Lesson Two The Game of the Name 高英5, 第二单元,课后答案

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《Lesson Two The Game of the Name 高英5, 第二单元,课后答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Lesson Two The Game of the Name 高英5, 第二单元,课后答案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson Two The Game of the NameI. General Arrangement 1. Class Hours 92. Teaching Content1) Background; 2) Language points 3) Structural Analysis of the Text; 4) Topic discussion 5) Exercises6) Homework: Dictation; Recitation; Writing.3. Objective: The text gives us some useful general ideas on the

2、particular aspect of American culture, especially some basic rules in this aspect. By learning the text, the students are supposed to know something about the addressing rules of the English-speaking countries. More significantly, the text will help increase the students cultural awareness or cultur

3、al sensitivity, which, many language teachers have come to realize, should be made one of the goals in teaching.4. Methods to be applied: 1) Questions and answers (comprehension of the text)2) Pair work (greeting practice)3) Oral presentation (talking about Chinese greeting customs)II. The Important

4、 Points1. Language points: a passing acquaintance; speech community; at first thought; a trivial pursuit; unconsciously assimilated; in turn; Social Identity plus Last Name; be obliged; Your Honor; carry on; etc.2. Main idea of the text3. Structural Analysis of the text4. Word study: assume, oblige,

5、 identify, suspend5. Grammar: determiners and pronounsIII. The Difficult Points1. Develop Cultural Sensitivity.2. How to address appropriately/How to address different people in different situations.IV. Detailed Study of the Text1. What rhetorical device is employed in the title “The Game of the Nam

6、e”?a. metaphor The matter of address is compared to a game. Why a game? Rules.b. assonance: agreement between stressed vowels in two words, also called echo, half-rhyming, as in “sharper, garter” “hark, lark”. Assonance produces a pleasant effect on the reader when he reads aloud. There is something

7、 musical involved, that is euphonious, while the problem of address is a serious matter, the writer is in a sense humorous about it while most of the time he is serious.As a game, apart from rules, it is amusing sometimes. The devices are very well interwoven to produce the desired effect.2. a passi

8、ng acquaintance: only a nodding/casual acquaintance, someone I only know slightly. Acquaintance 1) u He has some acquaintance with German, but doesnt speak it fluently.having a bowing/nodding acquaintance with: have some acquaintance with ( a person, a subject)(up)on ( further) acquaintance: when kn

9、own for a further period of time2) c person with who is acquainted, person whom one knows (less intimately than a friend) e.g. He has a wide circle of acquaintances.*make sbs acquaintance, make the acquaintance of sb.*types of relationship between people: ignorance, knowledge, acquaintance, friendsh

10、ip, intimacy, kinship.3. “a nice day” or “ good morning” Such utterances are not intended to transfer information, but to establish or maintain a social relationship. This use of language is called the social function of language. 补充:Functions of language(胡壮麟等语言学教程P10:): 1)Phatic 2) Directive 3) Inf

11、ormative 4) Interrogative 5)Expressive 6) Evocative 7) Performative4. reassure sb.: set sbs mind at ease, remove sbs fears or doubts The collocation in the text is derived from “assure”. assure sb. of sth. (that)5. at the same time that (or when). Without same, use “when”6. at first thought, at seco

12、nd thought A second though reassured me. (at first sight)7. Forms of address revealspeech community.*Forms of address reflect what we think of the relationship between other members of our speech community and us. (disclose many personal judgments we pass on other members of our speech community). e

13、.g. If I address a person as “sir”, respect, or distance.* address (v.): speak to by using a particular form of addressaddress sth. to : send ( a remark, complaint etc.) to: Please address all enquiries to this office. Please address complaints to the manager not to me.address oneself to (formal): w

14、ork at, apply oneself to, be busy with; e.g. Its time we addressed ourselves to the business in hand.*reveal: The doctor didnt reveal to him his hopeless condition.Research has revealed him to be/ revealed that he was the father of 12 children.8. relative ages: being young or old in comparative rath

15、er than absolute terms *the relative advantages of two methods/gas and electricity for heating relative to: referring to; having a connection with the facts relative to this problemthe papers relative to the case9. in turn - out of turn (of two persons) = turn and turn about; (of more than more than

16、 two persons) in succession e.g. The boys were summoned in turn to see the examiner.by turns: (of persons, groups, actions) in rotation; one after the other e.g. She went hot and cold by turns.They laughed and cried by turns. 10. if we are friends outside of our social roles outside of = outside (prep.): No one objected outside one or two.He has no occupation outside his office work.11. Your Honor, your Excellency, but His



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