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1、 湖南银行农信社招聘网2014湖南银行考试:银行对英语四六级有要求吗湖南银行考试:银行对英语四六级有要求吗 【导读】湖南银行招聘考试网为您提供湖南省银行、农信社招聘信息及相关服务,更多信息请关注湖南银行招聘考试网!对于立志在银行考试中金榜题名的童鞋们,中公教育专家特分析整理出湖南银行招考每日一练,中公助力,祝各位童鞋考试成功!一般都是要求通过英语四级,部分银行要求英语六级,英语专业的毕业生一般应通过国家专业八级。银行考试:英语备考银行考试:英语备考TheThe DailyDaily InquirerInquirerOctoberOctober 8 8Book Review of Anne Na

2、razakisNew Century, New BusinessReviewed by John GilliamAnne Narazakis recent book, New Century, New Business, seeks to examine the new technologies that are critical for global business and how they affect todays corporate transactions. Ms. Narazaki argues that while economic transactions of one ki

3、nd or another have taken place for thousands of years, the impact of changing technology on business has become obvious only recently. In fact, as new technologies have grown more prevalent, Ms. Narazaki observes, international businesses have increased in size and number. At the same time, the time

4、 required to conduct each business transaction has decreased.Mr. Narazaki illustrates her observations with detailed examples of 湖南银行农信社招聘网recent business transactions. Citing the merger of Poynter Technologies and Carce Company, which created the largest financial services company in the world, Ms.

5、 Narazaki explains the effect technology has on the valuation of a company, on communication between the managements of different companies, and on stock and funds trading.Those of us who take an interest in the interaction between business and technology will find Ms. Narazakis ideas persuasive. Th

6、e view that business cannot survive without keeping up with new technology has become todays corporate reality.To: Anne Narazaki Date: October 13 From: Lily Oguro Dear Anne, I know we havent spoken since our days working together at the Rosence Company in Sydney, but Im writing to congratulate you o

7、n the publication of your first book! I happened to read the Daily Inquirer on October 8 and was pleased and surprised to come across John Gilliams article. You must be thrilled at getting such a great review.It seems like ages ago we worked together in Sydney. Do you remember our office? No compute

8、rs, no internet, and three phones for twenty employees. Times and businesses certainly have changed. Judging by what I have read in your book so far, I thoroughly agree with your insightful and engaging assessment of technology and business.Are you still living in London? Ill be making a business tr

9、ip there next month. (Im with Rotaro incorporated now). And it would be nice to see you. In any event, I am really looking forward to finishing your book.Sincerely yours,Lily Oguro 1. In the article, the word “critical” in paragraph 1, line 4 is closest in meaning to 湖南银行农信社招聘网A. growingB. sensitive

10、C. disapprovingD. important2. According to the article, why is the merger of Poynter Technologies and Carce Company mentioned in the book?A. To point out the legal issues raised by new technologiesB. To show how the worlds largest computer technology firm was createdC. To indicate that large compani

11、es have advantages in the marketplaceD. To illustrate the impact technology has on transactions3. What can be inferred about John Gilliam from his review?A. He specializes in articles focusing on history.B. He agrees with the ideas presented in the bookC. He hopes technology will become less importa

12、nt to businessD. He is training to work in corporate mergers.4. Why did Ms. Oguro write an e-mail to Ms. Narazaki?A. To offer her a jobB. To compliment her on her new bookC. To invite her to visit SydneyD. To request advice on writing books5. What does Ms. Oguro indicate about New Century, New Busin

13、ess?A. It is Anne Narazakis first book.B. It is published by Rotaro incorporated湖南银行农信社招聘网C. John Gilliam helped write a section of itD. Anne Narazaki wrote it at Poynter TechnologiesQuestionsQuestions 6-106-10 referrefer toto thethe followingfollowing e-maile-mail andand schedule.schedule.To:Techni

14、cal Support Team From:Sanchez, Hanna Sent:Wednesday, July 10 Subject:Business Technologies Seminar This message is to finalize the organizational details for the technical support team for next Mondays Business Technologies Seminar. Attached you will find the schedule with the names of technical ass

15、igned to the various conference rooms. Each session runs for two hours and made up of four 30-minute presentations. Presenters have been asked to designate a timekeeper to ensure that they do not exceed their time limits. Note that there is a break between each session, which should allow you suffic

16、ient time to prepare for the next speaker.Your job is to set up microphones adjust lighting, and address any other needs of the speakers. Speakers will not be videotaped, but several have to be recorded, so please be sure the recording equipment is in place and functioning properly. Also, room 106 does not have a computer on-site, but the presentation in the third session will re


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