型和基础 情况拟定初步尺寸。 The preliminary dimensions are assumed according to the type of super structure and foundation. 10.交通事故是指。 。 。物质 损失 A traffic accident denotes the event in which personal injury or death or property damage is caused by vehicles in traffic. 11.在路面中,低基层 In the roadway ,the subbase ca

8、n act as an independent layer,or doesnt exist at all. 12.这种结构的例子。 。就有记载。 The examples of this type of construction were recorded along time ago. 13.悬臂施工的主要优点是。 。 The principal advantage of the cantilever construction is to eliminate the falsework. 14.我们必须注意防结冰 损坏 We should pay attention to chemical

9、compound of preventing freezing whose adverse parts will cause the deck damage of the bridge. 15.合理的路堤施工要求土 壤。 。 。 。 The proper embankment construction requires that the soil be spread in layers, and compacted at a moisture content near optimum. 16.电子计算机的应用使得 精确分析高次超静定问题 成为可能。 The application of ele

10、ctronic computers makes it possible to precisely analyze the highly statically indeterminate systems. 17.差不多在所有工程项目 中, 。 。 。 。 Construction is a complicated process on almost all engineering projects. 18.虽然在白天发生在晚 上 It seems that the traffic transportation is much busier in the day-time but about 1/

11、3 accidents take place at night. 19.软岩隧道不需要使用 炸药 The main feature of the construction of the loose-rock tunnel is that no gunpowder is needed in the process.9.阅读理解 (12)Research is one of the most.structural materials. 1.Research is one of(the most important). 2.A research is often employed (in a lab

12、oratory). 3.A research usually.(scientists and engineers). (11)The current tendency.as part of the mixture 1.The current tendency (to develop lighter materials). 2.An aluminum weighs (much less than steel). 3.An aluminum has (many of the same .). (10)The employer or promoter by the promoter 1.The co

13、nditions by (the promoter). 2.The obligations that (the contractor). 3.In most cases 。 。 。 (it has been accepted). (9) Vehicular safety design 1.According to the passage, which is not mentioned?(brake pedal) 2.According to the passage, which become standard .(four-way emergency flashers) 3.According

14、 to the passage, which design is described? (Vehicular safety) (8)Clearing the site precedesbe required 1.According to the passage, .?(site clearing) 2.According to the passage,(earth)is not. 3.If all vegetable(the vegetable grow fast) 4.Sometimes clearing(adjacent areas ) (6)That works must beon th

15、ese matters 1.The work must be.(the employers representative) 2.The employer might be able to(postpone indefinitely). (5)Civil engineering feasibility studies. 1.Civil engineering (almost always distinctive). 2.Each project(must be studied carefully) 3.The study, which (feasibility study) 4.Which of

16、 ?(Today civil engineering.)(4)In the universitymust be considered 1.Mathematics is(it is greatly stressed) 2.Statistics deals with(gathering,calssifying or pieces of information) 3.An important aspect of statistical(probability) 4.Which is the main meaning of the passage?(Mathematics is very)(3)Materials are usually .any previ



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