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1、沈阳理工大学学士学位论文摘 要随着经济的发展,城市车辆增多,给道路交通带来了巨大的压力。很多时候选择开车出行并没有想象中的方便快捷。并且,物价的上涨,汽油价格的上涨,开车出行的成本增高,一些人不得不考虑其他的出行方式了,然而自行车行业与此同时悄然崛起。本文结合 UCC 公司在供应商的选择上做深刻的讨论。国家发展离不开经济的发展,网络发达虚拟经济的“虚火”势不可挡,但是想要对抗金融危机的冲击稳固基础经济必须大力发展制造业。UCC 公司作为国际知名的自行车制造商,秉承了“永续发展经营”的创新理念,于 1997 年成功引进 ERP 管理系统并取得成功。本文所研究的是供应链当中供应商的选择,供应商在交

2、货、提前期、库存水平、产品设计等方面都影响着下游制造商的成功与否,选择一个合适的供应商至关重要。因此,本文结合 UCC 公司对供应商的选择进行了研究。所研究的内容有五个方面。第一部分阐述课题研究的目的与意义。第二部分介绍供应链管理与供应商选择的相关概念。第三部分介绍 UCC 公司的经营情况。第四部分归纳分析 UCC 公司在供应链管理中供应商选择存在的问题。第五部分提出 UCC 公司选择一个适合公司战略发展的供应商的方法与步骤。总之,建立并逐步完善科学合理的供应商选择与管理体系,不断优化提高供应商质量,对于提高企业的管理效益,提高企业的综合水平和竞争力,有着重大意义。关键词:ERP;供应链管理;

3、供应商选择沈阳理工大学学士学位论文AbstractWith the development of economy, urban vehicles increase, brought great pressure to the road traffic. A lot of time to choose to drive did not imagine the convenient and quick. And, rising prices, rising gasoline prices, higher costs of driving, some people have to consider

4、other way to travel, bicycle industry and the same time, quietly rising. In this paper, combining with the UCC company to make a deep discussion on the choice of suppliers.National development cannot leave the development of economy, the network of the developed virtual economy “deficiency fire“ ove

5、rwhelming, but to fight the financial crisis the impact of a solid foundation economy must develop the manufacturing industry. UCC company as an international well-known bicycle maker, adhering to the “sustainable management“ of the innovative concept, in 1997 the introduction of enterprise strategi

6、c management (ERP) system. What I study is supplier selection of supply chain, supplier delivery, lead time, inventory levels, product design affects the success of downstream manufacturers, choose a suitable suppliers is very important. Therefore, the combination of my UCC companys choice of suppli

7、ers is studied. This article studied has five aspects. The first part elaborates the research purpose and meaning. The second part introduces the relative concepts of supply chain management and supplier selection. The third part introduces the UCC company operating condition. The fourth part summar

8、ize the problems in the production and operation of the UCC company. The fifth part help UCC company choose a suitable strategy including the methods and steps of the development of the supplier.All in all, to establish and gradually improve the scientific and reasonable supplier selection and manag

9、ement system, continuous optimization to improve the quality of suppliers, to improve the management efficiency of enterprises, improve the comprehensive level and competitiveness of enterprises, has a great significance.Key words: ERP; Supply chain management; supplier目 录沈阳理工大学学士学位论文1 引 言.11.1 课题研究

10、的背景.11.2 课题研究的目的与意义.12 供应链与供应商选择的概念与认识.42.1 供应链管理的概述.42.2 供应链的概念.42.3 供应链管理涉及的内容.62.4 供应链环境下供应商的关系.72.5 供应链供应商选择的步骤与方法.82.5.1 供应商选择的步骤.82.5.2 供应商选择的方法.92.6 供应商选择的影响因素.103 UCC 公司简介及采购现状.123.1 UCC 公司的介绍.123.2 UCC 公司采购现状.124 UCC 公司供应商选择所存在的问题.144.1 UCC 公司在供应链管理不规范.144.1.1 缺乏供应链管理的概念.144.1.2 供应商开发管理不规范.144.2 UCC 公司供应商选择不科学.154.2.1 供应商过于分散,管理成本偏高.



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