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1、房屋租赁合同 LEASE CONTRACT出租方(甲方): 身份证号码: 联系地址: 承租方(乙方): 身份证号码: 联系地址: 甲乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,就双方出租及承租房屋等事宜签订本合同。Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A):_ ID No.:_Address:_Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B):_ ID No:_Address:_Agence: Sichuan Ecen Estate Agency CO., LTDWith the service of Sichuan Ecen E

2、state Agency, Party A and Party B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.一房屋状况一房屋状况1、甲方拥有的房屋位于成都市 (该房屋所属楼盘 ,幢号: ,楼层: 房号: ) ,建筑面积约为 平方米,产权证丘(地)号为 权 或合同备案号为 。该房屋由甲方租给乙方使用,用途为 。2、屋内附属设施详见合同附件房屋附属设施清单 。一一. House Condition1、 The location of the Patry As

3、 house: _ (The house is at the _ floor, Room_), the refistered size of the leased premises is _square meters (Gross size). Housing Ownership Certificate Number:_ or Contract Registration Number:_, Party A will lease this to Party B for_ . 2、 Enclosed the house affiliated facilities “The list of the

4、Affiliated facilities”.二租赁期限二租赁期限该房屋租期为 个月,自 年 月 日至 年 月 日止。二二. . LeaseLease termtermThe lease term will be from _(month) _(day) _(year) to _(month) _(day) _(year).三租金及支付方式三租金及支付方式1、该房屋月租金为¥ (人民币 万 仟 佰 拾 元整) 。2、租金每 个月交付一次。乙方向甲方支付的首次租金合计¥ ,在本合同签订之日起 日内付清,首次租金对应的租期为 年 月 日至 年 月 日; 第二次租金于 年月 日之前付清,之后每间隔

5、个月支付一次租金。3、乙方于本合同签订之时交纳给甲方押金¥ (人民币 万 仟 佰 拾 元整) 。租期届满,房屋及设施若无损坏遗失且水电气费、电话费、有线电视收视费、宽带网使用费、卫生费、物管费等费用结算完后,甲方于当日内将押金(无息)退还给乙方。三三. . TheThe rentrent1、 The monthly rent is_2、 Payment of rental will be one installment every_month(s).The amount of the first installment is_ which have to pay in _day(s) afte

6、r the contract signing date. The term of the first installment will be from_(month)_(day)_(year) to _(month)_(day)_(year).The second installment will be paid before _(month)_(day)_(year).After the rental will be paid every_month(s).3、 Party B must pay to Party A ¥_ as deposit when signing the contra

7、ct. On the completion of the contract, Party A shall return the deposit without interest to Party B as long as Party B has paid off all outstanding fees (including the damage or the loss, charges for water, electricity, gas, telephone, cable TV, internet, cleaning, property management and so on).四双方

8、责任及违约处理四双方责任及违约处理1、 甲方须征得该房屋共有人同意后方可签订本合同。甲方须保证该房屋权属无争议,若发生权属纠纷而影响乙方使用该房屋,则由甲方承担一切责任,并赔偿由此给乙方造成的经济损失。2、 甲方对乙方的合法使用不得进行干涉,在本合同租期内不得收回房屋,或转租他人。3、 甲、乙双方应按照成都市房屋租赁管理办法 ,在本合同签订后 30 日内到当地房产管理部门办理房屋租赁登记备案手续。非本地户口的,还须到公安机关办理暂住证。4、 乙方须按时支付本合同约定的租金,按时交纳水电气费、电话费、有线电视收视费、宽带网使用费、卫生费、物管费等费用。如乙方逾期交付租金,则每逾期一天,甲方有权按

9、月租金的 1加收滞纳金,并有权收回该屋。5、 乙方应遵守小区物管制度,不得擅自改变该房屋的建筑结构和用途,不得将该房屋转租他人,不得利用该房屋进行违法活动,否则由乙方承担一切责任,并赔偿由此给甲方造成的经济损失,同时甲方有权收回该房屋。6、 乙方如需对该房屋进行装修,必须经甲方同意后方可实施。乙方迁出时,不得拆卸固定的装修设施,以维持该房屋的完整;在征得甲方同意的情况下,乙方可进行拆卸,但必须将该房屋恢复原状。7、 甲方应保证该房屋的建筑质量,发生严重裂缝、渗水、爆管等质量问题,由甲方负责维修;租期内房屋的日常维修(如门窗、家具、电器等)由乙方负责;租期内,该房屋发生被盗或因乙方引起的火灾等事

10、故,由乙方承担全部责任,并赔偿相应损失。8、 租赁期满,乙方应按时迁出。若要继续租用,乙方须提前一个月向甲方提出续租申请,经重新签约后方可继续租用。甲方在同等条件下应优先考虑乙方的续租。9、 租赁期未满,甲乙双方中任何一方均不得提前解除本合同,否则视为违约。违约方应向对方支付二个月租金作为违约金。10、若甲乙双方任何一方未执行本合同之约定而使合同无法履行的,则违约方须承担甲乙双方应付经纪方的合计佣金。11、因不可抗力的因素致使本合同无法履行,甲乙双方互不承担责任。五五. The responsibilities of both parties and the Breach of the con

11、tract1、 Party A must obtain the consent of the co-owner to sigh this contract. Party A guarantee the lease right of the premises. Otherwise, Party A will be responsible to compensate Party Bs losses.2、 Party A cannot interfere the legal use to Party B. Party A is not permitted to take back the lease

12、d premises or sublet to others during the tenancy period.3、 According to “Chengdu lease management”, Party A and Party B have to deal with the house tenancy register in the Local Property Management Department. The non-local has to apply for a temporary residence permit from Public Security Organs.4

13、、 Party B will pay the rent, the charges for water, electricity, gas, telephone, cable TV, internet, cleaning, and property management etc on time. Should Party B be overdue on rent payment, Party A has the right to receive fine for delaying payment by around 1% of the monthly rental, and has the right to take back the lease premises.5、Party B shall abide by the rules of the community. Party B will use the premises lawfully according to this contract without changing the nature of the premises, and has no right to sublet to others.



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