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1、(泛世纪)Theres a systems failure.机器系统出毛病了。Theres a breakdown.出毛病了。Im phoning to complain about the product.我打电话投诉产品问题。Im sorry to hear that. What exactly is the problem?很抱歉。出什么问题了?Its broken./It doesnt work./Its faulty.坏了。/不运行了。/出毛病了。faulty adj (-ier, -iest) having a fault or faults; imperfect 有 缺点的; 有

2、过失的; 不完善的:* a faulty switch 有毛病的开关* a faulty argument 有错误的论据。faultily adv in a faulty manner 有缺点地; 有过失地; 有错误地。I think I can do better than that.我想我能做得更好。Whats the problem?什么问题?The problem is the photocopier isnt working.问题是复印机坏了。1 process for producing photocopies without the use of wet materials (乾

3、式的)影印, 复印:attrib 作定语 a Xerox machine (乾式)影印机。2 photocopy made using this process (乾式影印的)影印件, 复印件:(泛世纪)* make/take a couple of Xeroxes of the contract 复制出合同的影印件。 xerox v produce copies of (documents, etc) using the Xerox or a similar process 影印, 复印(文件等):* Could you xerox this letter please, Paula? 葆拉

4、, 请你把这封信复 印一份行吗?Whats wrong? What exactly is the problem?怎么回事?哪里出毛病了?Theres some paper stuck in the machine.复印机卡纸了。stick (in sth) be or become fixed in one place and unable to move 卡在某处不能移动:* This drawer sticks badly. 这个抽屉卡得死死的。* The key stuck in the lock. 钥匙在锁中卡住了。* The bus stuck in the mud. 公共汽车陷在

5、泥里了。Well be needing payment within 30 days.我们需要在三十天内付款。I think thats acceptable./unacceptable.我认为这可以接受。/不可以接受。I think we could agree to that.我想我们能够同意。Can you offer us the same unit price as last year?你能够为我们提供与去年一样的单价吗?offer / )f(r); US ):f-; )f/ v sth (to sb) (for sth) put forward sth (to sb) to be

6、considered and accepted or refused; present (向某人)提出某事物供考虑、接受或拒绝; 提供:(泛世纪)* The company has offered a high salary. 公司已提出高薪相聘。* She offered a reward for the return of her lost bracelet. 她为寻回 遗失的手镯提出以酬金答谢。* Ive been offered a job in Japan. 日本有份工作要聘请我去做。* He offered her a cigarette. 他敬她一枝烟。* We offered

7、him the house for 35000. 这所房子我们向他索价 35000 英 镑。* He offered 30000 for the house. 他还价 30000 英镑买这所房子。We could do a 20% discount on 700,000 units. Thats the best I can offer.我们七十万件可以打八折。这是最大的折扣。discount / diskaunt; diskaunt/ n U, C1 amount of money taken off the cost of sth 从某物的价格中扣去的数目;折扣:* We give (a)

8、 10% discount for cash, ie for immediate payment. 现 金付款, 我们予以九折优待。2 (commerce 商) amount deducted for paying a bill of exchange 折息 贴现。3 (idm 习语) at a discount (a) at a reduced price 打折扣; 减价。Itll take a couple of days to process your application.银行需要几天来处理你的申请。You should receive written confirmation of

9、 the loan in a few days.几天后,你就会收到贷款的书面答复。Lets talk about delivery dates.我们谈一谈送货日期。Lets talk about using a different (泛世纪)我们谈一谈用另外一个供应商。Well be needing 500,000 units.我们需要五十万件。Have you got all the financial details you need?你得到所需的一切金融详情了吗?Well need security on a loan of this size.我们对这样一笔贷款需要安全担保。My fa

10、ther has agreed to guarantee the loan.我父亲答应担保这笔贷款。Will the bank agree to the loan?银行同意贷款吗?That seems fine. I cant see any problems with your application.大概会的。我看你的申请没有什么问题。I want to borrow some money.我想借一些钱。How are you going to make the repayments?你打算如何还款?I think I need to borrow $500,000.我要借五十万美元。Ha

11、ve you got any capital?你有资本吗?How is the capital invested?资本如何投资的?How soon can we expect delivery?(泛世纪)我们多久能收到邮件?We can deliver the order by 15th.我们可以在十五日发送。Either the delivery is immediate, or well have to cancel the order.若不能立即送货,我们将取消定货。Id like to talk about a bank loan.我想谈一谈银行贷款。What is your inco

12、me?你的收入是多少?What does the guarantee cover?担保的内容是什么?Do you charge extra for delivery?另收送货费吗?Yes, we do.是的。What about delivery time?送货时间呢?We cant deliver before July 12th.七月十二日之前无法送货。If I buy 50 units, will you give me a discount?如果买五十台,可以打折吗?Ill give you a 20% discount if you buy 200.如果买二百台,可以打八折。What

13、 sort of guarantee do you offer?(泛世纪)有什么担保?How long does the guarantee last?担保期多长?Its valid for two years.两年。Its made of wood.木制的。How much does it weigh?有多重?It weighs 15 kgs.重 15 公斤。Could you give me a discount?可以打折吗?It depends on the size of the order.这取决于你的订购数量。What does it look like?什么样子?Its big

14、and heavy but elegant.大而重,但很雅观。What colors does it come in?一共有几种颜色?come in: become available (at a particular time of the year)(在 一年的某一时间)有(货); 可以买到:* English strawberries usually come in in late June. 英国草莓通常在 六月下旬上市)(泛世纪)It comes in red and blue.红色和蓝色两种。Whats it made of?用什么做的?Theres more timber to

15、transport now.现在有更多的木材需要运输。What is the competition like?竞争情况如何?You mean the other companies transporting timber?你的意思是其它木材运输公司吗?Could you send me some details about the C22 model?你能提供 C22 型的详细资料吗?Ill send you a brochure.我给你一份小册子。Could you run through the procedure, please?你能大概演示一下该生产过程吗?First Then Ne

16、xt Finally 首先然后接着最后Whats your share of the existing market?目前,你们占多少市场份额?The total market is growing.总的市场在增长。How much work is there?有多大的工作量?(泛世纪)Ill hang up and call you back, OK?我先挂了,回头再打给你,好吗?What happens here?怎么了?This is where we check the output.这是我们检测产量的地方。Whats this for?这是干什么用的?This is used for cutt


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